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Hi guys! So this another request! This oneshot takes place before HTTYD2.

Also, this is my 60th chapter! WOOH! It feels so short since I first published a chapter here! Thank you for staying with me through out all this! Enjoy!


It was normal afternoon on Berk and Hiccup was leaning against a log in the cove with Toothless near him, casually sketching on his journal.

Unconsciously, Hiccup begins to draw a face, one with big eyes and a few strands of hair falling and slightly covering it.

After a while, he looked at his drawing and tilted his head at it, trying to see who he drew.

Fur hood, shoulder pads connected with a ring in the middle, skulls around the skirt...who is thi- oh Thor, it's Astrid.

Hiccup shook his head and chuckled lightly to himself. Toothless warbled, questioningly as he stared at the drawing.

"Of course, Hiccup the nerd would draw his girlfriend without even knowing it!" Hiccup commented and glanced at Toothless who rolling his eyes at his rider.

Looking back at the drawing, Hiccup sighed. The drawing was all wrong. Her eyes didn't feel right and her smile wasn't as bright.

Suddenly, Hiccup heard the loud flapping of wings from above and then a soft thud on the ground.

"Hey, babe" Astrid greeted and smiled at him, jumping off Stormfly.

"Hey, Astrid" Hiccup replied and smiled back as she walked closer to him. He looked down at his open journal and widened his eyes.

"Astrid!" He exclaimed nervously and fumbled with the journal, accidentally throwing it right in front of her.

She saw the drawing and grinned. She giggled and bent down to pick it up, then she continued to walk over to him.

Hiccup blushed furiously as she sat down right beside him and raised her eyebrow at him.

"Is this me?" Astrid asks and nudged Hiccup, still looking at the sketch he had made. He nods and looks away, embarrassed.

"Well, this is an upgrade, for sure" She mumbled, clearing Hiccup's thoughts and making him turn to her.

"What? I think the drawing doesn't do justice to what you really look like" He shrugged, making Astrid blush lightly this time.

"Who taught you to draw?" She asked, looking into his green eyes.

"No one. I just started drawing" He answered, smiling at the beautiful dragon rider infront of him.

"I could never do that" Astrid said, chuckling and shaking her head as she stared back down at the drawing.

"Why not? Come one, I'll teach you!" Hiccup insisted, grinning at her. She laughed and nodded her head at him.

"Here" He said, handing her one of his charcoal pencils. He flipped the page in his journal to a blank one.

"Just pick something you wanna draw. It can be anything, a plant, a building, a dragon, your boyfriend" He listed, wiggling his eyebrows when he said the last one. She laughed and scooted closer to him.

"I'll take that as a light suggestion" She teased, making him roll his eyes and chuckle.

"When you draw, don't be to stiff. You don't have to be structured or anything, just let your hand to its thing" Hiccup advised, smiling at her. Astrid bit her lip and nodded, looking around for something to draw.

"Come on, bud. Let's go find some fish for you" Hiccup said to his friend who excitedly ran to the river. He waived to Astrid and followed.

What to draw, what draw... Astrid thought as she looked around the Cove.

"Woah, Toothless!" She heard her boyfriend exclaim and fall to the ground.

She looked at him and smiled as she saw Toothless licking his face and making him squirm.

When she decided on something, she started drawing on Hiccup's journal, trying to follow his advice to not be so stiff as she did.

After a few minutes and a few splashed in the river, Astrid finally finished her drawing. She sighed as she looked at it and shrugged.

Could be better, but that's fine. She thought and looked up at Hiccup who was still playing around with his Night fury.

"Alright, I'm done!" She announced, dropping the pencil onto the ground beside her. She looked at the drawing, tilting her head.

Hiccup smiled at Astrid and walked back to her with a Toothless who was dripping wet following right behind him.

"So, what did you draw?" He asked, sitting down beside her. He squinted at the drawing and broke into a grin, looking up at her.

"You did draw your boyfriend!" Hiccup chuckled, making Astrid laugh and shake her head at him.

"Light suggestions and suggestion none the less" Astrid muttered, smugly as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"It's great, m'lady." He told her sincerely, smiling as he looked into her crystal blue eyes. Astrid smiled back and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"What's that though?" Hiccup asked and frowned, pointing to the small speech bubble on the left.

"That's you saying Hiccupy things" Astrid said, nonchalantly while shrugging slightly.

"It says 'sarcastic comment, joke, blah, blah'" He stated, looking and smiling at her in amusement and pretend offense.

"What? That's what you say!" She shoots back, grinning back at him. Hiccup shakes his head at him and narrows his eyes, teasingly.

"Sure." Hiccup says sarcastically, making Astrid gesture to him and laugh.

"See! Sarcastic comment!" She teases, holding her stomach with laughter. Hiccup throws his hands in the air, also laughing.

"What! Ohh, you! Come here!" Hiccup grabs her middle and begins tickling her, making her laugh uncontrollably.

Astrid squirms and laughs in her arms until she figures out a way to escape him. She surprises him by pressing her lips to his.

Hiccup immediately kisses back as a reflex and melts into the kiss, until Astrid suddenly pulls away and runs off. She laughs, getting on to Stormfly and flying off.

"Catch me" She dares, grinning widely as she and her dragon fly away quickly. Hiccup laughs, looking up at her and then gets on his dragon.

"She really is something else, bud. Isn't she?" He asks, smiling and chasing after Astrid.

As laughter from Astrid and Hiccup fills the air, the journal lies open on the ground.

The left page with a drawing of Astrid and the right with one of Hiccup. Even drawings of them were always near each other.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now