Theater Kids (Highschool! Karamatsu x reader)

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For SnowflakesSunsets

It was another day at school and I was in the auditorium with the other theater kids. I have been in theater since middle school so a lot of people knew me and I was pretty popular in the Drama club. It was also nearing the end of the year which meant the drama club would be participating in a play for the school. This year's play would be Cinderella which didn't surprise me as the director, my mom, loves fairytales.

My mom gathers everyone up and I was sat by Karamatsu. He was a shy boy and was mostly in the background of plays. He was a nice guy though and I actually got along with him. When I sat beside him he blushes softly before saying hi and I smile as I wave with a hello. "Okay everyone, casting will be a little different this time. I will pull a name from this bowl and a character from the other."

This made everyone smile and laugh at the interesting idea. But no one argues as my mom reaches into the character bowl to get started. "Let's see..Prince Charming will be played by" She reaches into the name bowl "hehe my daughter, y/n." Everyone laughs even me. "Oh yes that is perfect for me!" I say as I playfully nudge Karamatsu and he laughs softly.

After a while two roles were left which were for the Evil Stepmother and Cinderella. The names who weren't called was Rachel, a snobby girl, and Karamatsu. Karamatsu seemed embarrassed about playing a girl but I cheer him up with a smile and pat his shoulder. My mom pulls out a paper from the character bowl "Okay and our Cinderella will be" She reaches into the name bowl and I saw Rachel smirk smugly. That smile turns into a shocked face when my mom says

"Karamatsu Aw~ that'll be cute"

Karamatsu blushes as my mom coos and I smile "Hey looks like we both have leading roles." I say and he smiles "yeah..I guess so."

The days of practice were fun and everyone was getting into their roles and enjoying them. Even Karamatsu seemed to enjoy the role he got. He seemed confident and happy. I was happy for him as he didn't seem as shy. I wish I could've taken a pictured the face he had as the designer fit him for the dresses. It was so cute. Until opening night I was adjusting my outfit when my mom ran up to me in a panic.

"Y/n please tell me you know where Karamatsu is." I shook my head and she bit her nails "wait why? Is he not here?" I ask and she shook her head. "You keep looking. I'll call him." I say and she nods. I pull out my phone and walk away to look for him. "Come on Karamatsu. Pick up." I say softly before the phone went to voicemail.

I was starting to get worried till I heard quiet sobs from the supply closet. I pause and open the door to see Karamatsu in there crying. "Karamatsu..What happened?" I ask and crouch down "'s nothing." He says and I turn his face towards me "Karamatsu." I say and he sighs "I was backstage just thinking when Rachel came up to me. We were talking and all of a sudden she asks if I had a crush on you or something. I guess she saw me staring at you during rehearsals."

I hum and stand him up "Well what did you say?" I ask and he hums "I was honest and told her I did like you...then she started saying how you would never feel the same. When I asked why she said it was because I was too shy and she even said you were weirded out by how I enjoyed the role I got." He says and I stare at him before nodding "okay. I'll deal with Rachel. Don't listen to her okay." I say and he nods "okay." I smile and hold his hand before walking back.

"Now let's get you ready."

Throughout the play I couldn't stop thinking of what Karamatsu said. Not the part with Rachel. He admitted he had a crush on me and I don't think he even realized. I smile when I had an idea. It was now the final act of our play. When Prince Charming finds his princess. It was the part where the stepsisters has already tried the shoe on. The part came where I was about to leave but Karamatsu came on stage asking us to wait.

I smile and walk towards him. "Oh don't pay her any mind she-" "my instructions were that every lady try the shoe on. So if you would so kindly move." I interrupt with a, genuine, frown and shove past her to Karamatsu. I have him sit in the chair and kneel down to slide the shoe on his foot with a smile. I look up at him with a smile

"A perfect fit." I say before pulling him up and hug him. Now the script had where we would hug, my mom would give the final narrative and the curtains would close but I pulled a few strings. So, with my mom's okay, I pull back and just before the narrative I held up his hand and lean in. "I have found you, My princess." I say before pulling him into a kiss. He squeaks softly and hesitates before kissing back.

My mom gave her narrative of they lived happily ever after and such before the curtains close. When the fully closed I pull away to see Karamatsu blushing hard. "I really like you too Karamatsu." I say and he smiles shyly "really?" He asks and I kiss his forehead "really really." I say before pulling him in for another kiss this time he didn't hesitate to kiss back.

As the story goes, Karamatsu and I actually did live happily ever after. We had found love in each other.

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