Worth Waiting For

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Hi guys! Another Valhalla AU, I just find them so fun to write. When Astrid gets to Valhalla, age isn't specified!

In this one, Astrid is the last of the generation in the series. The gang, Heather, Eret, Valka, Gobber, etc is all there. Enjoy!


Astrid smiled at her teary eyed children for the last time and closed her eyes, breathing her last breath. She felt life just fade away and darkness surround her, slowly...

"Then I won't speak. Just let me show you. Please, Astrid" Hiccup's voice rang as she saw an image of her hanging of a branch.

Then, she felt the wind in her hair as the imaged changed to where they flew across the light pink sky. She raised her hand up and touched the soft and fluffy clouds as she held onto Hiccup.

Way too quickly, many more images and moments of her life passed by. Colors and sounds moved so swiftly, she could only catch glimpses.

Finally, the images stopped and settled on her and Hiccup looking off into the distance at Heather flying away. She felt her heart drop a little at the longing of having her best friend.

"But, I still have you" She told him and put a hand on his heart, smiling at him. She saw a smile grow on his face and everything faded away again.

Flashes of color and voices flew past her once more, filling her head with memories. It stopped at Hiccup staring worriedly at her while she felt terrible.

"You need to stay with us. I can't imagine a world without you in it"  His voice said sadly as she breathed in deeply, trying to hold on for his sake.

After images ran through her head again, it stopped at a beautiful sunset as she felt her heart racing a million miles per second.

"Well, this seems pretty perfect to me" Astrid said, turning away from the sun and smiling at Hiccup who sat beside her.

"Yeah? Yeah, I guess it does" Hiccup replied and smiled at her as they both leaned in to kiss each other. She felt his lips press against hers and her heart immediately skip a beat.

Suddenly, everything got quicker and she only heard and saw small but memorable things in her life.

"You. You just being here, with me, is the only gift I need" Hiccup said and felt his arms wrap around her.

"The Dragon Riders.. are home!" Stoick's voice boomed and cheers errupted from everyone at the Great Hall.

"Astrid takes the game!" His voice booms again as she rode across Berk with Stormfly, people cheering her on.

"We will take down their Alpha, then we will take down BERK!" Drago shouted as she stared in fear and saw her plan go completely in the wrong direction.

"That's your mother?!" Astrid asled Hiccup in disbelief, looking back and forth between her grinning betrothed and the woman with the Alpha.

"I miss him" Hiccup whispered, looking up at her sadly from his bed. She felt her heart break while she watched him sob over his father and immediately rushed over to him.

"To the Astrid Hofferson, the new general of Berk!" He proclaimed, grinning widely at her and making people cheer.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now