Lost Memories part 2

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I was sitting with Karamatsu at his place with my head on his shoulder. I jump as the door was slammed open to reveal Osomatsu and Ichimatsu. Karamatsu looks at them and hums "What?" He asks and Osomatsu narrows his eyes "Karamatsu this has to stop." He says and I look at him with a hum. "What do you mean?" Karamatsu asks and Ichimatsu clicks his tongue but doesn't say anything he just stares at me with a sad look.

"You know what I mean. Ichimatsu has informed me that you are the reason y/n doesn't remember their relationship." Osomatsu says and I hum with a head tilt "Our relationship? We never dated." I say and I saw Ichimatsu look at me with a disheartened look on his face. "We figured out how to restore her memories but before we do it. Why in the world would you alter her memory to forget Ichimatsu was her boyfriend?!" Osomatsu yells and I went wide eyed before turning to Karamatsu.

Karamatsu turns away from Osomatsu and says nothing then Osomatsu says "What would lead you to do that? What did we ever do to you for you to-" Karamatsu whips his head around with a glare and stood up with his hands clenched into fists. "WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" He yells which startles all of us. "What did you ever do to me you ask! You constantly make fun of me! You treat me terribly!" He yells at his brothers and I cower back a bit

"And Ichimatsu is the worst! He is always breaking my sunglasses, he is always hurting me in some way, and he takes my stuff!" He yells and Ichimatsu stares at him surprised while Osomatsu hums "but that's no reason to take Ichimatsu's girlfriend. I mean that stuff isn't even that bad." Osomatsu says and Karamatsu clicks his tongue "not that bad. That not bad! You guys ended up putting me in the hospital at one point because you threw things! At my head! And knocked me unconscious!"

Both brothers went silent as Karamatsu huffs "you guys have put me through hell and yet I would try to brush it off but he" He points to Ichimatsu "he pushed me to the breaking point. So I decided to teach him a lesson and take something he cared about." Karamatsu looks from Ichimatsu to me before sighing "go ahead and restore her memories of you want. I don't care anymore." He says as he leaves the house with a slam of the front door.

I almost went after him but walk up to Ichimatsu. "What just happened?" I ask and he sighs "I..I messed up..that's what..Can you go check on him Osomatsu-niisan?" Ichimatsu asks and he nods before rushing out of the house. Ichimatsu turns my head to face him and sighs before mumbling "let's hope this works." I hum before squeaking softly as he leans in to kiss me.

My eyes widen and tears left my eyes as memories came flowing back. I hum softly and close my eyes as I kiss him back. I wrap my arms around his neck and he held my waist pulling me close. I pull away and held his face "oh Ichimatsu..I'm so sorry. You must have felt so lonely and sad." I say and he smiles before hugging me tightly. "I'm just glad to have you back." He says and I smile before humming.

"What's wrong?" He asks and I glance to the door. "I'm concerned for Karamatsu...he may have overreacted a little bit but you aren't exactly nice to him." I say and he hums "Ichimatsu I'm not asking much but I think you should apologize to him." I say and he glances at the door before sighing. "Ichi. He's your big brother." I say and he smiles softly "yeah..I guess you're right."

So when Osomatsu and Karamatsu came back Ichimatsu gave his best apology. I was surprised along with Karamatsu to learn the reason Ichimatsu would be the way he was around Karamatsu.

He was jealous.

Ichimatsu has been jealous about how Karamatsu could be so confidence in himself when Ichimatsu struggled so much to have self confidence yet it seemed to come easy to Karamatsu.

The situation was made sadder when Karamatsu sad that he only acted confident so his younger brothers could have someone to look up to and someone to come to if something was wrong.

Needless to say both brothers were shocked to hear the truth from each other. Yet Karamatsu smiles and pulled Ichimatsu into a hug. Though Ichimatsu was apprehensive at first he hugged Karamatsu back.

It's funny that this could have been avoided if Ichimatsu has talked to Karamatsu instead turning his jealous into resentment towards Karamatsu.

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