Flower Petals 🍋(Choromatsu x Hanahaki! reader) Lemon

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For AsunaXMatsunoSibs

I was sitting on my bed coughing up a storm. I groan before throwing up a bunch of flowers. Green lilies to be exact. I was suffering from Hanahaki disease and it's almost been a month. I sniff as tears leave my eyes and I lay down on my bed. At this point I'll just accept death. He wouldn't love me back. I gave another cough and flowers petals fly out of my mouth. I sigh heavily as tears left my eyes.

"No matter how much I hint that I love him. Choromatsu didn't notice so he won't return the feelings." I say to myself and smile sadly "heh. I guess I'm going to end up dying from a broken heart." I say and close my eyes before hearing the doorbell. I got up and walk to the door. I open the door to see Choromatsu. "Oh..hey Choromatsu." I say and he hums in concern "are you okay? I haven't seen you in a while." He asks before I let him in.

I hum and smile tiredly "I'm fine. I just feel si-" I was cut off by a cough and cover my mouth but he saw. "Y/n! Why are you coughing up flowers?!" He exclaims and I smile "it's nothing. I ju-" "that's not nothing! Y/n what is wrong?" He asks as he held my shoulders and I look down as tears leave my eyes again. "It doesn't matter any way...I am suffering from Hanahaki disease..it's almost been a month and I have given up."

I saw Choromatsu go wide eyed before he glances at the flowers. "...Who caused you to suffer this?" He asks and I stay silent "..Was it..me?" He asks and I shy away but nod "but you obviously don't feel that way..it's fine..I have accepted death already." I say and saw a look of guilt come across his face. "..I'm such an idiot..I didn't..I didn't know that you suffered from that..y/n listen to me."

I look up at him and he sighs "look I am an idiot for not telling you sooner but I do love you y/n. I'm so sorry that I caused this..but I'm going to fix it." He says and I hum in confusion before he leans in to kiss me. I squeak in surprise and feel tears leave my eyes before I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

He pulls away and I whine before kissing him again. He hums and smiles as he holds me close. I pull away and lead him to the couch where I lay him down before sitting on his lap. I wasn't wasting anytime as I lean down and kiss him deeply while unbuttoning his shirt. He hums and sat up to pull away "um y/n?" He says with a blush and I kiss his cheek "I'm not gonna waste time. Just let me do this, please."

He smiles and kisses me deeply. I moan and push my tongue against his as I pull his shirt off. I pull away and remove my top followed by my bra. I pull him into a kiss as I grind against him. He moans into my mouth and grinds up against me. I pull away and remove both of our bottoms. I hum and pull his underwear off. He blushes and I blush when his dick sprung up.

I smile shyly before going down to take him into my mouth. He gasps softly and I hum before I slowly bob my head. He let out a high pitch moan as I bob my head. I hum as I press my tongue against his shaft. I smile at the moans he released with every movement of my head. I move my hands to caress his thighs and he keens in response. He also bucks his hips making me groan softly. I started to bob my head faster and he moans frantically.

I swirled my tongue around his shaft and pressed my tongue flat on his tip. "Oh~ that f-feels good y/n~" I pull off and flick the tip with my tongue before placing my mouth over the tip. As I suck on the tip I stroke the rest of his dick. He lays his hands on my head and threads his fingers through my hair.

"oh yes~ oh y-y/n~ keep d-doing that~" his voice was shaky and filled with pleasure. I push my head down a little and suck on his shaft. "Oh y/n~ I'm about to cum~" He moans and I close my eyes as I flick my tongue across his slit. I hum with a smile when I tasted his precum. He let out a lot of high pitch moans and whines. His moans were orgasmic and I pressed my thighs together feeling my juices leak out a little.

"Ahh!~ y-y/n!~ I'm c-cumming!~" he cried out and my eyes shot open as he pushes my head down to the hilt. As he came down my throat I groan softly, but moan as his warm cum fills my mouth and feel my eyes roll a bit. I gulp it down before I gave a small cough. A single green lily and a few petals fell out of my mouth. I cover my mouth and brush them off before looking at Choromatsu. "Heh. Sorry." I say and he smiles softly before kissing me as he lays me back onto the couch. As he kisses me I reach down and remove my own underwear.

I pull away and wrap my arms around his neck. "I want you inside me Choromatsu~" he blushes and gulps nervously before lining up with my wet pussy. "H-How are you so wet?" He asks and I smile "it was because of your moans. They turned me on~" I purr with a blush and he hums before gently holding my hips. He looks up and I could see him search my eyes. I nod and he hums with a blush.

He slowly pushes into me and I inhale sharply with a whimper. There was a small bit of pain but it was tolerable. He hovered over with a shaky smile "You f-feel s-so good~" I hum and wrapped my arms around his neck. I kiss him softly and roll my hips making him moan. I pull away and bit my lip. "Please move Choromatsu~" I purr and he nods before kissing my forehead.

He starts thrusting slowly and I hear him give a shaky moan as his thrusts slowly became faster "Ah!~ Choromatsu!~" I moan out in pleasure and move my hands up to thread through his hair. He was a moaning mess and it only added to my arousal. "I love you Choromatsu!~ I l-love y-you~" I say between moans and he blushes, hiding his face in the crevice of my neck. "I l-love y-you t-too." he whispers as his hands grip my hips as he picks up the speed and intensity of his thrusts. I moaned out and feel my tongue loll out while he let out small whines and moans into my ear.

"Oh!~ I love you!~ I love you!~" I scream out as I reach my end. I whine out and scratch his back. He flinches and I saw him bite his lip before kissing me. I could feel his dick twitch slightly before he pulled back from the kiss with a whiny moan. He sits up and grips my hips tighter as he thrusts harder. "Oh yes!~ Pound me Choromatsu!~" I moan out as I lay my arms down beside my head and he lifts my legs onto his shoulders.

He looked at me with a face of pure unadulterated pleasure as he actually pounded me. I let out a wail and grip the armrest above my head. "Aha!~ k-keep going!~ D-Don't stop!~" I moan and he smiled shakily "O-Okay~" he says before thrusting faster than he already was. I begun to feel pressure build within me and wail out. "I'm a-about to c-cum!~" Choromatsu grips onto my thighs and leans forward a bit "oh~ M-Me t-too." He moans as continued to pound me hard.

I felt Choromatsu hit my g-spot and that pushed me over the edge. I arched my back with a loud moan as I came. "HYYAH!~ Choromatsu!~ I'm cumming!" I cry out and felt my pussy tighten around his throbbing dick. He moans before he grabs the back of my thighs and push my legs against my chest. I was surprised but giggle softly. His thrusts became shallow and sloppy as he neared the edge. He moaned out and dug his nails into my thighs.

"HA!~ Y-Y/N!~ I'm C-Cumming!~"

I shudder at his final deep thrust and moan softly. He threw his head back as he came deep inside of me. I hum shakily as his cum splashes around inside me. He releases my legs and I let them fall onto the couch. He lays on me panting heavily and I hum as I held him close. "I love you y/n. I love you so much. I'm so sorry that I-" I kiss him softly to shut him up.

I pull away with teary eyes and a smile "I love you too. Thank you." I say softly as I hug him and he hums before standing up. He picks me up and carries me to my bedroom. We both got under the covers and held each other as we fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning I discovered that I no longer had Hanahaki disease.

The next morning was filled with me and Choromatsu hugging each other with me crying tears of joy with a genuine smile on my face.

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