Just Feel

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Hi guys! Another small onehsot! I really think that Ruffnut is a really good friend of Astrid.

Happens after HTTYD3. Enjoy!


"Astridddd" Ruffnut whined and pushed the piece of paper back to her. Astrid pouted and shook her head.

"I don't know what to say!" Astrid told her, picking up a quill and taking the paper.

"It's just vows, A. Write your feelings" Ruffnut advised as Astrid looked down hard at the paper, concentrating.

"Why do you love Hiccup? When did you fall in love with him?" Ruffnut continued to list while her friend froze in her place.

Astrid never knew when she fell in love with Hiccup. She knew that she was head over heels in love with him, but she couldn't tell you when she started to feel that way. 

Was it when I walked home that one day? Astrid guessed in her head, remembering that day and moment.


Astrid sighed heavily and pushed open their front door. She stepped inside and plopped herself down on a chair when Hiccup came into the room.

She looked over at him with an extremely tired face and he gave her a smile. Suddenly, her stress and worries faded away and she felt a smile creep up on her face.

It only took his cute toothy grin to brighten her day and make her heart beat a thousand miles per minute.

-End of Flashback-

Astrid sighed and massaged her forehead with her finger. She had all these feelings for Hiccup, but she just couldn't put it into writing.

What else? She asked herself, searching for more moments where she might have fallen in love with Hiccup then.

There were just so many moments and so many feelings she couldn't decipher anymore.

There was the time he first said he loved her, the time they kissed after the war with Drago, the time they kissed before he went off to fight Krogan. Way too many times.

"There are just too many, Ruff" Astrid told her and looked up from her blank paper. She sighed and put down the quill.

"I can't write. I just can't" She told her friend who shook her head at her and gave her a sad smile.

"Just think about Hiccup. Take it slowly. Don't think, just feel" Ruffnut told her and stepped out of the room to give her privacy.

"Feel. Just feel" Astrid mumbled to herself and picked the quill back up. She twirled it in her hand and followed Ruffnut's advice.

She closed her eyes and thought of Hiccup. She saw him grinning happily at her and laughing, making her heart burst with love.

Then, she realized it. She was always in love with Hiccup. Even from the start, there was always something there. It just took her time to fully realize it.

She opened her eyes and smiled, finally beginning to write on the blank piece of paper. She kept writing and writing, until she finished and put down the quill.

Astrid scanned the whole paper and sighed in relief. It was finished.

"Ruffnut!" She called out and a few seconds later, her blond friend walked into the room.

"Done?" Ruffnut asked her and took the paper from Astrid's hands. Astrid grinned and leaned back in her chair.

"Done is an understatement" Astrid told her and saw Ruffnut's eyes begin to water as she finished reading.

"Oh my gods, Astrid. That was beautiful. I-i, wow!" Ruffnut gushed and rushed to give her friend a big hug. Astrid laughed and hugged her back.

"Well, I followed your advice. I just felt" Astrid said as they pulled away. Ruffnut scoffed.

"You must be WAY in love then" She told Astrid, making her giggle and nod her head.

Astrid took the paper and read it again, biting her bottom lip as she did.

Hiccup. You make me feel so many things all at once. You make me feel happy, excited, playful, and most of all, you make me feel love.

Love is something so hard to describe and so hard to find, but with you, it's the simplest thing in the world.

I love you. I've loved you since the first time we met, it isn't as strong as what I feel now, but it was still there.

From the moment I met you to right now, I have only grown more and more in love with you.

From the way you smile to the way you talk, I love it all. I've never felt like this before for anyone or anything.

It scares me sometimes. Because what if I lose you or you leave me? I would literally break like a vase hitting the stone ground.

But even if this feeling of constant worry and fear will forever be with me if I love you, I don't care.

Loving you is so much worth it, Hiccup. There isn't anything I would rather do.

"Awww. Astrid's in love" Ruffnut teased her in a sing song voice after Astrid put down the paper with a love struck face.

"Shut up" Astrid told her and blushed furiously, Ruffnut rolled her eyes.

"And grumpy about it" She muttered under her breath as Astrid crossed her arms over her chest and tried to cover her small smile.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now