Truth or Dare

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After HTTYD3


It was starry and quiet night on New Berk. The gang was crowded around a fire, silently wishing that their dragons would come back, even though they knew it was impossible.

Astrid was leaning against Hiccup, his arm around her shoulder, bringing her closer to him. Astrid sighed as she looked around the circle and leaned her head on Hiccup's shoulder, moving even closer to him.

Hiccup gave her a small smile, trying to comfort her. He knew what she was feeling, what everyone was feeling. He kissed the top of her head, briefly and thought of what they could do.

Hiccup smiled, remembering something they could do together to lighten the mood.
"Hey" He called out, getting everyone's attention. Everyone looked at him, expectantly.

"Let's play truth or dare" He said with a grin while Astrid shook her head, smiling.

"You know what? Let's do it!" Tuffnut agreed, looking fully awake and ready.

"Yeah!" Ruffnut said, followed by Snotlout nodding and Fishlegs shrugging.

Hiccup looked down at Astrid, waiting expectantly.

"Ehh, I have nothing else to do" Astrid said, smirking and connecting eyes with Hiccup, then around the group.

"Okay." Ruffnut started, looking around the circle.

"Fishlegs, truth or dare?" She asked, raising her eyebrow and landing her eyes on him.

"Umm, truth" Fishlegs hesitated, looking nervous while twiddling his thumbs.

"Did you like Heather?" Ruffnut asked, smugly while crossing her arms.

"Uhhh..yes" Fishlegs answered, exasperated. Astrid gasped and pointed at him.

"I knew it! And she likes you!" She shouted and then immediately covered her mouth with her hands. Fishlegs and Snotlout gaped at her, the twins laughing. Hiccup chuckled at his fiancé and shook his head.

"Oh come on!" Snotlout shouted in frustration, throwing his hands up in the air. Everyone looked at him.

"First, Hiccup getting Astrid-" Hiccup grinned at Astrid, making her chuckle.
"-Now, Fishlegs getting Heather!" Snotlout finished, sighing deeply.

"Girls have no taste in guys!" Snotlout shook his head, saying.

Astrid scoffed at him, rolling her eyes, and opened her mouth but was interrupted by Hiccup. "You're just too Snotlout" He said, smoothly while tilting his head, making everyone 'ooooh' teasing Snotlout.

"Okay, okay. Tuff, truth or dare?" Fishlegs asked, getting back on topic.

"Dare."He answered, narrowing his eyes.
"I dare you to...lick that leaf!" Fishlegs pinted to a leaf on the ground beside Tuffnut.

He shrugged, picking up the leaf and licking it. Making everyone gag in disgust, shaking their heads.

"What? Astrid, truth or dare!" Tuffnut looked at her with challenging eyes.

"Pffffttt, dare." Astrid replied, raising her eyes at him. She could take it.

"I dare you to tell us who your first crush was"
Astrid furrowed her eyebrows, frowning. First crush? Hiccup.

"Hiccup" She said back, blushing light pink, making Hiccup kiss her cheek briefly.

"What!? I thought it was me!" Tuffnut said in disbelief. Astrid laughed.
"Really, Tuffnut? Did I kiss you at 15?"
"Ew! You kissed Hiccup at 15?!" Tuffnut pretended to gag, making Hiccup's eyes roll.

"Ew! Hiccup Haddock had his first kiss before me!?" Snotlout shouted again in frustration.

Hiccup rolled his eyes again as the group continued to shout and laugh at each other. He sighed, finally. Maybe they could go back to normal.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now