A Past Mistake (Jyushimatsu x little sister! reader) Angst

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The brothers are septuplets in this and reader is the youngest.

"I'm going to get you Y/n-chan!" Jyushimatsu yells as I run away from him. We were playing tag in the park and I was running as fast as my 10 year old body would allow. Then I was tackled by him. We roll around for a bit and I laugh until "Ouch!" I yelp and Jyushimatsu sat up in a panic "What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks and I nod "I just scraped my arm. I'm okay." I say and he hums "Sorry for hurting you." He says and I smile

"it's okay. I know you would never hurt me purposely."

Jyushimatsu has brought Homura over to meet his family which made him very excited. "I'm home! I brought Homura-chan with me!" He calls out and the brothers and parents come out to meet him. They all move to the living room to talk and get to know each other when Homura's eyes drift over to a memorial shrine in the corner.

"Who's that for?" She asks curiously and everyone follows her gaze before becoming sad. "That would be a memorial for our little sister, y/n." Karamatsu says with a sad face and Homura hums "oh I'm sorry for your loss. What happened to her?" She asks and Jyushimatsu flinches as he felt tears come to his eyes. His smile faded and was replaced with a sad frown.

"...It was a terrible accident." Choromatsu says as he looks over to Jyushimatsu "That's right. It was just an accident Jyushimatsu." Ichimatsu adds in noticing how sad Jyushimatsu had become. "Well what happened?" Homura asks Jyushimatsu with concern and he sighs "I..I didn't...It happened when we were 18."


I was walking with my friends as I talk about my brothers and my plans for the future. "Oh wow you want to be a nurse y/n-chan?" Totoko asks and I nod "That's pretty cool. I want to be an idol." Reika says and y/n smiles "Well I'll be rooting for you." I say and she smiles "though I don't know what theme to go for." She says and I smile "you should do something cat related. I love cats and it would suit you." I say and she hums in thought

"Do you think I could be an idol?" Totoko asks and both Reika and I laugh. "You'd only do it for the fans." I say but smile "but if you become one I'll support you as well." I say and all of us smile. Then I heard yelling from across the street. I turn my head and drop my bag in shock. Osomatsu and Jyushimatsu were fighting with each other. I gasp and look both ways before running across the street to stop them.

"Guys! Stop! You'll get hurt!" I shout pleadingly as I try to push them apart. Jyushimatsu whips around with that scowl on his face "Stay out of this!" He shouts before shoving me back which leads to Osomatsu fighting with him. My head hit the concrete and I lay there for a second before slowing getting up, holding the back of my head. I heard loud ringing and when that cleared all I heard was a shrill scream from Reika and Totoko.

"Y/n! Look out!"

I turn my head to see a semi truck. My eyes widen before everything went black.

-3rd person-

Totoko stares in pure terror while Reika gave a shrill scream of agony as their friend was struck by a truck. Both of the brothers had turned the heads right before y/n was hit.

They stop with wide eyes as they watch their little sister was struck by a semi truck right before their eyes. Everyone around them either screamed or called 911.

Both brothers and the girls rush to the girl who lay broken on the road. Totoko reaches her first and held her in her arms as she cries while Reika sat beside her holding y/n's limp hand. Y/n was dead not denying that. Osomatsu fell to his knees and reaches a hand out to hold her face. Her eyes that once held such life and happiness were now dull and vacant.

As the four teens cry the ambulance shows up to escort them to the hospital. Osomatsu called his parents who agreed to meet them there. Jyushimatsu had been completely silent only letting out whimpers and quiet sobs. Jyushimatsu reaches a hand out to hold his little sister's hand.

There wasn't much doctors could do as y/n was D.O.A. Dead on arrival.

The funeral was miserable as everyone in attendance was crying. Her parents. Her friends. Her brothers. Jyushimatsu was crying the hardest. At the burial Totoko snaps and whips around in anger to Jyushimatsu. "This is all your fault! If you had just stopped fighting or not have shoved her away! This wouldn't have happened!" Reika had to hold her back as Totoko broke down in tears.

After hearing that Jyushimatsu ran off. He ran until he couldn't anymore. He fell on his hands and knees crying loud as he cries his heart out though he was shouting something in between sobs

"I'm sorry y/n! Please! I'm so sorry!"

Flashback Over

Jyushimatsu cries from the memory "it was my fault...I blamed myself for many years afterwards until I realized..y/n would never want to see me so sad. So for y/n I smile. I smile the best I can for her so she doesn't worry." He says and Homura wipes her teary eyes before hugging Jyushimatsu. He hugs her back with a shaky smile.

I'm smiling for you y/n. Please forgive me.

In the doorway stood a angelic apparation of a young girl. She had tears streaming from her eyes as she smiles.

"I forgive you Jyushimatsu-niisan." She says and walks into the room to lay a hand on his head before kneeling down to hug him.

His little sister was watching over him as his guardian angel.

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