Wolf in Sheep's Clothing part 2: A Truce.

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This may be a little sad but it isn't angst level sad.

I hum softly as I snuggle up to Mason. I look up at him with a smile. I hug him and kiss him softly. "Hm? Hello y/n." He says softly and I smile "Hey~" I coo and he hums before kissing all over my face as he tickles my sides. I hum softly and giggle as he does this. "Ha! Mason! Nuu!~ Stooop~" I whine between laughter. He truly knows how to make me smile. How to make me happy.

Our fun came to a sudden halt when my door was slammed open. We both stop and sat up to see my dad. I quickly pull the sheets up to cover myself. He was first shocked before becoming angry. "Dad..please calm down..Mason isn't-" "Just get dressed. And you." He points to Mason "I wish to speak with you." He says before leaving and slamming the door.

Mason and I look at each other before pulling our clothes back on. When we got downstairs I was met with my uncles and my dad who turn to glare at Mason. "Dad..I know this seems bad but I found out that Mason isn't an angel. He's a demon like you and-" "That doesn't make this better." My dad says in a low tone and I shy back. "Even if he isn't an angel him being a demon isn't any better. May I remind you that you are a human girl. If he is a demon, he could easier hurt you or worse kill you."

I look up at my dad with a frown "he wouldn't do that!" I shout and my dad turns to me "He could lose control!" He shouts back and I shook my head

"even if he did I could control him and handle it!"

"You don't know that!"

"Yes I do!"

"How would you-"


It suddenly went silent before my dad just turns to Mason. "Get out of my house. If I see you so much as look at my daughter I'll make you regret it." He says and I saw his eyes flash red. Mason just nods and glances at me before he walks out the door, Uncle Choromatsu leading him out. I felt my eyes tear up and I drop my head. My dad sighs and hugs me "Y/n, a demon and a human...there's too much risk. You can't be together. I'm sorry."

My blood boils and I push him away "How do you know there's a risk! You just won't give him a chance!" I shout and he sighs "y/n. Believe me. A demon and a human can not be together." He says with a blank face and I glare at him "How would you know?!" I shout and groan "God! This is ridiculous! I love Mason so much and you won't give him a chance!" I shout and my dad tries to reach out to me but I step back. I took a breath and shout, in my anger, something I never thought I would say


I storm off to my room before I slam the door. I fall onto my bed and scream into my pillow. I lift my head as tears leave my eyes. "He just doesn't understand it...why can't he just let us be together." I say and push my face deep into my pillow.

After a hour I calm down and went downstairs to apologize but stop on the stairs when I hear crying. It was my dad. "You need to tell her Karamatsu." Osomatsu says and I hum "I can't." My dad says "..I still can't get over it." He adds and I walk down the rest of the way. "Dad?" My dad flinches and turns his head. "What do you need to tell me?" I ask and he looks at his brothers before sighing.

My dad stood up and walks over to me "Something I should've told you long ago." He says before leading me back to my room. He sat down with me on my bed and places his head in his hands. "You asked how I would know...I know firsthand why a demon and a human can't be together." He says and I hum. "Long before I adopted you...I fell in love with a girl..a human girl."

My eyes widen and I stare at him. "I loved her so much and she loved me...I was young and..to put lightly..I was unstable...One day I was really angry and I lost control..I blacked out..I didn't know what happened until I came to." He says and I saw tears in his eyes

"when I gained control...my love..my everything..was lying on the floor..I had killed her when I lost control. To make it worse I don't even remember what killed her. I do remember her screams though."

I just stare at my dad as he inhales and exhales heavily. "I'm sure Mason has better control than I did...so I apologize for...overreacting." He says and I hug him tightly. "No I'm sorry for what I said...I didn't know." I say and he hums before hugging me. "Look if you want to date Mason and if you really love him. I can try to make a truce with his family." He says and I smile "thanks dad." I say and he kisses my forehead. "No problem my rose."

Like promised my dad made a truce between the Matsunos and the Rosners. Mason's mom was actually very happy and accepting. His dad however said that we wouldn't last 4 months.

He was very wrong.

Because within a year Mason and I got engaged and soon after we were married.

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