He is a nice guy (Atsushi x reader+Matsu Bros)

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This is another story where the brothers are septuplets and the reader is the youngest.

I was at the house by myself as all my brothers were out and about. As I was rolling around in boredom I heard a knock on the door. I hum and get up to answer the door. When I open the door I saw a familiar face. Though I hadn't seen him in a while. "Oh hi Atsushi. What are you doing here?" I ask and he smiles "Oh hello y/n. I was just here to see if Todomatsu was here."

"Um no, but he should be back soon." I say and he nods "okay he did say he was going out beforehand." He says with a smile and I smile "you want to come in or you can just wait outside?" I ask and he hums "I don't mind waiting outside." He says and I hum before stepping out. "I'll wait with you then." I say and he smiles but doesn't say anything as he sat down on the step.

I blush softly as he pats the space beside him. I sat down next to him and glance at Atsushi. "You haven't changed." He says and I hum "you haven't changed. You are still as cute as you were in high school." He says and I blush before humming "well you have definitely changed." I say and he hums "well in high school...you aren't exactly a nice guy..you were a bit of an..an um" I trial off and he chuckles

"An ass? Yeah...sorry." I turn to him and he rubs the back of his head "I was pretty rude to you back then so I'm sorry." He says and I smile before scooting over to hug him. He tenses but quickly relaxed. "It's okay." I say and he hums "Hey y/n" I hum and pull away "how would you like to go out later?" He asks with a smile and I blush before smiling. "I'd love to."

After a bit more talking Todomatsu came back and they went to do what they had planned. I wave by to my brother and Atsushi before heading back in with a blush before I realize

"Oh wait..do I have anything nice to wear?"

So I ended up finding a simple but cute dress it would have to do. Atsushi and I planned to just meet in the park and we would go from there. When I met up with him he was so nice and we went to the mall where I mostly just browsed until something caught my eyes. My feet moved on their own and I walk over to this gorgeous necklace.

 My feet moved on their own and I walk over to this gorgeous necklace

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"Oh wow that gem is an Aquamarine." I say and I hear Atsushi hum behind me. "Good eye young lady. Are you interested?" The jeweler asks and I look at the price. It was beautiful but unfortunately it was 200 dollars. That was money I didn't have. I sigh and shook my head "no but thank you..I'll just look around." I say and move to browse the clothes leaving Atsushi to look at the different jewelry.

After browsing the mall Atsushi took me out to a nice place to eat. After placing our orders he handed me a box. I hum and took it with a confused face. "Go on. Open it." He says as he took a sip of his drink. I open the box and stare in shock when I saw the necklace from before. I look up at Atsushi and he smiles. I smile shyly before blushing "but why?" I ask and he hums

"The price was just a number, however seeing you happy and seeing that smile. That's priceless."

I tear up and smile before wiping my eyes with a soft laugh "No guy has ever..well bought something like this for me...I mean my brothers try but in a relationship stance" I pause and he gave me a smirk "N-Not that this is a relationship. I just-" I shut up when he reaches over to hold my hand. "I know what you mean and yes this isn't a relationship." He pauses and kisses my hand

"It's just the start of one."

I blush and feel my heart flutter as I swoon softly. I smile and interlock our fingers "yeah..I suppose it is." I say and he smiles

"yes. yes it is."

We had to be very careful when getting home, we didn't actually walk to the door, since I didn't want my brothers freaking out. "Soo I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask and he nods before pulling me into a hug. I smile and shift the box into one hand to hug back. He pulls away and I hug the box to my chest. "Right..well I'll see you tomorrow." I say and he held my face.

I blush and felt my stomach flip as he leans in. I panic and place my hand over his mouth. He hums and I blush "S-Sorry...it's just I have never been kissed before so I panicked." I say and he pulls my hand "I understand. I can wait if it makes you nervous." He says and I smile softly. "Yeah." I say and we just hug each other before going our separate ways.

When I walk into the house I try to be quiet as it was late. When I closed the door I was startled to hear someone behind me. "Where have you been?" I turn to see a tired Karamatsu with crossed arms. "Sorry..I was out with a friend..we lost track of time." I say and he hums "what's that?" He asks pointing to the box and I hum "a necklace that I got." I say and he hums with a yawn before kissing my forehead.

"Just let us know next time. We were worried and I had to stay waiting for you missy." He says playfully and I giggle "yeah sorry" I say before we head up to our room. As I was getting changed my brothers asked questions which I answered the best I could. I also made sure to hide my necklace. Mostly because Todomatsu would definitely know how much it costs. I got into the futon, between Choromatsu and Osomatsu this time, and fell asleep with a smile.

I was so excited for tomorrow.

I hope I can keep this secret for a bit before telling my brothers the truth.

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