From Berk

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Hi guys! Whenever they is written, I mean the people of Berk. Enjoy!


Ever since they kissed in public after the Red Death, all of Berk knew that Hiccup and Astrid would end up getting married and having children.

They saw how much closer the two became as friends to best friends. Astrid would always elbow Hiccup playfully and he would always roll his eyes at her back.

After the gang moved to the Edge, they would only see glimpses and hints of their relationship becoming more as they came by for Snoggletog or their monthly visits.

Hiccup and Astrid had grown a lot since then. Hiccup had gotten stronger and taller as Astrid got even more stronger and beautiful.

Every time they would visit, they would walk along the streets, laughing and talking. Sometimes, the village would hear them training together in the woods or see them flying up in the sky.

On one special visit, when they landed and hot off their dragons, something different happened. Hiccup got down first and held his hand out to Astrid to help her.

She laughed and shook her head, ruffling his auburn hair and jumping down herself. Hiccup rolled his eyes and took her hand after that.

Astrid gladly accepted it and grinned at him widely. Hiccup smiled back at her and squeezed her hand gently.

That was when the village was even more sure that they would end up together. Soon enough, their dating was proclaimed at the Great Hall by a very happy and excited Stoick.

They all celebrated in joy, excited for the couple that they all rooted for. They had been waiting for this for 3 years. Now, it finally happened.

On the next visits, Hiccup and Astrid would walk into the forest, once in a while with a picnic bag in hand. They would always look so happy as they went back home and talked.

Once they arrived at Astrid's house, Hiccup smiled and briefly kissed her. She would grin back and blush a little before going into her house.

They all knew that it would take no time for them to get betrothed, engaged, and then married. This was proven even more when Hiccup would glance at her every so often with loving eyes and Astrid would smile after talking to him.

Three visits after they were announced to be dating, Astrid wore a betrothal necklace around her neck that they all recognized to be Valka's old one.

They all looked between each other and smirked, knowing that they truly would last, just like their chief and former cheiftess.

In the Great Hall, Stoick once more announced that they were betrothed. They celebrated again, but this time they were also silently grieving the loss of their chieftess.

When Hiccup and Astrid walked hand in hand, they would exchange sad smiled with each other, seeing how alike they were to Stoick and Valka.

Finally, they came back and permanently stayed at Berk. They were all able to see how much Hiccup and Astrid grew and loved each other.

They saw that Hiccup had become so much stronger and wiser with Astrid's help and Astrid became more calm and sensitive with him.

They all saw how much they complimented each other by how they helped each other to be better. They would often see Astrid supporting and encouraging Hiccup every time he felt disappointed in himself. And Hiccup comforting Astrid after she felt so stressed out and angry.

When Drago came along, they saw how Hiccup stepped up and acted bravely for them and how Astrid helped him all the way.

Sadly, they lost their beloved chief in that war, but they gained a new one who devoted himself to them and tried his very best.

Both Hiccup and Astrid comforted and supported each other after Stoick's death, knowing that both of them had lost a father.

On a happier note, they had their old chieftess back, Valka Haddock. She had returned to Berk and became her son's advisor, helping and supporting him.

The week after the war was a stressful and difficult one. They had lost many things, their house, relatives, and loved ones. But no matter wha, the two kept the mood light and happy.

Hiccup and Astrid worked together to make sure that Berk would not lose its playful and joyful spirit. Hiccup cleaned up the mess made and fixed houses while Astrid helped him a little but mainly had dragon races to keep the village entertained.

After a few days, Hiccup appointed Astrid to be his general and help him with ruling Berk. No one in the village protested against this because they knew that Astrid was a great choice and they worked best with each other.

Through out the year, their island grew and grew with many more dragons, houses, and buildings. Hiccup and Astrid often went on dragon raids, bringing home more dragons. 

At this time, they had gotten very close. They had been betrothed for 3 years now and it really showed.

On care free and less stressful days, Hiccup and Astrid would often fly together or spend time together. Their laughter and jokes would be heard in the village, making Berk's own mood lighten as they heard the love in them.

Gobber would persistently encourage them to get married already and settle down, making both of them blush and look away.

They all knew that both of then ruling would be best for both of them and the whole village. With Astrid's help, Hiccup would always be focused and stay true to what was right. With Hiccup's help, Astrid would think more tactical and loosen up a little.

After the war with Grimmel, they had lost their dragons and left their home of seven generations. But it was all for the best.

They saw Astrid encouraging Hiccup and them protecting each other. They saw how in love they had become and knew that it really was time for them to get married.

They and their dragons were safer and in a better place. They built their houses and a knew Great Hall, making the island New Berk.

One day, they were gathered in the Great Hall and Hiccup announced that they were engaged and to be married. They all celebrated in joy, for finally the couple that they believed in were getting married.

In the next years, Hiccup and Astrid got married and ruled Berk together happily. Everyone had become happier and more peaceful than ever.

Berk had watched them grow a friendship.
They had watched them become best friends.
They had watched them start dating
They had watched them fall in love and get betrothed.
They had watched them get married and have children.

Berk had watched Hiccup and Astrid become who they were meant to be.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now