Shrinking and Growing

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Hi guys! Another request! During RTTE, and before Hiccstrid was dating! Enjoy!


"It's so great to be back" Heather said, smiling happily at everyone as they rode their dragons back to the Edge.

"No, duh! I needed my other best girl friend back!" Astrid retorted, turning around and grinning at her friend from the front.

"Well from everyone here, It's great that you're back, Heather" Hiccup said, smiling and nodding at her from in front with Astrid. Heather nodded back and looked between the two, curiously.

"Umm, Astrid. Are you and Hiccup together, yet?" Heather asked Astrid in a hushed voice, flying right beside her. Astrid's eyes widened and she shook her head.

"What!? Nooo! We're just friends!" She replied desperately, chuckling nervously and avoiding her raven haired friend's stare.

"Hey! Look! Another island!" Fishlegs shouted in excitement as he pointed at an uncharted island on their left.

"Never seen it before. Let's check it out, gang. Stay close. We have to be careful" Hiccup told them, his worried eyes landing on Astrid as he told them to stay close. She smiled at him comfortingly as they flew down to investigate.

"Hey, this place is pretty decent. Trees, flowers, grass" Snotlout listed, dismounting Hookfang and looking around the clearing they landed in.

It was, in fact, a pretty nice place. The trees weren't covered in moss and the flowers were bright and colorful.

"Woah" Ruffnut said and gaped as she walked past a tree, seeing a beautiful waterfall. Astrid and Heather followed behind her with their dragons, gasping at what she found.

Suddenly, they heard a loud squawk come from their left and saw a bright green dragon staring at them.

"Don't. Move" Astrid ordered softly, staring at the dragon who opened it's mouth to shoot at them. "HICCUP!" She yelled out as they tried to jump away, but it still got hit as they fell to the sides.

"Astrid!" Hiccup called out worriedly as he heard her scream and saw her fall to the ground. He quickly ran over to her, but realized that she wasn't there. In fact, no one was.

The dragon scuttled away, done with its day and left them alone to their confusion.

"What happened?! Where are they?!" Hiccup asked, furiously searching and looking around for them. He distinctly remembered Astrid calling out his name.

He could still hear it. Her calling out his name before he heard a thud on the ground. 'HICCUP!' He headed again, thinking that he was recalling the scene.

"HICCUP HORRENDOUS HADDOCK THE THIRD!" Hiccup heard a tiny voice shout from bellow and he kneeled down to see where it was coming from.

"Astrid?" He asked as he saw a 24 inch Astrid on the floor with Stormfly on her left.

"Yeah, it's me" She replied in a high-pitched voice, rubbing her shoulder in embarrassment.

"Are you okay? Why are you so small?" He asked, concerned as she chuckled sarcastically.

"I'm fine, but I hate being this small. I guess the dragon shrunk us" She guessed and shrugged, her cheeks turning light pink.

"If that dragon shrunk you, we need to get a vile of his venom. You, Heather and Ruff, stay here. Don't go anywhere else, okay? Stay safe" Hiccup told her and stood up to go back to the guys to tell them his plan.

Astrid sighed in defeat as she knew she couldn't argue with him. She was useless right now. Small, tiny, nothing.

"You okay, Ast?" Heather asked in concern, walking over to her with Ruffnut by her side. Astrid looked up at the two of them and smiled softly.

"I just hate being so pathetic" She confessed and crossed her arms over her chest, sitting down on a small pebble that for her was a big rock.

"We're just small. It doesn't mean anything" Ruffnut told her, sitting down and putting a hand on her shoulder.

Ruffnut could be a complete handful sometimes, but when Astrid needed her, she would always be there.

"Yeah, besides. Your squeaky high voice is actually kinda cute. I bet Hiccup likes it" Heather teased, making Astrid blush deep red and Ruffnut 'OoOoOOoOh' at her reaction.

"Hiccstrid! Hiccstrid!" Ruffnut cheered, making Astrid glare at her and Heather laugh.

"Shut up" Astrid muttered and scoffed, not looking at her friends as her cheeks turned tomato red.

After many long minutes, they saw Hiccup and the rest come back with something in their hands looking all messed up and tired.

"Are you okay?! What did the dragon do to you?" Astrid asked in concern and frowned as she looked at Hiccup's dirty and bruised face. He smiled down at her and shrugged.

"Anything for you, m'lady" Hiccup replied, handing her the small vile and making her smile at him. She drank a small amount of it and passed it on to the rest.

Slowly, they all turned back to their normal sizes and the empty vile fell to the ground. Astrid sighed happily as she was back in her body, straitening her braid a little.

"Wooh! Thank gods! Being small is such a bore!" Ruffnut complained, running over to Barf and cuddling up to her.

"Thanks, Hiccup" Astrid told him, smiling brightly as they all got on their dragons and began to fly back home.

"No problem. You're always so strong for me, might as well be strong for you" Hiccup replied, smiling back at her and making her laugh softly.

"You're a strong and amazing person, Astrid. Never forget that" He added sincerely, making her blush and look away for the tenth time that day. This boy just knows exactly what to say, she thought giddily in her head.

"Ditto to that" She stated, locking eyes with him and smiling. His bright green eyes met her crystal blue ones and they immediately felt happy.

"Awwww!" Heather and Ruffnut gushed from behind the two, watching intently as they exchanged cute words.

Hiccup chuckled nervously and flew faster, away from the two, but still near Astrid. Astrid rolled her eyes and shook her head at her friends.

They were friends. Friends that cared for each other. Who thought each other was strong and amazing. Who would risk their lives for each other.

Friends. Just friends. Hiccup forced himself to think, ignoring the rapid beating of his heart around her.

Butterflies filled her stomach as she thought of his cute grin and they way he talked to her. The way he made her feel so happy and nervous at the same time.

That was friendship right? It must be. Maybe? Astrid questioned in her brain.

It was funny how shrinking made their relationship and feeling for each other start growing.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now