The Babysitter (Matsu Bros x reader)

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For FWPlacencia
This story involves Age AU where the reader is 21
Osomatsu- 18
Karamatsu- 16
Choromatsu- 13
Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu- 10
Todomatsu- 4

I was walking to the Matsuno house to start my first babysitting job. When I got to the door I was met with the mother. "Oh good. You're here." She says before letting me in and I look around at the house. "Okay So all the boys are currently at school but Todomatsu is asleep upstairs and I suggest letting him sleep." I nod and she continues "when the boys get home don't let Jyushimatsu upstairs as he might wake Todomatsu. Karamatsu, Jyushimatsu, and Ichimatsu may need help with homework." I nod and she lead me to the kitchen.

"Now as far as food the older boys can obviously feed themselves but Todomatsu's food should be in the fridge and his snacks are in the pantry. Now Jyushimatsu loves sweets but don't give him to much." She says and I hum "okay. Noted." I say and she smiles "and of course you may help yourself to anything in the fridge or pantry if you get hungry. I also left enough money for the week on the counter and some extra if you wish to order something to eat." She says and I smile.

"Thank you Mrs. Matsuno. I've got it cover." I say and she gets a slightly concerned face before her husband calls her out of the house. "It's fine. I can handle it. Now go enjoy your vacation." I say as I lead her to the door and she leaves with a wave. I shut the door and decide to go up to check on Todomatsu. I walk up to the room and walk over to the bed.

I saw him sleeping soundly while clutching onto a bunny plush. I cover my mouth to suppress a squeal. "So cute~" I mumble and gently pat his head before leaving. I decided to grab the money Mrs. Matsuno left and I was surprised at how much she gave me. "Wow. This is more than enough." I say before placing the money in my purse.

I heard the door open and walk over to the door to see two boys. They looked to be about 10. I smile and walk over "Hello you must be Jyushimatsu and Ichimatsu." I say and they turn to me after removing their shoes. Ichimatsu shies away behind Jyushimatsu. "Yep! I'm Jyushimatsu! Are you our babysitter?" Jyushimatsu asks with a wide smile and I smile back.

"Yep that's me. Now your mom told me that you have stay downstairs because Todomatsu is asleep." I say and he hums "Aw I wanted to see my little brother! But okay!" He says before walking to the living room leaving a very shy Ichimatsu. I crouch down to his height and smile "so you must be Ichimatsu." I say and he nods "Well Ichimatsu how about you join your brother and I can help with your homework. Okay?" I ask and he smiles shyly before walking to the living room with me following.

Like promised I help them with their homework before hearing the door open again. I look over to the door and saw the rest of the brothers. "Oh hello. Welcome home." I say with a wave and they look at me. "I'm y/n and I'll be your babysitter for the week." I say and they hum "Well I'm Osomatsu and this is Karamatsu and Choromatsu." Osomatsu says with a blush and I nod with a smile.

"I was just helping your little brothers with homework. Do any of you need help?" I ask and Karamatsu shyly raises his hand "Uh yes I do." He says and I smile before patting the spot beside me. "Then come sit down hon." I say and I saw a faint blush before he sat down between me and Ichimatsu who was silently working on his homework. Choromatsu and Osomatsu sat at the other end of the table to do their homework.

As I help Karamatsu I felt a tug on my shirt and turn my head to Jyushimatsu. "Did I do it right?" He asks with that wide smile and I look over his answer before messing up his hair with a smile "yes you did. Good job." I coo while he laughs softly and I glance up when my ears pick up on a faint whimper. I got up and excuse myself to walk upstairs.

I walk into the room and saw that not only had Todomatsu woken up but he dropped his plush and was looking for it. So I walk over to him and pick up the plush that fell off onto the floor. I hand him the plush and he grabs it "Thank you." He coos and I smile "you're welcome. You hungry at all?" I ask and he nods so I stand up but he makes grabby hands.

I coo at the cute gesture and pick him up before walking downstairs. "Look who woke up." I say and the brothers smile with Jyushimatsu standing up to greet his little brother. "Hi Todomatsu!" He says and Todomatsu coos out "Hello." before I walk to the kitchen. I went to the pantry and grab one of Todomatsu's snacks. I bring him to the living room and sit down with him in my lap as he ate.

"Soo y/n." I look up at Karamatsu who was blushing faintly and I hum "h-how old are you?" He asks and I giggle softly "I'm 21." I say and he looks surprised "Oh? So you're 3 years older than me? Cool." Osomatsu asks and I nod "Yep, you are 18 right?" I ask and he nods with a smile. I turn to Karamatsu who was thinking "So that makes you 5 years older than me?" He asks and I nod "Yeah, why?" I ask him and he blushes

"N-No reason."

Eventually night rolled around and I had to get everyone to bed. The only one who was causing an issue was Osomatsu. "Osomatsu. Please go to bed." I say and he shook his head as he leans against the wall "You're older than them and yet you are acting childish right now." I say and he chuckles "I am not. I just don't want to sleep." He says and I sigh before moving to tuck Jyushimatsu into bed. At least he was in bed he just wouldn't sleep.

After tucking him in a kiss his forehead "now please go to sleep." I say softly and he nods before turning onto his side. I saw him close his eyes and I was surprised at how quick he fell asleep. I went over to Osomatsu and he hums "What do I have to do to get you to sleep?" I ask but I wasn't really expecting an answer. He hums and turns his face poking his cheek.

I sigh and cross my arms with a smile "Really?" I ask and he smirks "if I kiss your cheek will you go to bed?" I ask and he nods so I shrug. "Okay fine." I say and he turns his face to the side. I lean in to kiss his cheek but at the very last second he turns his head. So I end up pecking his lips. I pull back and cover my mouth. He gave a cheeky smile and I roll my eyes "You smug, cheeky bastard." I whisper and he chuckles.

"I may be but that was worth it. I'll go to bed now." He says and I hum "you better." I say before walking to the guest room to get some sleep.

I'll admit what he did was a clever way to get a kiss.

Though I just hope he doesn't try that again.

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