Good Morning

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Credits to the person who made this drawing! It's lovely! I fount it on Google and got inspired.

Happens after HTTYD3. Enjoy!


It's a normal day on New Berk, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and Astrid and Hiccup Haddock were sleeping soundly.

Thud. "Hey!" A small voice shouts aloud, followed by a series of giggles.

Footsteps pattered and outside Astrid and Hiccup's door until the door finally swung open.

The coupls strirred and slowly woke up as a voice exclamied. "Mom, Dad! Wake up!" Shouted their daughter Zephyr as she climbed onto their bed, followed by a small Nuffink.

Hiccup groaned, teasingly. "Is it morning already?" He grabbed Nuffink and lifted him up as he giggled.

Astrid laughed softly at her family and hugged her daughter tightly. "You know, I love you, right?" She looked at her daughter as she nodded and laughed.

Hiccup sat up and pulled his family closer to him, cuddling them all. "Oh, you know, I love you all so much." Hiccup said smiling widely and kissing his children on their cheeks and his wife, on the lips which she reciprocated.

"Ew!" Both Zephyr and Nuffink exclaimed at their parents.

Astrid and Hiccup pulled away, laughing at the reaction of their children. Hiccup sighed. His life was so perfect. And it just kept getting better.

Suddenly, a loud growl came from outside. There was only one thing that could make a sound like that. Dragons.

Hiccup grinned and glanced at Astrid who was also smirking. Life just kept getting better...


I like using the real names, it just makes it seem so real. Well, hope you liked it!

<3 Abby

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