Painful Truth (Osomatsu x Little sister! reader) Angst

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A continuation of A Drunk Mistake.

It's been 2 months and I was hiding my pregnancy from my brothers. I wore more baggy clothes to hide my small baby bump. The thing is I was trying to hide it from my brothers but I should've know that I couldn't hide it from my mom. I mean she was pregnant with 6 kids, at once, she would know signs of pregnancy to well. Yet I still tried until one day as I was in the living room. My brothers were all out.

My mom comes into the room and sat beside me. She was silent for a second before she held my hand "y/n, you can't hide this kind of thing from me. I'm a woman and a mother. I know about these things" she says and I glance away but she has me face her "y/n. You're pregnant, aren't you?" She asks and I open my mouth but she interjected "Tell me the truth." I shut my mouth and bite my lip before tearing up.

I nod and she sighs "Why didn't you tell me?" She asks and I shook my head before crying "I..I couldn't..I didn't want..I didn't want to..this shouldn't have even happened!" I wait and she hugs me close. "Honey, What happened?" She asks as she rubs my back "that night..when I was w-waiting for Osomatsu..h-he..he was drunk and he" I cut off into a loud wail and my mom was silent before hugging me tightly.

"Sh~ Sh~ it's okay~ let it out~" she coos and I sniff "mommy" she hums and pulls back "..can you not tell Osomatsu about this?...or any of the brothers" I ask and she nods before kissing my forehead "I won't but I think you should tell him or at least one of your other brothers." She says and I hum before nodding. She smiles and stands me up "I think we have some ice cream in the freezer." She says and I hum "...the kind with cherries?" I ask and she nods before leading me to the kitchen.

When I calmed down I decided to tell two of my brothers so I could at least have some support beside my mom. Who did I decide to tell? Karamatsu and Jyushimatsu. Both of them are pretty understanding and are very helpful. Not to mention Jyushimatsu knew how to make me happy. So I pull them aside to tell them.

"What's up y/n?" Karamatsu asks and I sigh before looking at both of them. "I need you guys to be calm. Can you do that for me?" I ask and they nod. Though they were both understanding and supportive they were also the type of guys who would freak out. So I took a breath and say "I'm pregnant." They both went wide eyed and as they were about to flip out I cover both of their mouths.

"I said not to freak out. Please. I need you guys more than ever right now." I say and they glance at each other before nodding. I pull my hands away and they stare at me. "You're pregnant?" Jyushimatsu asks using his soft voice and I nod "Who's is it?" Karamatsu asks and I look down "I..I don't know if I can tell you." I say and he hums in concern but doesn't push the subject.

"Okay, how far long?" Karamatsu asks and I pull my shirt down over my baby bump. I saw them look at me surprised "I'm 2 months almost 3." I say and they hum before Jyushimatsu hugs me. "We'll help you through this y/n-chan." He says and I hug him back. Karamatsu hugs me as well "he's right. We will help you with whatever you need." He says and I smile before hugging both of them.

I was at the 3 month mark and was at the living room table. I was snacking on some orange slices and grapes when pain shot through my lower back. I whimper from the pain and my brothers turn to me. "You okay y/n?" Osomatsu asks and I hum "yeah. My back just hurts." I say and Jyushimatsu shot up. He walks away from Ichimatsu and sat behind me, rubbing my lower back.

"Does this help?" He asks and I whine "n-not really." I say laying a hand on my side, near my abdomen. Jyushimatsu saw this and moves a hand to gently rub my side. I groan as I felt a sharp pain and stood up "I'm gonna use the bathroom." I say and stumble over to the door before walking to the bathroom.

Why does it hurt more than normal?

-Karamatsu's POV-

Jyushimatsu and I watch y/n leave with concern on our faces. "I wonder why she was in pain?" I ask and Osomatsu hums "well I saw her hold her sides. Maybe she's on her period." He says and I shook my head "no she wouldn't be on her period now." I say without thinking and saw them all turn to me with confusion on their faces but Jyushimatsu was cat eyed with his mouth in a line.

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