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Hi guys! Another request, wooh! This happens during RTTE, before Hiccstrid starts to date! Enjoy!


Astrid woke up in the middle of the night when she heard a sound. Her eyes immediately opened and she slowly reached her hand under the bed for her axe.

"Who's there?" She called out, trying to keep a stable voice. Silence.

Looking around, it was too dark to see if there was someone there. In the corner, she found a figure and squinted to see it closer. Then, a cloth covered her mouth and she blacked out with only one thought in her head.

'Hiccup!' Her own voice shouted in her head, begging for him to hear it as everything faded to black.


Hiccup eyes fluttered open as rays of sunlight hit his them and he woke up. He sat up and yawned loudly before getting up.

"Morning, bud" He greeted to Toothless, sleepily and changed his clothes.

"You know, Toothless, it is so early right now. The only reason I'm awake at 7 AM sharp is because Astrid made me" Hiccup ranted to his dragon, yawning a few times as he strapped on the last piece of his armor.

"Speaking of Astrid. Let's go see if she followed her own rule" He said, grinning, and walked over to Astrid's hut. He knocked on the door three times and waited for her to come out.

"Astrid?" He called out after a few seconds and not hearing anything move in the hut. He frowned when he heard nothing again.

"Astrid! It's Hiccup!" He called out again, this time with a worried tone in his voice. After another second of silence, he put his hand on the door knob and it swung open.

"What the- Astrid? Are you here?" He said, walking into her hut and seeing how messy it was. It normally was clean and organized, but now...

Seeing that Astrid wasn't in her hut and the mess it was in, Hiccup felt his blood run cold. Astrid was taken.

Toothless warbled in concern as his rider began searching through the things scattered on the floor for any evidence.

"Okay, so they came in through the door that's why it was unlocked" He rambled under his breath while looking around. He looked under her bed and felt his heart constrict at the sight of her axe.

"She also wouldn't go anywhere without the axe" He added, chuckling at the end. Beside it, he saw a piece of cloth and picked it up.

"They knocked her out with this" Hiccup said, his voice hardening as he took a whiff of it and immediately set it down.

"Toothless, come help me look" He told his dragon and gestured for him to look around the room. After a minute of searching, Hiccup found something black in the corner of his eye. He knelt down and picked up a small circle with a Skrill on it.

'Berserker' Hiccup thought and there was only one person who would be that determined to hurt them. Dagur.

Hiccup felt his heart rate increase and his knuckles start to whiten as he clutched the crest in his hands. Anger and worry spread through him like a wildfire, blocking his mind to think logically.

"Let's go. To Berserker Island, Toothless" Hiccup's determined voice declared as they walked out her hut and Hiccup got on his dragon.

They immediately flew in the air as fast as the could to the island, not bothering getting back up or telling anyone where they were going. Hiccup just couldn't do anything but just get Astrid back.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now