I ❤️ You

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Inspired by C_Drawz ! I just found it so cute that I, myself, needed to make my own version of it! Read C_Drawz's books! They're great! ( ur amazing, C_Drawz ) omg sorry for tagging you 3 times, hehe....

Takes place after HTTYD 3, after they were married <3

Astrid was walking back home from work. She had spent the whole day dealing with people's problems and issues, she was so done.

Hiccup was sick for the past few days, so she took over for him. Being the person he is, Hiccup protested, but Astrid wouldn't have it.

He was sick and was staying bed until he was better.

Astrid smiled as she saw his face realize that he wasn't gonna win that argument. She walked quicker, wanting to see her husband sooner.

In a few minutes, she was by their house. Their house was big and sturdy, the door was arched and the windows were big, letting lots of sunlight through.

She walked in the door and quickly slammed it shut. It was winter and she didn't want the cold to enter their house. She shook the snow off her and hung her coat by the door.

Toothless was curled up by the fireplace, softly snoring. Astrid giggled and leaned down to pat his head.

Coughs from upstairs caught her attention, as she quickly stood back up and climbed up the stairs.

"Babe?" Astrid called, knocking twice while opening the door.

Hiccup was lied down on his side on their bed, looking weary and tired. He coughed again, making a fist with his hand and putting it in front of his mouth while he did.

Astrid smiled at him sadly. She walked towards their bed and sat down at the edge.

She sighed as Hiccup looked back at her. He looked so weak and helpless.

Poor Hiccup... Astrid thought while tucking a loose hair behind his ear. She, then, took his hand and gave it a kiss.

"I'm sorry for making you do all my work, m'lady" Hiccup apologized, frowning at her.

"Don't be. It's what a wife and chieftess does, right?" Astrid smiled and lied down, his back facing her.

Soon, he went back to sleep, or so Astrid thought. Wife and chieftess. Both thanks to this dork. She thought.

Astrid shook her head, chuckling at how much her husband had grown. From a small insecure boy to a hero and amazing man.

She was there for all of it. She was there to help him change. To love and support. And she always will be.

Unconsciously, Astrid started writing 'I ❤️ you' onto Hiccup's back. Thinking he fell asleep.

She did this about 25 times. For the first few times, Hiccup was confused at what she was doing. But after a while, he figured out what she was doing.

He grinned. Who knew that he could make Astrid Hofferson do that? Well, she does the same thing to me.. He thought happily.

Hiccup suddenly turned, causing Astrid to flinch. Hiccup smirked at his wife's embarrased face as she found out that he was awake the whole time.

"I love you too" Hiccup responded, happy to be reminded that she loved him, just as much as he did.

Astrid scoffed, really embarrased. "Dork." She mumbled, cheeks reddening.

Hiccup chuckled and pulled her closer, only to be pushed back.

"Hey, don't you dare get me sick, Haddock." Astrid stood up, waving a finger at him.

He rolled his eyes at her, lying down back on his side. He sighed deeply, just wanting to not be sick anymore.

Astrid's eyes softened and she gave a small smile. Gods, this guy.. She thought, her heart warming.

She sat back down and rubbed his shoulder, lovingly. "I love you" She said, tilting her head to look at him.

All she got was a snore back. Well, at least this time she knew. She chuckled, getting up and leaving her beloved to sleep.

And I will always love you..


Hi! Hope you liked it! Pls comment for ideas!

<3 Abby

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now