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Hi guys! This is after HTTYD2! I know it isn't really realistic, but hey! They live in the viking era! Enjoy!


"Hicc, are you sure about this?" Astrid asked him, turning to face him as they approached the doo of his hut.

"Astrid, it's gonna be fine. She's gonna love you" Hiccup told her and placed a hand on her cheek, smiling brightly at her. She sighed and smiled back at him.

"If you say so" She replied and laced their hands together before he opened the door and they walked in.

"Mom?" Hiccup called out, stepping into the living room with Astrid by his side. Valka popped out from the kitchen and smiled.

"There you both are!" Valka greeted and walked over to them. Astrid gave Hiccup's hand a nervous squeeze.

"Hi, Mrs. Haddock" Astrid greeted politely and nodded at her. Valka shook her head and smiled at the girl.

"Oh please, call me Valka. You must be Astrid. Hiccup had told me so much about you. He just can't stop!" Valka told her and Astrid blushed lightly. Hiccup face palmed, making his mother laugh softly.

"She's a wonderful girl, Hiccup" She complimented and looked lovingly at Astrid who smiled happily. Hiccup looked over at his betrothed and couldn't help but grin.

'More than wonderful' He said in his head and sighed softly in content.

"Come, dinner is ready" Valka said and lead then to the dinner table. Astrid sat down opposite of Hiccup while his mother sat at the head of the table. She felt a pang of sadness, remembering all the other times she ate there and how Stoick was so welcoming.

Astrid looked over at Hiccup and could tell that he was thinking of the same thing. His eyes met hers and she gave him a comforting smile.

"So, Astrid. What do you do you do in your spare time?" Valka asked her as they all began to eat.

"Well, the most days, I teach at the Dragon Training Academy. When I'm not there, I train with the gang, win Dragon races, or map with Hiccup" Astrid answered and grinned at Hiccup. As Hiccup began to explain what Dragon races were, Astrid started to feel her throat become itchy.

She brought her hand up to her throat and coughed lightly. She looked down at her hand and gaped when she saw that there were red marks all over it.

Suddenly, she felt like she couldn't breathe and coughed again, holding her throat. Hiccup heard her cough and his eyes widened as she saw her.

"Astrid" He said and ran over to her side. He placed a hand in her back and one on her cheek. Valka frowned worriedly and quickly joined her side.

"Breathe. In and out. You can do it." Hiccup encouraged her and tucked a stray her behind her ear. He looked over at Valka with concerned face.

"Mom, was there eggplant in this?" He asked, glancing at the salad on her plate. Valka's eyes widened and she gasped.

"Yes. Oh gods, I'm so sorry. I didn't know" She apologized and ran over to the medicine cabinet. Hiccup frowned even more and rubbed Astrid's back. She coughed again and felt tears in her eyes as she looked at Hiccup. 

"Calm down. It's gonna be okay. Stay with me." He comforted and brushed the tears that fell down to her cheeks. He felt his heart break, seeing her that scared. She said that she'd only had a problem like this once and a long time ago.

"I'm right here, m'lady" He whispered and let out a shaky breath. Valka came back in the room with a small bottle and handed it to him.

Hiccup opened the cork and handed to Astrid who took it with shaky hands. He helped her drink it and placed the empty bottle on the table.

Astrid took a deep breath and calmed down, finally being able to breathe again. Hiccup sighed in relief and kissed her forehead.

"Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry! I didn't know that you were allergic to eggplants." Valka apologized again and took Astrid's hands. Astrid smiled at her and shook her head.

"It's okay. I forgive you. It was half my fault because I did forget to tell you" Astrid replied and Valka smiled back in relief.

"Oh don't blame yourself, dear. If anything, blame your betrothed here!" Valka berated, ruffling Hiccup's hair. He frowned, making Astrid laugh softly.

"What?! I forgot too!" Hiccup defended and fixed his hair again, making her grin.

"It's okay, baby boo. I forgive you as well" She teased in a baby voice, pouting at him. He chuckled and quickly pecked her lips. Valka laughed happily at the two's interaction.

The rest of the night, they decided to talk and have tea instead. They sat in the living room, talking and laughing about their experiences and moments (almost a quarter were about Hiccup's embarrassing ones).

They ended up having a great dinner without food and Astrid and Valka got to know each other better. Despite the incident at the beginning of the night, it couldn't have gone better.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now