2 Alphas, 1 Beta 🍋(Alpha! Osomatsu+Karamatsu x Beta! reader) Lemon

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For misstrishx

I was visiting my mates, Osomatsu and Karamatsu, today. There was no special occasion I just wanted to see them. Though I was surprised to see that only Osomatsu and Karamatsu were home. They seemed off but I shrug it off and smile. "Hi you two. I hope you're feeling alright." I say and they hum "we're fine." They both say and I smile. At one point Osomatsu got up to use the bathroom. So it was just me and Karamatsu.

Things were all good and we talk about the usual stuff. Until Karamatsu moves to be behind me and holds me close. I hum and look back at him but he pushed his face into my back. Though I did catch a glimpse of his eyes. Eyes that were tinted a glowing blue. I was a little confused until I realized what was happening.

He was in rut.

That would explain why he seemed off which made me think that Osomatsu must be in rut as well. The thing is though I'm a Beta. So I don't have that sweet scent that all Omegas have so he can't be that affected can he. I got my answer when he licks my neck. I blush softly and look back at Karamatsu who looks up at me. "Wait seriously...even though I'm not an omega?" I ask and he smiles before kissing me softly.

I hum and turn around to kiss him back. Just because I wasn't an omega didn't mean I couldn't help him if he needed it. He hums and pulls me close before rolling over to be on top. He pushes his tongue into my mouth and I moan softly. He pulls away to remove my shirt and bra "Wait" he pauses and looks at me with those tinted eyes. "If we are going to do this shouldn't we wait for Osomatsu. He might get mad."

He smiles and leans down to kiss my neck. "He'll be fine~" he purrs before licking my neck. I moan softly and blush as he moves to remove my bottoms, tossing them somewhere. I jump with a moan as he touches my wet slit. He leans in to lick my neck and I moan as I feel him rubbing my beyond soaked pussy. "Oh~ Karamatsu~" I moan softly and I heard him growl softly before he pushes two fingers into my wet pussy. I may not get as wet as an omega but it was decent.

I moan softly and bite my lip as he pumps and curls his fingers. "Oh~ r-right there~" I moan as he grazes my g-spot. He continues to rub that spot until I grip his wrist. "Karamatsu~ M-More~" I moan softly and he smiles before pulling his fingers out. He wipes them onto his hoodie before removing his hoodie, leaving his black shirt. I smile and reach my arms out.

"Come here Kara~" I coo and he purrs before leaning down to kiss me deeply before grinding up against me. I pull away with a moan right when the door was opened. I turn my head to see Osomatsu. Karamatsu just hums before kissing my neck. "H-Heh are you in rut as well?" I ask and he nods. I smile and reach my hand out. "I can help you too sweetie~" I say with a moan as Karamatsu gnaws on my neck, not biting it.

"If Karamatsu doesn't mind sharing. You don't mind, right Kara?" I ask and he hums before pulling away "I don't care. So long as he doesn't hurt you." He says before kissing me softly. I smile and sat us up before waving Osomatsu over. He smiles and walks over to sit behind me. I moan into Karamatsu's mouth as Osomatsu licks and kisses my neck.

Karamatsu pulls away and I glance down as he unbuckles his belt. "Turn around love" He says as he pulls his pants off and I nod before moving onto my hands and knees, facing Osomatsu who smirks. "Hey cutie~" he purrs and I blush before kissing him softly. He pushes his tongue into my mouth and I hum softly. I let out a moan as I felt Karamatsu's dick nudge my pussy.

I hear him mumble "sorry for this." before plunging deep into me. I pull away with a gasp before moaning as he starts to thrust slowly. I moan softly and look up at Osomatsu. He smirks and went on his knees before pushing his bottoms down. I blush as his dick sprung up. He lays a hand on my head and held out his dick.

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