It's hard to say 🍋(Delinquent! Karamatsu x Tsundere! reader) Lemon

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For SnowflakesSunsets
I hope this is good.

I was with the matsuno brothers while we ate lunch. They were really my only friends. My own little friend group but Karamatsu was more than just a friend. He is actually my boyfriend. Yeah I know having a delinquent as a boyfriend can be a problem but it's nothing I can't deal with. Well I was sitting on the table edge reading as the brothers talk amongst themselves. Until Karamatsu spoke "y/n, what are you reading?"

I glance at him and hum "a book." I say with a blank expression and he hums "Well I can see that." He says and got up to walk over to me "I was asking for the specific name." He says before taking a peek over my shoulder. I blush and slam the book shut while he hums. "Oh..I didn't think you like reading those kinds of stor-" I cut him off by slamming the spins of the book onto his head "Shut it!" I yell and he steps back holding his head.

"Ow! Why hit me? I was only curious." I pout with a huff "I don't like when people glance over my shoulder. You know that." I say coldly before opening my book back up. I hear one of his brothers laugh and glance behind me to see it was Jyushimatsu. Then I hear Ichimatsu grumble something out in his unintelligible voice. I whip around with narrowed eyes set on him.

"I heard that! And I am not!" I yell and he snickers before grumbling the same thing. I saw Jyushimatsu chuckle again and I huff. "I am so confused. What is he saying?" Choromatsu asks and I click my tongue. "Ichimatsu is saying that I'm a Tsundere." I say and the brothers glance at each other before snickering, even Karamatsu.

"What?" I ask and they look at Karamatsu who turns to me. "You are a little bit of a tsundere darling." He says and I blush before turning away from them with a hmph. "Tsundere~" Todomatsu says in a snarky tone and I shot him a cold glare before going back to reading.

Karamatsu hums and moves in front of me before pushing my book down. I look up and gave him a blank stare. "Why?" I ask and he smiles before leaning in to kiss me softly. I squeak softly and he pulls away with a smile "You are a tsundere, but that isn't a bad thing." I hum and he kisses my forehead

"it's kind of adorable."

I blush and pull my book back up to read. He chuckles and pats my head. "I love you." He says and I blush harder but keep silent. He hums before sighing. Lunch continues like normal with the brothers talking and I was reading. I'll be honest I felt bad that I didn't respond to his I love you but I just push that to the back of my head and forget about it.

Until Karamatsu brought it up.

I was at their house just chilling when Karamatsu broke the silence with a question. "Y/n, Why is it you don't say I love you back?" I turn to him with a look of surprised and the brothers glance between the two of us. "I think we should go." Osomatsu says before leaving followed by the rest of the brothers. I turn back to Karamatsu and glance away. "Y/n. answer me." He says in a low tone.

I look down and rub my arm before he stood up. I glance up to see him walk over and sit in front of me. He had a serious look on his face with crossed arms. "Y/n please answer me. Whenever I say I love you I never get a response from you." He says and I glance away. He sighs before saying

"Do you even love me?"

I turn my gaze back on him and my eyes widen when I saw how truly sad he looked. I shook my head and reach out to hold his face. "Of course I do." I say and he hums "then why don't you respond...I can't help but feel like you don't really love me." He says and I went to speak but he adds on "Is it because I'm a delinquent?" He asks and my eyes widen before I hug him tightly.

He gasps and I pull back "Of course not you Baka! I don't care that you're a delinquent! I have never cared about that!" I yell as I held his face in my hands and he stares at me surprised. "I'm sorry that I don't say it's just that it's hard to say." I say and he hums "What do you mean?" He asks and I drop my hands with a sigh. "...It's hard for me to say I love you...I don't know why but I struggle with it...I hate it because I always feel bad when you say it and I don't-Huh?"

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