Winks, Laughs, and Beaches

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Hi guys! Modern AU yay! Happens when they're 20! Enjoy!


Astrid's POV
I feel the breeze through my hair as I drive my friends and I to the beach. I grin widely as I hear my favorite song on the radio.

My friends smile as well and whoop in excitement while pumping their hands in the air.

"Remember when you said that there's no second chance?
Oh baby, I heard you been hoping you could change the past
You miss the longer nights, you miss the long goodbyes,
You miss the longer nights" My friends sing loudly and pretend their phones were microphones. I laugh and roll my eyes as they dance around in the backseat.

"Well did you ever think that it was hard for me?
Do I get off like nothing happened, nonchalantly?
I got you feeling like, I got you feeling right
I got you feeling like" They sing again, getting stares from the people in the cars around us. There was one auburn haired guy who looked my age and smiled at me, making me blush and immediately look away.

I instead look ahead and smile as I see the ocean waves get nearer and nearer with every second.

"That's my shape, I made the shadow" Ruffnut sang, tossing her head side to side like a mad man.

"That's my name, don't wear it out though" Heather sang next, putting her hand on my shoulder. I scoff and shake my head at them.

"Feeling myself can't be illegal, illegal" They both sing together, facing each other with stupid faces on. Then, they turn and raise their eyebrows at me. I sigh and start to smile.

"So sue me for looking too pretty tonight
Wearing your favorite color under the lights
For moving on, doing everything right" I sang, making them fist bump each other in victory and smirk.

The beach was really close now, I could almost see the big parking area before it. The breeze became lighter and I felt as free as ever when I sang with my friends.

"So sue me for being good friends with your friends
And running into you the place that we met
For being something you can't forget" We sang loudly together, almost laughing at every word. I'm pretty sure people thought we were drunk.

"So sue me" I sing softly as our car enters the parking lot and we park underneath a tree.

I take my keys out of the ignition and toss them in my bag. I turn and see my friends' hair all messed up because of the wind.

I quickly put my hand over my mouth in an attempt to muffle my laugh. They glared at me and fixed their hair before we all got out.

"So what do you think?" I ask them, gesturing to the beach a few steps away from us. Heather nods her head while Ruffnut gives me a shrug.

"Ruff, I swear. We will never find someplace you will like." I tell her, picking up my bag and locking the car. She scoffs and walks with us towards the beach.

My hair was in a braid on my left shoulder and I was wearing a white, slightly see through, beach cover up over a a dark blue two-piece swimsuit.

We walked over to a tree and placed our stuff underneath there. "Hey Ruff, wanna catch some waves?" Heather asks her while I place down a large picnic blanket.

"Sure! You comin' Astrid?" Ruffnut answered, looking at me. I give her a shrug and plopped my bag down on the blanket.

"Let's do this!" I answer, walking with them to the other side of the beach.

"Oooh! Hot guys on the left!" Ruffnut tells us in a hushed tone. I glance at where she was gesturing at and see three guys, one of them the auburn haired guy I saw earlier.

I immediately look away before he saw me and laugh nervously. Heather raises her eyebrow and nudges me playfully.

"What?!" I ask in an innocent voice, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. She scoffs and I sigh softly, knowing that I would tell her eventually.

"OH! Auburn haired guy is staring at Astrid!" Ruffnut exclaimed again to us, making my cheeks blush even harder.

I quickly glance at him and see him smirking back at me. He doesn't look bad at all. Auburn hair, tiny freckles, dazzling green eyes. Hmm.

"He looks like he doesn't expect me to flirt back, but I'm gonna give him something to stare at" I retort, making my friends and I grin and glance at each other.

I look back at his cute face and give a small wink, chuckling softly. His face turns light pink and his eyes widen as I quickly turn back to my friends. Gods! The adrenaline in my body is too much! Wooh!

Heather and Ruffnut try to not laugh as we make our way to the surfboards. I look at them and see chuckling softly.

"Was that fun or what?" I ask, making us all burst out in laughter. I wipe the tears from my eyes as we laugh harder than before.

"Gods! That was amazing!" Heather said in between laughs. Ruffnut nodded her head in agreement, still laughing.

Hiccup's POV
I freeze in shock as the pretty blonde girl winks at me and I hear her beautiful laugh.

"OHHHH!" Snotlout cries as he sees me and doubles over in laughter. Fishlegs chuckled lightly and patted my shoulder.

"She out flirted you, man! Go flirt back!" Snotlout urged, pointing to the girls who were walking away. I scoff and sat down on our blanket.

"She'll come back. I know it" I reply, knowing somewhere in my heart that she would. I don't know how, but I just knew.

A simple wink and laugh on a beach was all it took for Hiccup Haddock to fall in love with Astrid Hofferson. A wink, laugh, and a beach.

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