Trial and Error (Atsushi+Todomatsu x reader) (Platonic)

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For topaz03
I tried😅😆

Todomatsu and I were both very happy as we got our driving permits. The only thing that we needed to do was the driving test before we got our licenses. Why did we have the sudden interest to get our licenses? Well we were both pretty annoyed and jealous at other people who could drive wherever they wanted to go. The only thing was we needed a car to test drive.

As we were thinking about how to do that Todomatsu and a face of realization. "Oh I know who we can ask." He says before taking out his phone and I saw him call Atsushi. " sure?" I ask and he nods "Will he be okay with-" I shut up when Atsushi actually picked up. "Hello." He says and I hum as Todomatsu starts talking with Atsushi before finally asking.

"Can we borrow your car to practice driving?"

I heard silence on Atsushi's line and I could only imagine what face he was making. Then I hear Atsushi sigh "uh sure." He says and Todomatsu turns to me with a smile. I smile back and sigh softly. When Todomatsu hung up and laugh softly "He sounded so unsure." I say with a smile and Todomatsu hums before chuckling. "Yeah..he almost sounded nervous." He says and I hum.

When Atsushi arrived he greets us with a smile. "Okay. So who is driving first?" He asks and I shyly back away "I'll go first. She's a little nervous." Todomatsu says and Atsushi hums "okay that's fine." He says before we all got into the car and I sat in the back nervously watching Todomatsu as he drove. He actually drove pretty well. Which made me even more nervous.

When it was my turn I swallow my nerves and went to the front. "You going to be okay y/n?" Atsushi asks and I nod "just nervous." I say and he hums "well don't be so nervous. You'll do fine." He says with a smile and I hum before taking a breath before slowly starting the drive.

I was slightly clutching the wheel as I drove. Atsushi glances over with a hum but doesn't say anything till we reach a red light. He pays my hands lightly and I hum "relax. it's not good to clutch the wheel." He says and I took a breath before relaxing my grip. "There you go. You were gripping so hard that your knuckles became white." He says with a smile and I smile softly. "Thanks." I say softly before continuing to drive when the light turns green.

We continue driving and I saw Atsushi glance to the side. He hums a bit and I drive forward after getting another green light. But a car running a red light crashes into us. Luckily the didn't hit directly on the side, rather more towards the front where the engine was. I let out a scream of shock and fear along with Todomatsu. Atsushi looks to me "You two okay? You aren't hurt?" He asks and we nod "we are okay." Todomatsu says and I hum in agreement.

I watch Atsushi become angry as he and the guy driving the other car got out. I glance at Todomatsu and we got out to. "Why don't you watch where you're going you dumb bitch!" The guy yells and I cower back "Don't yell at her! Unlike you she was following the rules! You are the one who ran a red light you asshole!" Atsushi yells and Todomatsu and I look at him in shock.

We have never seen Atsushi angry before but he seemed pissed. "Look at what you did!" Atsushi yells and the guy hums "It's just a car. You look like you could afford to repair it." The guy says and Atsushi growls "That's beside the point! I don't care about the car because yes I can pay for it. The reason I'm pissed is you could've have hurt my friends and that's way worse!!"

Todomatsu and I just watch them argue back and forth before police arrived. Not long after that the issue was dealt with when police talk with the guy. Atsushi called for a ride and as we wait I was looking down. "Oi. What's wrong?" Atsushi asks and I look up at him "Sorry about your car." I say and he sighs before messing up my hair. "It doesn't matter. As long as your okay." He says and I smile "besides what happened you both did really well and as long as you're careful on the test."

He turns to us both with a smile "I'm sure you'll get your licenses." He says and I smile with Todomatsu. "Thanks for letting us practice." Todomatsu says and I nod "yeah thank you." I say and he nods "no problem."

Thanks to Atsushi letting us practice we were able to pass our test and despite the accident I didn't let it affect me during the test.

So I passed with flying colors and I was so happy about it.

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