Jealousy (Astrid)

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Hi guys! I watched Avengers: Endgame and I am SO unstable 😂. I cried so much at the theater that my aunt thought I had allergies 😢

Takes place at S6 of RTTE! Erica is an OC, btw. Enjoy!


"Guys!" Snotlout called out as he barged into the Clubhouse. We all jumped a little in surprise and looked over at him.

"Someone crashed onto the beach in their boat!" He told them and we all immediately went over to our dragons.

"What happened?" I asked him as we flew into the air and let him lead the way to where it was.

"We were just on a flight, then Hiccup found her and the boat all wrecked" He said and after a few minutes of flying, he pointed to the beach.

I gasp at the sight and quickly landed to help out. I jump off Stormfly and run over to Hiccup who was helping a girl stand up.

Her hair was brown and she had auburn eyes. She was wearing a light yellow dress that was a little shredded at the bottom and fairly pretty.

"Hey! What happened?" I ask and flash a worried smile at Hiccup. I look over at the girl and see her staring at him with a look that made something in me boil.

'Calm down, Hofferson. She's not doing anything' I scold myself and smile at her.

"Astrid, this is Erica. Her ship wrecked while she was traveling back home. Erica, this Astrid. She's my betrothed and second-in-command here at the Edge" Hiccup answered and looked between me and Erica who, I think, scowled at the word 'betrothed'.

"Hi! I hope we can help you get back home" I greet her and smile. She smiles back, but a very different kind of smile. A kind that's fake and bitter-sweet.

'Okay, I do not like the vibe of this girl' I say in my head and drop my smile. I turn and see the rest of the gang coming towards us.

"Oh look, here's the rest of the gang. There's Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Fishlegs, and Heather" Hiccup introduces our friends and points to them.

"Hi! I'm Erica! I'm the chief's daughter of the Blue Forest Tribe" Erica greeted and waved at them with no emotion at all before smiling back at Hiccup. I raise my eyebrow at her constant smiling at only him.

"Hiccup here says that you guys will help me" She continued and hugged Hiccup's arm, giving me a smirk. He chuckled nervously and tried to pry away his arm.

I feel a pang of anger and quickly push it down before I do something irrational. I bite my lip and breathe deeply, staring at their entangled arms.

"Yep! Okay, you can ride with me going back to the Clubhouse" He said and smiled at her before shooting me a worried glance. As all of us walk back to our dragons, he walks beside me and nudges me with his shoulder.

"Hey. You okay?" Hiccup asked and smiled at me, showing his concerned bright green eyes and cute toothy grin. I smile back brightly and take his hand.

"I'm fine, babe" I tell him and kiss his cheek. He chuckles and squeezes my hand before letting it go to ride his dragon.

The pang of anger comes back as I get to Stormfly and see Erica batting her eyelashes and clinging onto Hiccup.

Stormfly squawks at me, sensing my concern and getting my attention. I look over at her and pet her head.

"I don't know what's happening to me, girl" I whisper to her and smile sadly. She warbles comfortingly and nuzzles into my hand.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now