I need help 🍋(Dom! Neko! Ichimatsu x Sub! Neko! reader) Lemon

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For savewillcipher

I was in hurry to get to my boyfriend's place. My hood pulled up to try and hide my blush. Luckily the sleeves of my hoodie were cut off so I didn't sweat more than I was already. The downside is that people can probably smell my scent. The sweet scent of a neko in heat. When I saw the house I pick up pace and sprint over. I run up to the door and knock rapidly on the door.

Ichimatsu answers and I saw his ears flick slightly as he hums "y/n? You oka-Woah" he cuts himself off and I saw his nose twitch meaning he could smell it. He could smell my scent. "Ichimatsu~ I need help~" I whine and he nods before letting me in. I took my hoodie off and pant softly as my heat took over. I walk into the living room and curl up on the ground. Ichimatsu came into the living room and got down on the floor with me.

He nuzzles his face on mine before nuzzling up against me. He nuzzles his face into my neck while purring and I purr softly. I roll onto my back and flick my tail across Ichimatsu's hand. He purrs and leans down to nuzzle his face into my neck. He kisses my neck and I mewl softly. I purr and wrap my arms around his neck as I pull him close.

I pull him back and push my nose against his and he pulls me close with a hum. "You really want my help?" He asks as he nuzzles into my shoulder. I pull his face back and nod "Yes~ you are my boyfriend after all" I say with a blush before lightly lick his cheek. His eyes widen and he purr before leaning down to my neck. I smile when I saw his tail swaying behind him and his ears flick slightly.

I mewl and purr softly as he licks my neck. As he licks up the side of my neck and I could feel my body heating up. After about a minute I felt hot all over as sweat soaks through my clothes, though it was a different liquid that soaked through my pants and underwear. I wrap my arms around his neck and whine. Ichimatsu chuckles and moves a hand up to pet and scratch behind my ears. I moan softly as it felt so good right now. I was shaking as I felt my heat intensify.

"Oh~ Ichimatsu~" I moan softly and he pulls back to look at me. His hand went to the hem of my shirt before he looks at me, as a means of consent. I nod shyly and he smiles before pulling my shirt and bra followed by my bottoms. He went to lick up and down my body and I moan softly. "Oh~ Ichimatsu~ Please~ M-M-More~" I moan softly and I heard him purr before he pushes two fingers into my soaking wet pussy.

He leans in to lick my neck and I moan as I feel him pump his fingers in and out. I lift my tail and brush it against his hardened dick. He gave a small moan before removing his fingers and pushes his pelvis down on mine. I mewl as he thrusts against me and I grip his shoulders with a whine "P-Please~ I n-need you inside m-me!~" I moan out and he sat up and removes his hoodie and bottoms. I squeak but purr softly as he flips me onto my hands and knees. I glance back and blush as he lines up with my pussy. I hum and lean onto my forearms while spreading my legs a bit.

I gave a small mewl and sway my tail. He purrs and gently held my hips. I moan as the tip of his dick nudged my opening before he plunged deep into me. I threw my head back with a mewl of pleasure. I gave a loud moan he started to thrust. My heat helped dull the pain I felt as he takes my virginity. I could hear his low purrs and mewls as he thrusts in and out of me. I moan as he lays his body on mine and nuzzles his face on mine. At the same time he hit my g-spot. I threw my head back with a squeaky moan.

"Nya!~ Ichi-mat-Mm!!~"

He purrs into my ear and pulls out till the tip was barely in before thrusting back in. I clench my teeth with a gasp before moaning out as he continues. I turn my head and lightly lick his cheek before kissing him deeply as he thrusts roughly. My stomach was doing flips as I moan into his mouth. I pull away with my eyes rolling back and my tongue hanging out of my mouth.

"Nyah~ Oh I-Ichimatsu~"

He moves to hold my hands before nuzzling his face into my neck. I smile and purr before I reach my tail out to intertwine with his. He purrs as he kisses and bites my neck. I gave a whiny mewl and I could feel my orgasm approaching. I felt his dick twitch and he gave a grunt before nuzzling my shoulder.
He lightly bites my shoulder and I let out a scream-like moan as I arch my back. My nails extended a bit before I claw the floorboards and came hard followed by him thrusting hard into me.

His final thrust pushing me to the floor from the force. He lays on me and gave a drawn out moan as he came deep inside me. I pant heavily and turn my head to kiss him. He pulls away with a shaky sigh and I saw his ears fold down a little. I purr and mewl softly as his cum fills me up. "W-Wow~ y-you're cumming soo much Nya~" I mewl with a smile and he moves his hands to rub my side. "Don't worry. It'll stop in a second." He purrs and nuzzles my face. After like a minute he was finally able to pull out. When he did I gave a small whine.

He carefully rolls me over and smiles. I smile and we both shift into cats before curling up with each other. I purr as he licks my face while I do the same for him. As cats I was a tabby cat with simple green eyes whereas he was a regular black cat but had piercing purple eyes. I smile and snuggle up to him as I let our tails intertwine.

I nuzzle my head under his jaw and mewl "Thank you Ichimatsu. I love you." I say and he nods before nuzzling his face on mine. "I love you too." He says before we both curl up and drift off to sleep. We both gave a small purr before going to sleep.


I was strolling around in my cat form saying hello to a few people before heading back to Ichimatsu's place. I made way in and try to find Ichimatsu. I found him in the living room and walk over to him still in my cat form. "Oh hello y/n, do you feel better after your stroll?" He asks and I nod before sitting down. "How are feeling?" He asks petting my head and I smile before shifting back.

"I feel good." I say and he smiles before placing a hand onto my belly, which had become bloated. "and the babies? How are they?" He asks and I smile before nuzzling his face "They are fine. They kick like crazy though." I say with a laugh and he smiles before laying his forehead on mine, his ears folded back as he sighs happily. I smile and felt my ear fold back as well as I sigh blissfully.

Ichimatsu and I were so very excited to welcome our babies into the world.

We were very happy to be parents and it showed.

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