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Hi guys! Happens after HTTYD3 when Hiccstrid is 26 and Zephyr is 1.5! Enjoy!


"Gods, I'm so happy we can go home now" Hiccup said and smiled at Astrid who chuckled back at him, shaking her head.

They both had to attend a long council meeting and had to leave their baby with Hiccup's mom for the whole day. They were both itching to see Zephyr again.

"Can't argue with that, babe" Astrid replied, taking his hand and sighing tiredly. Hiccup opened the door for the both of them and stepped inside their house.

"Hi, mom" Astrid greeted Valka and smiled wider when she saw Zephyr in her hands.

"Mama!" Zephyr called out, smiling and reaching out her hands to her mother. Valka laughed as Astrid walked over happily.

"Hey, honey!" She exclaimed and took the giggling baby in her arms. She bounced her lightly and kissed the top of her head.

"Hey, mom! Hi, Zeph!" Hiccup said and kissed her mom on the cheek before turning to his daughter and smiling widely at her.

"Dada!" Zephyr shouted, making Hiccup chuckle lightly and Astrid smile wider.

Zephyr laughed in joy as her parents smiled happily at her and made funny faces. Valka sighed happily at her family and started to gather her things.

"I'm going to go now, son" She said, taking her bag and waiving at them. Astrid quickly turned to Valka and frowned a little.

"Can't you stay for dinner?" Hiccup asked, making Valka shake her head and smile.

"I have to go on a few more errands. Have a good night" Valka answered, waiving at Zephyr again and making her laugh. She looked over at Astrid and gave her a small wink, leaving the house.

"Come on, let's make dinner" Astrid said, turning to her husband who smiled and nodded at her.

"I love you" Hiccup told her and kissed Astrid's cheek and leaned down to rub noses with Zephyr. Then, he went over to the kitchen and began cooking.

Astrid lightly laughed and smiled happily at his retreating figure. She turned to her daughter and lightly kissed her nose, making her giggle.

"Mommy should set the table, shouldn't she, Zeph?" Astrid talked to her baby and set her down on the carpet with a lot of papers and crayons for her to draw with.

Astrid chuckled when she saw her daughter's face light up and begin to draw random doodles and squiggles. She gently kissed the top of her head and left to the kitchen.

"Your daughter is starting to be a lot like you" Astrid told Hiccup as she walked closer and took a few spoons and forks. He raised his eyebrow and stirred the small pot.

"Really? I thought she'd be more like you after she nearly kicked the twins after they stole her crayon" Hiccup said, looking over at his wife and smiling at the memory.

"Well, she's taken a liking to drawing. Pretty big Hiccup trait" Astrid added, walking over to him and resting her head on his shoulder.

"Hitting others when they steal things? Pretty big Astrid trait" He argued and grinned while his wife shrugged.

"She's both of us, I guess" He stated, making Astrid nod and give him a small smile.

"Gods, we're doomed" She told him and they both laughed. Hiccup kissed the top of her head, making her giggle slightly.

"Mama, Dada!" Zephyr shouted as she ran into the kitchen and got her parents' attention.

"Did you get bored, sweetheart?" Hiccup asked her daughter as Astrid took her in her arms and carried her.

Zephyr shook her head and pout. "I was hungry!" She complained, making her parents laugh again.

"Okay, here. Taste this" He said, scooping a little of the soup and blowing lightly to cool it. Then, he cautiously let her take a sip.

She slurped it up messily and smiled widely, nodding in approval. Hiccup smiled back and ruffled her daughter's hair a bit.

Astrid laughed as Zephyr held her hand out for more. She shook her head and beamed proudly at her husband.

They had achieved so much, but having their daughter was truly their best achievement. She was so excited to tell him the news.

"I love you, Hiccup" Astrid said, gazing deep into her husband's forest green eyes and smiling at him.

"I love you too, m'lady" Hiccup replied, taking her free hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze. Zephyr looked at her parents in their in love state and coughed loudly.

They both grinned, glancing at their daughter and then looked back at each other. They nodded and began tickling Zephyr.

Zephyr squirmed and giggled loudly while her parents tickled her. "Stop! Stop!" She squealed.

"We love you" They said together to her as they stopped tickling her. She smiled kissed their cheeks.

"Love you too, mama, dada!" Zephyr said, giving her parents a cute and toothy smile.

"I love you all" Hiccup told them and smiled, so grateful that he had them. Astrid grinned and sighed softly.

"I love you all too. You, Zephyr, and...the newest addition to the family"  Astrid said, making Hiccup raise his eyebrow in confusion.

"What? Newest addition...? You mean-?" He asked, his eyes widening in realization. She nodded and smiled as he went over and wrapped his arms around them.

"I'm pregnant" Astrid whispered softly as he pulled back and smiled happily at her.

"This is amazing, Ast. I love all of you so much" Hiccup whispered back and lightly kissed her. Zephyr just tilted her head at her parents and tapped Astrid on the shoulder.

They broke apart and laughed at their daughter's confused face. "You're gonna have little brother or sister" Astrid told her.

Zephyr eyes lit up happily and looked around. She frowned and looked back at her mother.

"Not now, she or he will be here in about 9 months" Hiccup told her, grinning and continuing to stir the food with his free hand.

"Right now, she's in mommy's stomach" Astrid continued, pointing to her stomach. Zephyr looked down and then smiled back up at her mother.

"Speaking of stomachs, food's almost ready." Hiccup stated, tasting the soup again. Astrid nodded and put down Zephyr to set the table.

"Wanna help mama set up for dinner?" Astrid asked while walking over to the table with her daughter by her side.

"Sure!" Zephyr replied and took three cups from the cabinet, placing them on the table with Astrid.

Hiccup finished making the food and brought it over to the table. Zephyr clapped in happiness as they all sat down and her parents smiled happily at her and each other.

The Haddock family ate and talked in peace, happy and joyful as ever. For that night, they found out that they would be even happier.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now