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Hi guys! Sorry, this is so late, my wifi was acting weird. This is a modern AU that happens when they're 23 and newly married! Enjoy!


"Hey babe, I need you to-" Astrid started, but seeing him made her stop. Hiccup looked up from his book and smiled at her.

"What are you reading?" She asked, walking closer to him. He shrugged and nodded to the book in his hands.

"Insurgent" He stated as she sat down beside him. She squinted at the book cover, then widened her eyes.

"You read that series too?!" She asked him, excitedly. The smiled on Hiccup's face grew wider as he nodded.

"I'm also reading that book! What chapter are you on?" Astrid questioned, almost bouncing with glee now. Hiccup chuckled lightly at her expression.

"Chapter 18" He answered, making her chuckle nervously and bite her bottom lip.

"I'm ahead of you." She mumbled and looked away when his eyes widened.

"Don't you dare. Control yourself. Do. Not. Spoil" He told her knowingly as he backed away from her.

"Hiccup" She whined, biting her tongue and frowning. Hiccup shook his head.

"Astrid, my beloved new wife, do this for your husband-"

"MARLENE DIES AND TRIS GOES TO THE ERUDITE HEADQUARTERS" Astrid blurted out then immediately brought her hands to her mouth.

"Well, that's great" Hiccup commented sarcastically and sighed, putting the book aside.

"I'm sorry" She apologized as he sat back down beside her. He squeezed her hand gently and smiled at her.

"You can spoil the book for me, but you'll never spoil my day" He told her, briefly kissing her on the lips. She smiled at him and blushed.

"Are you hungry? 'Cause I could do for a burger and fries right now" Astrid mumbled as she leaned on Hiccup who nodded.

"Let's go out?" He asked her, raising his eyebrow and smiling. She took his hand and stood up, grinning back at him.

"I'm really hungry" She told him, pulling him out the door. He rolled his eyes and picked up the car keys on their way out.

They both walked out their small house and got in Hiccup's black car. They talked about the book and laughed at their favorite parts.

Suddenly, the radio turned to a catchy song. Astrid and Hiccup glanced at each other and shut up, listening to the familiar piano tune.

"Makin' my way downtown
Walkin' fast, faces pass
And I'm homebound" The song played through the silence in the car. Then, Hiccup heard soft hums come from his left as he drove.

"Starin' blankly ahead
Just makin' my way
Makin' a way through the crowd" Astrid hummed along with the song, making Hiccup grin and look at her.

The newly-wedded couple looked at each other, grinning, and raised their eyebrows.

"And I need you" Astrid sang, keeping her eyes on Hiccup who was smiling widely.

"And I miss you" Hiccup sang to her, making her laugh and throw her head back.

"And now I wonder" Astrid sang, taking his free hand.

"If I could fall into the sky
Do you think time would pass me by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you" They sang loudly and a little out of tune, laughing and making silly gestures.

"Tonight" Astrid and Hiccup sang, turning their heads at each other and bursting into  laughter.

"See! You just made my day, m'lady" Hiccup told her, smiling widely and rubbing his thumb over her wedding ring.

"Me and Vanessa Carlton" Astrid added, making him shake his head and smile even wider.

Gods, I love you so much. She thought as she looked at the toothy grin on his face.

"I love you so much too" Hiccup said, smirking and knocking her out of her thoughts. She frowned.

"Did I say that out loud?" Astrid asked him, looking confused. He nodded and kissed her cheek, making her blush.

"Let's get your burger and fries, wifey" He teased, pulling the brake handle and opening the door.

The two walked over to the half-filled fast-food place and stepped inside the building.

"I'll get a table, you'll get the food" Astrid told him, looking around the room for a small table.

"Yes, m'lady" Hiccup confirmed and walked over to the counter. She went to the corner of the room, seeing a small table with couch-chair thing around it in a half-circle.

Astrid sat down and looked over at Hiccup who was ordering their food. She glanced down at her phone and saw that it was 12:30 PM.

She smiled as she saw her new wallpaper, a picture of her and Hiccup smiling as they looked into each other's eyes at their wedding.

It was such a happy day, full of laughter, love, and just everything good. It was a medium-sized wedding at a cute garden area with a waterfall in the background.

"Hey" Hiccup greeted, placing the tray on the table and sitting down beside her. She looked up and smiled at him.

"Hi, husband" Astrid said back, taking his hand and leaning against him. He chuckled softly as she lightly kissed his cheek.

Why is she so affectionate? Don't question it, Haddock. Just enjoy it. He thought in his head and smiled widely.

As they ate their food, they talked more about the book, then their wedding, and then a bunch of random things.

"This tastes amazing" Astrid gushed, looking at her burger in amazement.

"Can I taste?" Hiccup asked her, smiling on the inside at what he was planning.

"Sure" She replied, turning to him, only to feel his lips pressed against hers.

"You're right it is good" He said, grinning widely as the pulled apart. Astrid blushed furiously, showing a small smile.

"Why are you like this?" She mumbled under her breath while continuing to eat. Hiccup chuckled and bit into a fry.

"You know who you married" He replied and smiled, making her laugh softly.

"We're married, Hiccup" She stated happily, sighing in content and staring at their laced hands with their wedding rings.

"Yeah, I still can't believe it. It still feels like we're 18 and hiding it from the gang" He told her, looking at her in awe.

"5 years from then. 5 best years of my life" She added, resting her head on his shoulder.

"We're still so young though, spoiling books, singing 'A Thousand Miles' loudly in the car, kissing a lot" Hiccup emphasized on 'lot', making Astrid laugh and nod in agreement.

"I can't wait to spend my whole life with you" He finished, gazing into her beautiful crystal blue eyes.

"I can't wait either" Astrid replied, squeezing his hand and smiling happily.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now