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Happens after HTTYD2


It was a normal day in both Hiccup's and Astrid's lives. They both did their everyday duties and jobs, Hiccup being chief and Astrid being general.

Hiccup was walking around the woods. He was searching for the place in a letter from someone that said something suspicious was going on and they wanted Hiccup to check it out.

It said that the person heard screeching in the middle of the night, so Hiccup, being the person that he is, went to investigate.

Hiccup was alone because left Toothless behind as his buddy was helping by moving planks of wood around to rebuild their structures.


Hiccup felt a sharp pain from the back of his head and fell to the ground, unconscious.


Hiccup's eyes flutter open after being knocked out for 30 minutes. He looked around him and saw that he was tied around a tree by a rope.

"Finally awake, I see" Krogan said, coming out from behind a tree.

Hiccup growled. "Krogan" He said, narrowing his eyes at him.

"Look, Drago is on the hunt for me, and I wanna have fun" Krogan chuckled, darkly.
"So much fun, especially with your betrothed, Astrid Hofferson"

Hiccup quickly lifted his head as he heard Astrid's name said. He exhaled sharply, boiling in anger.

"Don't you dare bring her into this." Hiccup growled at the mention of her name.

"Ah, see what happens, Hiccup? When you fall in love with your battle partner and become chief? You can't risk your life over her's!" Krogan shouted aloud, throwing an axe at tree and folding his arms.

"Well, I'll make sure you don't have to" Krogan smirked, picking up a bottle with some liquid inside it and walking towards Hiccup.


Astrid was helping out in the town plaza, leading the melting of the ice aspect of the plan.

She smiled as she looked at her surroundings and seeing all of their hark work. Berk would be ice-free in a just a few days.

From behind her, she heard a soft warbling sound from a particular dragon. She turned around to see Toothless and scratched under his chin, smiling.

"Hey Toothless" Astrid cooed and looked around for the dragon's rider.

"Where's your stupid rider?" She asked the dragon, frowning as Hiccup was no where around.

The dragon warbled and shrugged. "Huh" Astrid put her hands on her hips.

A Terrible Terror landes on her head, squaking loudly. She sighed and grabbed the letter as it flew away. 

Lovely Astrid,
I have your chief. Go to the woods by sun down and bring no one or else your beloved will be dead. See you soon. Krogan.

Astrid scowled and ran towards the woods, leaving a confused dragon behind.


Astrid looked around her, quickly. Searching for Hiccup and Krogan. After a few minutes, she found them.

Hiccup was tied to a tree and Krogan...
Krogan was no where to be found.

She ran towards Hiccup, only to be stopped by Krogan jumping out of no where.

Astrid jumped backwards, groaning at him.
"What do you want, Krogan?" Astrid spat out, prepared for him to attack.

"Nothing. I just want you to know that, I poisoned your beloved Hiccup and he is gonna die in a few minutes"

Astrid's heart stopped. Hiccup's gonna die? Poison? Her head suddenly got so heavy and she wanted this all to just be a nightmare. That she could wake up and see Hiccup everyday.

It's all Krogan's fault that I can't. Astrid's blood started to boil. She screamed, attacking Krogan with her axe. He side stepped it easily and crossed his arms.

"There's an antidote though. If you come with me, your fiancé will go free with it" Krogan smirked as Astrid face paled.

"Astrid, don't!" Hiccup shouted from behind him.

A tear fell down Astrid's cheek, thinking of how much she loved Hiccup. She needed to do this.

"I'll come with you" She said softly and sadly.
Krogan laughed and ran away, leaving Astrid in shock and confusion. She shook her head, remembering about Hiccup.

"Hiccup!" Astrid shouted running to him and removing the rope.

"Astrid." Hiccup said back as he held her in his arms. Tears fell from both of their eyes as they sank down to the ground.

"Hiccup, don't. Please" Astrid begged and started to cry into his chest.

"M'lady, there is no antidote. I'm dying" Hiccup admitted sadly, kissing the top of her head.

Hiccup slowly lied down on the floor, losing all his energy. Astrid was kneeling beside him, cupping his cheeks with her hands and crying.

"Hiccup, no, please don't do this!" Astrid cried to him, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, Astrid. I wish I could stay. I really do" Hiccup said, sincerely.

"Hiccup" Astrid inhaled and exhaled. She sobbed.

"Hiccup, I'm pregnant" She blurted out, bringing more tears. Pregnant? Hiccup thought, sadly and happily.

"That's great news! Well, not in this situation" Hiccup chuckled a little, Astrid joining him.

"You're gonna raise our child so well, m'lady. I will always be here for the both of you." He promised her.

"I love you, Astrid" Hiccup said smiling at her.
"I love you too, Hiccup" Astrid said back as the green in her beloved's eyes faded away. She cried softly, brushing away the loose hair on his face.

"Oh, Hiccup" Astrid said shakily, crying into his chest.

He was her everything.
If her everything was taken away, what did she have left?

Nothing but emptiness.


This was my first shot at angst, so sorry if it's bad 😩

<3 Abby

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