Jealousy (Hiccup)

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Hi guys! This is one where Hiccup is jealous instead. Brant is another random OC I made 🤣

Before HTTYD2, but they look like how they are there. Enjoy!


"-oh my gods, do you remember when you fell from Toothless into that waterfall?" Astrid laughed, Hiccup laughing beside her and nodding. They were walking hand-in-hand to the docks and talking about earlier that week.

"And when we found that Timberjack and it chased us for hours!" Hiccup added, making the both of them laugh harder.

"That was a fun mapping adventure" Astrid told him, grinning happily. He smiled back and kissed her cheek lovingly.

"Anything with you is fun" Hiccup replied, making her blush. She smiled and elbowed him playfully for the line.

"What?! It's true!" He defended, making her laugh softly. "Just hold my hand, babe" She said and smiled at him. He grinned and laced their hands together once again.

"Hey, dad!" Hiccup greeted as they approached the docks and saw the viking.

"Hi Stoick!" Astrid addressed the chief, smiling brightly. He laughed loudly and patted her back.

"Call me dad, future daughter-in-law!" He boomed, making the two of them blush and Astrid nod sheepishly.

Then, they saw a small ship come into view. On its sail is the crest of the Windless tribe. When the ship finally docked, they saw two people come down.

Two blonde males stepped down from the ship. One of them, large and quite old, and another who was the same age them, muscular and buff with piercing gray eyes.

"Ahhh! Elgar! We meet again!" Stoick greeted and the two vikings hugged.

"Stoick! It is a pleasure to be here once more. This is the heir of our tribe and my son, Brant" Elgar introduced, gesturing to the young man beside him.

"Good to meet you, Brant. This is my son, Hiccup, and his betrothed, Astrid" Stoick said as Astrid and Hiccup smiled at them.

"Pleasure to meet you, sir" "Nice to meet you, chief" The couple said to Elgar, each of them giving a small nod which he nodded back to.

"We'll leave you to talk" Stoick told them and left with Elgar towards the Great Hall, leaving them alone with Brant.

"Hi! I'm Hiccup" Hiccup said, offering his hand for a hand shake. Brant took it and shook his hand hard, making Hiccup raise his eyebrow.

"I'm Astrid" Astrid said next, giving him a small smile and shaking his hand. Brant grinned and shook her hand, but lightly and nit like how he did with Hiccup.

"Beautiful name" Brant complimented Astrid, making her smile a little. Hiccup bit his tongue, suspicious of how the heir was acting towards his betrothed.

"I'm Brant" Brant introduced himself, grinning at Astrid who smiled back and took Hiccup's hand again. He internally sighed in happiness, feeling a weight slowly lift his shoulders.

"So, Brant what do you do back at your island?" Hiccup asked, attempting to make conversation with him.

"Chores, heir stuff, anyways. Astrid, what do you do?" Brant asked her, shutting down Hiccup's question and smiling at her. Hiccup felt a pang of annoyance at how much attentions he was giving her. It just didn't seem right.

"Oh, I help Hiccup teach at the Dragon Training Academy and map the Archipelago. I also train the rest of our gang" Astrid answered, not noticing that Brant was just talking to her.

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