The Reason (Father! Ichimatsu x Daughter! reader)

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For CryptOfDrawings
I hope this is okay😅

I was so happy to be in Japan. My college gave me a chance to study abroad for 6 months and I have always wanted to go to Japan. Though my mom did explain that is was because I was born in Japan. My dad also apparently is in Japan. My dad was never around when I grew up but my mom always said it was because he worked a lot so he couldn't visit us.

Anyway I was standing in the airport looking for the family I was staying with. I was a little excited because the family I was staying with had the last name "Matsuno" and my mom did say that was my dad's last name. I wonder why their last names were different. When I saw an older woman holding a sign that had my name I walk over. "Hello Mrs Matsuno. I'm y/n." I say and she smiles

"Wow you and your father have the same hair." She says and I smile "really?" I ask and she nods "yes I mean aside from the fact your hair is long." I smile and she smiles "and if you want to you can call me grandma." I smile and nod "Okay. Should we get going?" I ask and she nods before we head out.

When I got to the house I was surprised to see 5 identical man in the living room. I look at my grandma and she explains that they were my uncles. "Oh..I didn't know I had uncles..I guess my mom left that detail out." I say and head into the living room. I was pleasantly surprised by how welcoming they all were as they introduce themselves.

I place my stuff down and saw a cat curled up in the corner. I gasp softly and smile "A cat." I say and walk over "oh um y/n, Ichimatsu says that cat is feral." Osomatsu says but I didn't listen "hi sweetie~ you are so cute~" I coo and crouch down with an extended hand. The cat looks at me and my hand before purring and nuzzles into my hand.

"Hm well you are definitely Ichimatsu's daughter." Choromatsu says and I smile before picking up the cat who curls up in my arms. "What do you mean?" I ask before sitting down "Well Ichimatsu has this thing with cats. He's really good at caring for them and they seem to really love him." Karamatsu says and I smile "So I do have something in common with my dad. That makes me happy."

I hear the door open and look up to see who I would assume if Ichimatsu. My dad. He walks over to the living room and glances at me. I smile softly and pet the cat before he hums "oh that's right. I forgot she was coming here today." He says and I smile nervously "um..hi dad.." I say shyly and he hums "hi." He says and I could feel tension in the room.

I stood up and walk over to him "I found out that we are both good with cats." I say and he hums "I can see that. Though that cat took a week for it to even trust me." He says and I stare at him surprised "really?" I ask and he smiles softly before going back to a tired face. "Yeah...seems like cats really trust you." He says and I felt like he was proud of me which made me smile.

Within a month of me being here my uncles seemed to be fond of me and were very curious about me and my life. My grandparents were so kind and treated me very well. Though my dad seemed hesitant with any kind of contact with me and didn't really talk to me. I mean he tried but I could sense the hesitation. Like he was nervous around me. After another month passed I finally decided to ask why at dinner.

"Um dad..Why don't you talk to me?"

Everyone instantly went silent and stare at my dad. My dad sighs and turns to me "y/n did your mom ever talk about me?" He asks and I nod "She would talk about how much she loved you and how much she missed you." I say and he hums "..What did she tell you..about me?" He asks and I hum "Well she said that you were a nice guy who did care about her but that you weren't around because of work." I say and he hums "So that's what she told you?"

I tilt my head with a hum "Well yeah, she always explained how you couldn't be around because of your job." I say and he sighs "Well..that's not why I wasn't around." He says and I stare at him "what? then why weren't you around when I was growing up?" I ask and he glances at me but was silent. "Please tell me dad." I say and scoot closer but he sighs.

"Don't..The reason I wasn't because I wanted nothing to do with you."

My blood ran cold and I felt my heart break. He wanted nothing to do with me. I heard my uncles get up. "We'll just go." Choromatsu says and they all left. I stare at me dad confused. "You didn't want anything to do with me...So you didn't want me.." I say and he hums "not really." He says and I tear up "oh..then this was a mistake...I shouldn't have came here...if I had known...I'm sorry for wasting your time." I say before standing up and in my sadness I ran out off the house.

I don't know where I was going but I knew I couldn't be there. Eventually I made it to a park where I sat down on the bench and cry my heart out. "I'm such an idiot. Of course that's why he wasn't around. He doesn't care about me...he didn't even want me..he must think I'm just a mistake." I say as I cry into my hands. I felt someone sit down beside me and I glance over to see. My dad.

I pull my legs up to my chest and hug myself. "Here." He says and hands me a jacket "it's cold out." He says and I look away "Why do you care if I get cold?" I ask and he looks at me "because you could get sick." He says matter of factly and I hum "why do you care if I'm sick?" I ask and he sighs "because your mother would travel over to Japan just to kick my ass if she found out I let you get sick." I look at him and took the jacket before sliding it on.

"do you want to know why y/n?" He asks and I nod wiping my tears "I would appreciate it." I say and he sighs "When I met your mom I loved her so much and she loved me despite my issues. Honestly it hurt my heart to hear that she still loves me...y/n..when she told she was pregnant..I freaked out...I didn't think I was suitable to be a because of that..I told her I didn't want that stress on me."

I look at him as he explains and saw tears in the corners of his eyes. "Bless her heart she understood and agreed that I didn't have to be involved if I didn't want to be." He says with a smile before it instantly drops to a frown. "I was an idiot. I would give anything to be there for your mom. To hold you as a baby. T-To help you. To w-watch you g-grow up. I didn't trust myself around a child and because of that I missed the chance to have you in my life."

I watch with teary eyes as my dad starts crying. "I regret it. Oh god I regret it." He says and buries his face into his hands. My eyes soften and I scoot closer to hug him. "It's okay dad. I just wish I knew about this sooner. You know you can still be in my life." I say and he sniffs before looking at me. "I mean..I'm in college now but I still have my life ahead of me. Do you want to be apart of it?" I ask and he looks at me with teary eyes

"Y-Yeah." He says and I hug him tightly "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." He says and I smile "it's okay dad. You're here now. That's all that matters to me right now." I say softly and he hugs me close. I smile softly and I could sense the smile on his face as we held each other before going home.

Well my dad tried his hardest to be in my life and he succeeded. I was able to see him more often and I even convinced my mom to move to Japan so they could see each other again.

To say they were happy would be an understatement. They both still loved each other so much but my dad's self doubt caused them to split. I was just happy to have my family back to normal again.

I'm glad he told me the real reason for his absence.

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