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Hi guys! Small oneshot! After HTTYD3, obviously. Enjoy!


Astrid yawned loudly and sat up, stretching her arms as she woke up from her restful sleep. It was just the night before that she had given birth to their daughter Zephyr.

She frowned and looked around the room, seeing that no one else was there. Where was Hiccup or the baby?

"Hiccup?" She called out and swung her legs over the bed, about to stand up. She looked up at the door when she heard footsteps getting closer.

"Morning, m'lady" Hiccup greeted and walked in, smiling brightly at her and holding Zephyr in his arms. He saw her getting up and furiously shook his head.

"No, no, no, no. Ast, you need your rest. Lie down and relax" Hiccup told her and helped her sit back in bed. Astrid smiled at her daughter as her husband sat down beside her.

"Here" He said, carefully passing Zephyr to Astrid who sighed happily as she held the baby in her arms.

"Gods, babe. She's so beautiful" She said and gazed at her child in awe. Hiccup put his arm around his wife's shoulders and admired their baby.

"She's perfect" He said while he stared at the small patch of auburn hair and Zephyr's sky blue eyes that looked at them.

The couple just smiled joyfully at the small bundle of joy in Astrid's hands as she stared up at them with curious eyes.

Astrid leaned her head into the crook of Hiccup's neck and he rested his on top of her head. He lightly brushed their daughter's hand with his thumb.

"I love you, Hiccup" She said, looking up at her husband with loving eyes. He smiled and pressed a kiss on her lips.

"I love you too, Astrid. You and Zephyr" Hiccup replied, glancing down at her then back up at Astrid. He grinned and chuckled lightly.

"With everything I have and I always will" He continued, rubbing noses with her and making her giggle.

"I know you do" Astrid said back, smiling back at him and remembering the moment. She leaned in and kissed Hiccup passionately.

He kissed back and slid his hand up to her cheek. After a few seconds, they pulled apart and stared into each other's eyes.

Hiccup's forest green eyes connected with Astrid's azure blue ones as they both felt the same feeling of love, happiness, and excitement.

They smiled and then looked back down at Zephyr who gazed up at them innocently. She gurgled gleefully when her mom lifted her up and both her parents gently kissed the top of her head.

This moment was different from all the other moments the two shared as a couple. Before it was only Hiccup and Astrid. But now, their love had grown even more. It had grown to include one more person into their happy family.

Zephyr Haddock. Their daughter and beloved child that they would have even more moments and memories with.

She grew up to have her father's creativity and way of thinking, sadly for Astrid she had to handle more crazy, stupid loved ones.

She had her mother's strength and fierceness which did make her stubborn and irritable sometimes, but she had her mother to relate to.

With all these traits combined, she was a strong, independent leader who could achieve anything as long as she put her mind to it.

Her one weakness was the pressure she felt all the time. Being the first born of two great warriors and leaders, she had to live up to the standards.

Sometimes, she break down and fall apart, but her parents were always there to support her. To tell her that they were proud of her no matter what.

All through out their lives, Hiccup and Astrid had so many moments with her. Sad, happy, and funny ones. All of them equally important and memorable.

"We love you" They both whispered to their precious baby, in love and awe of her. Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other with happy eyes and nodded, thinking of the same thing.

How much they love each other and are excited for their future together and with Zephyr. It was all so bright and exciting.

They both closed their eyes and pressed their foreheads together, holding their baby close.

A happy little family with two loving and in love parents and a loved daughter.

Hiccup, Astrid, and Zephyr Haddock.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now