Help me, Mr. Osomatsu 🍋(Alpha! Teacher! Osomatsu x Omega! reader) Lemon

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For BadEnglishGirl7
Osomatsu: 28 years old
Reader: 18 years old

I was at my table peacefully drawing as I ate my lunch. I heard a few girls whispering and I sigh when I heard something familiar. "I can't believe she hasn't gone through heat." It was the truth. I am an Omega, 18 years old, and I have never gone through heat. Most Omegas go through heat at 14 so I was a late bloomer.

I ignore the gossip and continue drawing until the bell rang. I was walking down the hall when my stomach started feeling weird. I shrug it of and continue walking. I round the corner and run into someone.

A strong, musky scent fills my nose before I pull away to see Mr. Osomatsu. "Oh hello Mr. Osoma-Ha~" I cut myself off and cover my mouth as I fell to my knees. My body suddenly felt hot and that scent from before got stronger. I look up at Mr. Osomatsu with a concerned face. "Y/n are you ok-oh~" he pauses and places a hand over his mouth.

"W-What's w-wrong with me?" I whine and I saw a gleam in his eyes before he shook his head. "Come on. Let's get you to a recovery room." He says before picking me up and heading to the nurse's office. A recovery room but those are only meant for Omegas in...oh god..I'm in heat. I think and whine as heat floods through my body as I start sweating.

After getting the key from nurse Ichimatsu I was brought to one of the rooms. He lays me on the bed and goes to leave but I whimper. "W-Wait~ Please~ D-Don't leave me~" I whine and he looks over "I..I'm scared..I have never..don't leave me alone." I say with a whimper as I clutch the bedsheets. I hear him sigh before hearing the door close. I thought he left until I hear footsteps and feel the bed dip.

I felt him scratch my head before turning my head to face him. "You aren't alone." He says and I turn to snuggle up to him. He tenses and sighs shakily "sh~ it's okay~ I'm here to help~" He coos as he scratches my head and I look up at him with lidded eyes. I reach up and grab his hand. He hums and I look him in the eyes as I lower his hand to my hip. He glances down and gulps before moving to squeeze my ass.

I bite my lip with a gasp and push my face into his neck. He hums before moving his hand into my pants and underwear. "I'll only help you a little bit." He says and I hum before moaning as he rubs my soaked pussy. I feel him tense and hear him groan. He didn't think it would be so wet already. He gulps and slowly strokes my pussy. I bite my lip and grind against his hand.

"Oh~ Mr. Osomatsu~ M-More~" I moan and he pauses before pushing two fingers into me. I moan and clutch onto his back. I glance at his neck and immediately lean in to lick and chew on his neck. He jolts and pants softly before growling softly. I squeak softly as he turns to pin me to the bed. I look up at him with a blush as he slides his glasses off.

"You really want my help y/n?"

I blush and reach my arms out "Please help me, Mr. Osomatsu~" I purr softly and he leans in "Then I want you to do something for me" He says and I nod as he leans in sniff my neck, inhaling my sweet scent. "I want you to call me Osomatsu~" I nod and moan as he licks my neck. "Oh~ Osomatsu~" I moan and he hums before yanking my clothes off.

I blush before pulling him down into a kiss. He hums and pushes his tongue into my mouth. I moan as he pushes against my tongue and pull him closer. I moan as he pushes three fingers into my pussy. I pull back with a whine as he pumps his fingers. "For your first heat your pretty wet~" he purrs before licking my neck.

I moan and buck my hips "Oh~ Osomatsu~" I moan and he looks at me "Please~ I need more~ Give me more~" I moan and his eyes widen before he strips down. I squeak softly as he pulls me closer by my hips and lines up with my pussy. I moan as the tip of his dick nudges my pussy before he plunges deep into me.

I threw my head back with a wail of pleasure as I grip the bedsheets. I gave a loud moan while pulling Osomatsu close to me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he grips my hips as he pants heavily with a growl. He starts to thrust and I grip his back as I moan. Since this was my first heat I felt nothing but pleasure. I moan as I feel him lick my neck.

I moan out and scratch his back hard. He growls and moves my legs onto his shoulders. He looks down at me as he lifts my hips. I moan as his dick hits deeper than before. I moan out and whine as he thrusts harder. At the same time he hit my g-spot. I threw my head back with a squeaky moan. "Oh Osomatsu!~ There!~" I moan out and he bites his lip before digging his nails into my hips. He gave a moan before he starts to pound me.

"Oh~ I can't stop~ Oh god you keep sucking me in~" he moans before letting go of my hips and leaning down to kiss me. I pull away with a moan as he pounds me. My tongue lolls out and I scratch his back as pressure builds up. "Ah!~ Osomatsu!~ I'm about to cum!~" I moan out and he moves to my neck as he thrusts faster. "Oh yes!~ Oh Osomatsu~ Oh yes!~" I whine as I start drooling.

I glance at him to see he had this totally wrecked look with a lolled out tongue and all. "Oh~ I'm gonna cum~" he moans and I noticed that he seemed to be contemplating something. "Fuck it. I'm gonna do it." he mutters and I hum before biting my lip as he pounds me even harder than before. I felt my stomach tighten up and whine out. "Oh Osomatsu!~ I'm cumming!~" I moan out as I arch my back and scratch his back.

His thrusts started becoming deeper but sloppy. Then he suddenly bites my neck. I yelp as he bit down hard leaving his mark as I gave a soft whine. He gave a final thrust, pushing deep into me before stilling. I hum as I felt the base swell. He gave a drawn out moan as he came deep inside me. I moan softly and shudder as I feel him cum inside me. He pulls off my neck, panting softly, before he licks the mark he left.

After a minute I realized two things. 1) he just tied with me 2) he marked me, bonding us together. I look at him and he must have seen my surprise. "Sorry if I'm asking a bit late, but will you be my mate?" He asks and I blush before hugging him. "It's okay and yes, I would love to be your mate." I say and he smiles before tensing. He glances to the floor and looks at me.

He lifts me onto his lap and moves to sit on the edge. "Sorry but I have to check something and I can't pull out yet." He says and I nod before hugging him as I nuzzle his neck. I saw him pick up his phone and sigh " seems that Choromatsu was able to cover my class...but man he's pissed. Heh." He says and sets his phone down.

"Are we in trouble?" I ask and he shook his head "He'll understand." He says and I look down "no..I mean..won't we get in trouble because of.." I trial off and he hums "Oh..y/n look at me." I look at him and he kisses me "you won't get in trouble. The most I'll get will be a warning since this has happened before to other people." He says and I look at him surprised.

"Yeah this situation happens more often than you think." He says with a chuckle before kissing my cheek. "So relax y/n." He says and rubs my hips "and let me know if you need my help again?" I nod and kiss him.

I definitely wouldn't have thought that with my first heat I would've got a mate.

nor did I realize I would get pregnant.

Welp, live and learn.

Even though I had gotten pregnant I wasn't worried as I had a mate who was more than willing to help me through it. Seems that luck was in my favor as I not only got an amazing, loving mate but I had a healthy baby boy.

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