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Hi guys! I know that paintball and the game they're playing are kinda different, but they have the same essence.

Happens at the last season of RTTE. Enjoy!


"Woah, guys! Check this out!" Tuffnut exclaimed, running into the Clubhouse with Ruffnut as everyone else ate lunch.

"Where were you guys?" Snotlout asked, giving a questioning look to the new weird thing that they held.

"Never mind that, 'cause look at this!" Ruffnut yelled out, taking a small green orb from a bucket and throwing it at Tuffnut.

"Look! I'M GREEN!" He called out, gesturing to where the thing hit. Astrid tilted her head and saw that it was, in fact, green.

"Where'd you find these?" Fishlegs asked, curiously looking at the orbs.

"Soooo, we made a game!" Ruffnut said, smirking at all of us. Hiccup held his breath, preparing to stop them from another deadly game they had created.

"We each had our own colored orbs and we throw them at each other-" Tuffnut continued, throwing his black orbs at his sister, making her arm have a black splatter.

"-and whoever had less splatters wins the game!" Ruffnut finished, hitting her brother with another orb.

Astrid and Hiccup both glanced at each other and shrugged. "Seems harmless enough." Hiccup said, nodding to the twins.

"YES!" The twins screamed and fist bumped each other, running outside and bringing back in more buckets with different colors.

"Astrid, blue. Hiccup, red. Snotlout, yellow. Fishlegs, orange. Clan colors" Ruffnut directed, giving their buckets to each of them.

"Uhhh, Hiccup, can you make the rules? You're boring and smart." Tuffnut asked, handing him his bucket full of red orbs.

Hiccup rolled his eyes and grinned. "Okay, I guess we could have a peace period where no one can hit anyone." He started, glancing at everyone to check if they were agreeing.

Fishlegs nodded to him. "The island is pretty big, so 10 minutes?" He offered, looking at Hiccup.

"That's enough time. Uhh, oh! No one is allowed to get steal orbs nor make more orbs somehow" He announced, narrowing his eyes at the twins and raising his eyebrow at Astrid who scoffed at his action.

"Plus, no help from dragons at all. Hey, maybe we could even use this as training. For combat, I mean, m'lady?" Hiccup asked Astrid who nodded at him again.

"Yeah, stealth, aim, speed maybe, strategy too." Astrid replied, amused at how helpful their game might be to them.

"Plus, it's fun. Hey, this actually really great, you guys! Good job" Hiccup commended, smiling at the twins who looked proud.

"Okay, can we start already?" Snotlout asked, impatiently, and rolled his eyes.

Astrid's POV
"On three, two, one, start!" Astrid said, running out of the Clubhouse with her bucket and everyone following her.

Where is there the most cover and place you know the best? Astrid pondered, walking around and looking over her shoulder to see if anyone was following her.

Aha! The forest! She thought, running to it, but being careful about the sound.

As she walked in the forest, she scanned her surrounding for anyone there. 10 minutes weren't over yet, but she knew the person would wait for it to be time before they attack.

Suddenly, she heard a twig snap from her left. She quickly turned and saw a figure running away. Oh no, you don't. She thought, chasing after it.

Hiccup's POV
Oh gods, she heard me. Hiccup exclaimed in his head, running away from Astrid who was chasing him.

Right from the beginning, he had a plan to go to a cliff where he could see everywhere, but he had to go through the forest first.

That's when he spotted her. It wasn't time, but he wanted to know where Astrid was going. Stupidly, he stepped on a fallen branch and got her attention, getting him where he was now.

He heard her getting closer and closer, so just stopped running and turned around to face her. She couldn't do anything, anyways.

"Hey, babe" Astrid smirked, walking closer to him. Oh no, I know that smile. She had something planned.

"Hey, m'lady" Hiccup smiled back and leaned back on a tree. She raised her eyebrow and stepped closer to him.

"You know what we could be doing right now?" She whispered into his ear, leaning in. Hiccup blushed lightly, narrowing his eyes at her.

It wasn't that he was scared of her, he was just scared of what she was planning. This was not a very normal conversation that they have normally.

"What are you planning?" He asked, knowingly as she put her laid her hand on his chest. She hid her grin and kissed him passionately.

Being an instinct, he kissed her back with the same passion and love. He was so immersed in the kiss that he didn't notice that the 10 minutes had already passed.

He didn't notice that Astrid slowly removed her hand and took an orb, resting it back on his chest. She grinned into the kiss and pressed the orb into his chest.

Hiccup pulled away, surprised, and saw her laughing and quickly running away from him.

He rolled his eyes and picked up an orb from his bucket. He tossed it in his hand and grinned as he ran after her.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now