Helping him out 🍋(Omega! Teacher! Osomatsu x Alpha! Teacher! reader) Lemon

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For Angeldiary16

I was in my classroom teaching my students the art of music. Technically I was just watching over them as they go over their music sheets. I was a choir teacher and I loved my job. I also loved my students. To me all of my students had amazing singing voices. Some just needed some practice. As I watch over them I hear the door open. I turn my head to see Karamatsu with a look of urgency.

I hum and he walks over to me. I stood up to greet him but he cuts me off. "We have a problem." He says before grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the room. "What's wrong?" I ask when Karamatsu closes the door and he looks at me with a look of concern. "It's Osomatsu..he's in heat." He says and my eyes widen. "What? No that can't be. He would've told me." I say and he shrugs.

"I guess he forgot...or more likely he didn't want to say anything." He says and I hum "Where is he?" I ask and he hums "Teacher's lounge. I'll watch over your class for you." He says and I nod "Thank you." I say before rushing to the teacher's lounge. When I reach the room I saw Ichimatsu outside, standing in front of the door. He looks at me and steps aside to let me in.

I smile and open the door with a thank you before entering the room. I close the door and turn to see Osomatsu sitting at the table with his head on his folded arms. "Osomatsu." I say with crossed arms and he lifts his eyes to glance up at me. "Why didn't you tell me you were in heat? We would have stayed home and I could have helped you." He hums and looks away.

"I..I didn't want it to burden you." He says and I hum "What?" I ask and walk over to lay a hand on his head. He pulls away and stood up "you have already helped me out so much..from buying my mating with me when it got really bad...but I just feel like it burdens you." He says and I sigh "Osomatsu. We've talked about this. I do all that because you are my mate..for crying out loud we are married." I pause and he sighs. I walk over and hold his face.

"I don't understand why you feel this way."

He looks at me and hugs me tightly. I gasp softly before hugging him back. I rub his back and nuzzle my face into his neck. I smile when I saw my mark. I kiss it softly and he shudders with a whine. I pull away and smile "I want to help you." I say and he was about to say something but I lay my finger on his lips. "But we don't have to mate." I add and he hums before I go onto my knees.

I lay my hand over his erection and he jolts. "I can just help you release tension and I can wait till we get home." I say and he hums before nodding slowly "o-okay." He says and I smile before unbuckling his belt. I push his pants and underwear down with a smile as his dick sprung up. I wrap my hand around the base and blush as I felt it pulse in my hand.

I place my mouth over the tip and stroke him slowly as I suck and lick his leaking tip. I slowly bob my head while my tongue presses against the shaft. I smile at the moans he released with every movement of my head. I hum and look up at him. He was panting and red in the face. I hum and bob my head faster. He moans softly and I move my hands to caress his thighs making he keen in response. He also bucks his hips which makes me hum softly. He starts moaning louder and frantically as he holds the back of my head.

"Oh~ y-y/n~" he moans and I move down to the hilt as I swirl my tongue around the shaft. I could feel his hands tremble before he grips my hair. I pull off to lick the tip and I hollow my cheeks before I push my head down again. He flinches and moans out so I continue to do that as he gave pleading moans "w-wait! Nah~ if you do that I'll ah~ You'll make me cum~" He says and I smile before pulling off

"good~ I want you to cum~" I look up at him and he was panting "I want you to fill my mouth~" I purr as I open my mouth. He blushes before he pushing my head back onto his dick. My eyes widen but I moan softly as he thrusts in and out my mouth. "Nah~ Oh y/n~ I'm gonna cum~ Ah~ I can't-Ha!~" he moans out and I felt his dick throb before he grips my hair "fuuck~" he whines as he came into my mouth and down my throat. I moan softly and gulp it down. I pull my head back and a small strand of cum connected between my mouth and the tip of his dick.

I disconnect it with my tongue and lick his dick clean. I hum as I saw he was still throbbing and hard. I look up at him to see him leaning against the wall with a heavy blush as he pants softly. I glance at the table behind me before standing up. I unbutton my pants and push them off along with my underwear. I walk over to the table and bent over the side.

I look back to see Osomatsu blushing harder "I know how unbearable your heats are and I really want to help you. As your mate I want the best for you." I say and he hums "So I want to mate with you so we can take care of that heat of yours." I say as I spread my legs before reaching back to hold my folds apart. He glances at my pussy before he walks over to hold my hips.

"You sure? You really don't mind doing this?" He asks and I smile as I pull my hands away "Of course I'm sure, we are mates after all." I say while pushing back against him. He shudders and bites his lip before nudging my pussy with his dick. I moan softly as he pushes in and lay my head on my folded arms. He moans with a slight whine before he thrusts at a fast pace.

I moan out and smile as he thrusts so fast. I mean he was an omega in heat besides I wasn't complaining. To be honest, I have been in the mood recently. So this was amazing for me. "Oh Osomatsu~ There you go~" I moan out as he hits my sweet spots. He moans and lays his body on mine to nuzzle my shoulder. "You feel so good~ Oh~ I love you~" he moans and I turn my head to kiss his temple.

"Oh~ I love you too~ Oh Harder!~" I moan out and he places his hands beside my head, pushing himself up. I gasp and moan out as he pulls out before slamming back into me. He actually made me jolt as he did this. I moan out and claw at the table as he pounds me to the best of his ability. "Oh yes!~ Just like that!~ Pound my pussy!~" I moan out and hum as he flips me onto my back. He kisses me deeply and I moan as his tongue pushes on mine. Though I won the tongue battle he won when it comes to he thrusts.

That's what I love about this man. He was an omega but he fucked like an alpha.

Besides the shy demeanor which is common for omegas in heat.

He pulls away with a moan and nuzzles his face into my neck. I moan and hum as I felt his thrusts become sloppy and a bit desperate. I hear him whine out "Oh~ Gonna c-cum~" so I wrap my arms and legs around him. "You know the drill~" I lean up to his ear "Cum inside of me~" I purr before taking his earlobe into my mouth. He gasps as I suckle and nip at his earlobe.

He moans out and grips my hips before pushing deep into me. He shudders and moans as he came. I hum softly and bite my lip as the base swells a bit before he cums inside of me. I gasp softly when I feel him lightly bite my shoulder. I was surprised that he did that. I pull away to look at him and he glances away.

"S-Sorry..I know I shouldn't have bit you but I couldn't help it." He says softly and I kiss him softly "Osomatsu~ it's okay~" I coo and hug him close "it just surprised me. More importantly." I push his bangs up to kiss his forehead "Do you feel better?" I ask and he nods before nuzzling his face into my neck. I smile and hum as he kisses my neck.

We had a good 5 minutes or so before his knot would go away and then it would be lunch. So I just stay laying on the table with my arms around Osomatsu as I hug him close.

Osomatsu may see this as a burden on me but I see it as me helping him out.

As mates we help each other and I will always be ready to help him with his heat.

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