Keeping Secrets

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This happens right after RTTE.


The gang was sitting down on a table in the Mead Hall. It was lunch time and they were doing their everyday chores and duties.

Suddenly, a lady interrupted their conversation. "Excuse me, I'm visting Berk and I have a question." She greeted, smiling kindly.

"Can someone tell me where marriages take place in Berk?" She asked kindly, looking at each of them.

Astrid and Hiccup blushed, looking away from each other. They had been pressured by almost everyone in the village to tie the knot already.

"They know" Snotlout murmured as he nodded to Hiccup and Astrid, earning chuckles from the twins and Fishlegs and glares from the couple.

"Do you?" The lady asked them, hopefully.
"On the hill beside the woods" Both of them mumbled quietly at the same time, making them blush even more and the rest of the group to laugh loudly.

"Umm, okay. Thank you" She waived goodbye and left the group to their laughter.

"Guys, you should know it's not that funny" Hiccup said, annoyed and still blushing.

"I do" Astrid agreed, making the rest of the group double over in laughter.

"She said 'I do'!" Tuffnut howled, wipping the tears out of his eyes.

Astrid sighed. It wasn't a normal day if they weren't pressured to be married. You know it's actually starting to look good now, just to shut them up. Well, it was already good before...

Astrid shook her head, now smiling. Maybe it was funny. At least a little funny that they were so pressured to get hitched.

"You know what?" Astrid said, aloud while leaning her head onto Hiccup's shoulder, making him sit straight in surprise.

"Maybe we already are" Astrid teased, kissing his cheek and continued eating. The others gaped and stared at them, waiting for an ecplanation.

Hiccup chuckled, exhaling. Then, he gestured for everyone to come close. "This is a secret, so don't tell anyone" He said softly as eveyone gathered around him.

"Me and Astrid-"
"Astrid and I" Fishlegs corrected, earning a glare from everyone.

"Astrid and I" Hiccup started again, narrowing his eyes at Fishlegs.
"-are betrothed" He finished, making them gasp in shock.

"NO WAY! YOU GUYS ARE-" Tuffnut shouted loudly but was cut off by everyone else's shouts

"Tuffnut!" Astrid hissed at him, her face forming a scowl.

"Aww, you guys! That's so cute!" Fishlegs cried, tilting his head at them. Hiccup grinned at Astrid and kissed the top of her head.

Astrid laughed softly and sighed happily.
"We'll announce it to the village when we're ready" Astrid told everyone, smirking.

"But for now, you have to keep it a secret." Hiccup teased, making everyone groan in annoyance.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now