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Since it was International Women's Day yesterday, I made a oneshot about it!
This happened when Hiccup pulled Astrid away from Throck in RTTE. Enjoy!


"GBRAHH!!"Astrid screamed, throwing her axe at a barrel, scarring a cat.

Astrid heaved and puffed with anger. How could that stupid Throck say that?! Right in my face!?

She turned to get her axe back when Hiccup placed his hands on her shoulders, calming her down. "Hey, hey, calm down" He cooed and pecked her cheek.

"Calm down?! Hiccup! Did you hear him?! He has no respect for women at all! I mean he talked about Ruffnut like an object!" Astrid ranted, angrily.

"I know, I know. What he said was infuriating and stupid, but he doesn't know what he's saying. From his island, it's different. We just gotta teach him!" Hiccup gave her a small smile and tilted his head. Astrid sighed, calming down at last.

"I guess so. I'm sorry I made such a mess, I was just so annoyed at Throck." Astrid apologized, looking around them.

"I was too, believe me. But I couldn't let there be two crazy angry vikings throwing axes around" They both chuckled.

"It's not right for him to say that. It's not right for any guy to say that! Women are not some object to be possessed, we need respect!" Astrid strolled to her axe and placed it back in its place. She turned back to Hiccup and tilted her head, asking what he thinks.

"I think that women always have a choice. I mean, look at you!" Hiccup gestured to her.

"You are the perfect example. You don't let anyone tell you who you are or what to be. In other islands, the second-in-command of a very important mission wouldn't be a girl. Astrid, you really show women around here that they can be anything they want to be." Hiccup said, sincerely while walking towards her.

"Gods, I love that you are you" Astrid whispered to him, holding his hands.

"The feeling is very mutual, m'lady" Hiccup said, bringing her hands up to his lips and kissing them.


Ugh, I love Hiccstrid so much! Happy International Women's Day! May all women feel empowered and all men be enlightened! Hope you liked this it!

<3 Abby

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now