I Love You 3000

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So, I got inspired and decided to make a fluffy oneshot where Hiccstrid watches Avengers: Endgame. They're engaged here, about 22-23! Enjoy!


"So what are you expecting?" Hiccup asks as he and Astrid walk hand in hand towards the food bar in the theater. She shrugged.

"I'm just excited" Astrid answered, smiling happily at him. He chuckled and smiled back at her.

"What flavor popcorn do you want, m'lady?" He asks and places his arm over her shoulders while they both look at the different popcorn.

"Butter, cheese, barbecue, sour cream, strawberry cheesecake?!" She says in disbelief and squints closer at the sign. They both raise an eyebrow at each other and grin.

"Strawberry cheesecake, the weird flavor, it is!" Hiccup announces and walks over to the counter. Astrid chuckled lightly and follows him, holding the tickets in her hands.

"One jumbo strawberry cheesecake popcorn and two medium cokes, please" He orders and looks back behind him at me.

"Gods, if all the characters that faded away really died, I will be so mad" Astrid tells him, slightly gritting her teeth.

"I just feel bad for Quill. He did ruin everything, but he really is like that. Especially there when Thanos took away Gamora from him" Hiccup says and Astrid nods along.

"Gamora would be pissed at him for doing that though" She adds and grins, making him smirk back at her.

"She would've been there to calm him down though" He says, taking out his wallet and paying for the food.

"Thanks" Hiccup tells the cashier and gives Astrid her coke. She gratefully takes it in her hands and they walk over to the cinema.

"All the relationships here just end badly. All of them are in heartbreak" Astrid points out and opens the door for both of them. She feels a rush of cold air hit her, but remembers she had a jacket on.

"Yeah! Gamora and Peter, Vision and Wanda, Steve and Peggy, Thor and Jane, T'Challa and Nakia, Scott and Hope. Only Tony and Pepper and Hawkeye and Laura are a guarantee" He says softly and nods with her as they walk to their seats.

"Right?" Astrid asks in a soft voice as they climb up a few stairs to their row. They waive at their friends who were already sitting there.

Snotlout and Ruffnut sat together, as well as Heather and Fishlegs and Tuffnut who was with his girlfriend, Rosa.

"Hey!" We both greet as we sit down at our seats and smile at our friends. Everyone smiled back except for Snotlout who was busy doing something. Ruffnut elbows him and he looks up, giving a small smile.

"It's about to start" Hiccup whispers in Astrid's ear as he sees the trailers ending.

"I can see that, genius" She mumbles back and cuddles up next to him, grinning. He rolls his eyes and wraps an arm around her.


As the movie passed and the characters finally got their stuff together, the final battle scene came up. Hiccup felt a tear fall down his cheek as he watched the battle, feeling a flash of nostalgia.

Then, he heard sobs come from his left and turn to see Astrid sobbing softly. His heart melted for his fiancé and he brought her closer to him.

Hiccup smiles at her in both sadness and joy and she smiles back, still crying. She leaned her head on his shoulder and looked back at the movie, more tears flowing down her face. He watched the movie and briefly leaned his head down to press a kiss on her head, comfortingly.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now