He's a Homewrecker part 2 (Angst with happy ending)

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For CryptOfDrawings
Warning: contains dark material and sexual material.

I let out a sigh as I sent my now 10 year old daughter, Ella, off to school. Karamatsu came up to the door and kisses my cheek. "I'm heading off to work. I'll be home at around 8 tonight." He says and I nod before waving goodbye. I close the door and walk around our house. Through my pregnancy with Ella Karamatsu was so supportive and helpful. He gave me what I needed and when she was finally born he was so happy to see her.

But she's not his.

I know because I had tests done and it came back showing that she is in fact Ichimatsu's daughter. Not Karamatsu's. I told Ichimatsu this and he actually helps me with her from time to time when Karamatsu was at work. Karamatsu loves his brothers so he was very willing to let Ichimatsu help. Though there was secret that he didn't know that didn't have to do with Ella.

Ichimatsu and I still had sex behind Karamatsu's back.

Was it wrong? Yes. Was it cheating? Yes. Did I feel bad? Yes...and no.

Yes I felt bad because Karamatsu was a sweet guy and then there was Ella. But also no because I'll admit Ichimatsu made me feel amazing and I couldn't get enough. He got me addicted. So I pull out my phone and call Ichimatsu over. All the brothers had moved out even him. He had his own apartment near the pet store he worked at. His apartment also happened to be near my house.

So after I made the call he was over here in a matter of 10 minutes. I open the door and quickly pull him in. I close the door and he pulls me into a kiss. I hum and wrap my arms around his neck. He purrs and lifts me up before walking to the bedroom. He pins me to the bed and while he removes my clothes I remove his until we were completely naked.

I turn over onto my hands and knees before leaning onto my forearms. I wiggle my hips and smirk "Come on and fuck me Ichimatsu~" I purr before moaning as he thrusts in and immediately starts to pound me. That's another thing, he was so much rougher than Karamatsu and I preferred it rough but Karamatsu didn't seem to have a single rough bone in his body. He just couldn't be rough.

When we came to a stop we lay on the bed trying to catch our breath. "Hey" I hum and turn to him "do you even love Karamatsu anymore?" Ichimatsu asks and I hum "I mean I care about him and he is very nice" I glance at him and snuggle up to him "but as far as love goes I think those feelings have changed...because now I think I love you now." I say and he hums before moving to hover over me again.

"Well I love you too." He says before purring and kissing me deeply. I moan and pull him close. I spread my legs and he settles between them. He rubs my hips and I moan as he pushes into me again. He starts thrusting fast and hard. We didn't get that far as I heard the front door open and heard "Mommy! I'm home!"

I glance at the clock "oh fuck, Ella." I say and Ichimatsu hums before we both pull away. We quickly got dressed and fix ourselves. Ella walks in as I'm fixing my hair. "Hi mom. Oh hi uncle Ichimatsu." She says and Ichimatsu smiles before petting her head. "Hey kiddo. Well I should get going y/n." He says and I nod "I'll see you later." He says with a wink that Ella didn't see before leaving.

"Mom why was uncle Ichimatsu here?" She asks and I hum before saying "well mommy felt lonely so he helped me feel better since daddy is busy." I say and she nods "oh okay." She says before telling me about her day.

-Karamatsu's POV-

It was a day I had off work and y/n was out at the mall while Ella was at school. I decided to rearrange some files to pass the time waiting for y/n to return. As I was fixing files my eyes caught a file that held my daughter's birth certificate but I saw something else. It was a form for blood work and testing. I hum and look at it before noticing a number.

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