Sleepover (Girlymatsu x Shy! Female! reader)

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For HayleyBarreiro

I can't believe I actually did it. I finally got the courage to ask my girlfriends to come over and spend the night. It took a week of hesitation before I could ask them but I was glad that I did. Though now I was rushing around getting things cleaned up. I was also worried that I would embarrass myself in front of them.

When I heard knocking on the door I jump slightly before rushing over. I open the door and peek out to see Osoko and the others. "Oh hi" I say and Osoko smiles "Hello, you going to let us in?" She asks and I nod before opening the door to let them in. "Hello sweetheart~" Karako coos before kissing me when she enters my home. I blush and hum as the others come in.

When I closed the door I was startled when Jyushiko suddenly hugs me tight. "Hi y/n! How's our sweet girl?" She says and I blush "I'm are you guys?" I ask softly and they smile "We are doing pretty well." Todoko says with a sweet smile and I hum before pulling away from Jyushiko. "So you guys excited for tonight?" I ask and they nod before I see Choroko reach into her bag.

"I brought a few movies!" She says happily and pulls out three different types of movies; A romcom, A horror, and one that I didn't recognize. "Hm? What's that one?" I ask pointing it out and the others look as well. "Choroko!" Osoko yells and yanks the movie away from her. "We are not watching that!" She yells and Choroko whines softly "Aw why not?" She asks and Osoko looks at me.

"Because y/n would die of embarrassment." She says and Choroko hums "Oh yeah, well maybe another time." She says before putting the movie away. "Wait but what was it?" I ask and Karako hums "it's best you don't know dear." She says and I hum "okay...well let's watch the romcom then the horror flick." I say and I saw Ichiko light up.

So we all set up in the living room and Choroko was setting up the first movie. I sat down on my sleeping bag with Osoko on one side of me. The other girls were, quietly, fighting over who would sit on the other side of me. I could hear them and was blushing as they fought over me. Until Jyushiko, who has left to use the bathroom, just walks over to sat down beside me and hugs me tight.

I blush softly and glance at her. I saw the girls glare at her but she narrows her eyes at them with a sly smirk before she kisses my cheek. I blush hard while the others just sat down around us. I could feel the lipstick mark on my cheek and that made me blush more. "Oh I guess I left a mark." Jyushiko says before wiping the mark off.

The romcom was actually very sweet and halfway through Osoko wrapped her arm around my waist and laid her head on my shoulder. "Um..What are you doing?" I ask shyly and she hums "just getting comfortable~" she coos before kissing me softly. I blush softly but smile before shyly resting my head on hers. When the movie ended we all decided to take a break to change into our pajamas.

I went to my bedroom to change and when I came back I blushed. They all looked cute in their pajamas. Todoko, Karako, Choroko, and Jyushiko had their hair down and The ones who wore makeup had washed it all off. They looked so beautiful. They all had natural beauty. They all turn to me and smile. "You going to come over and sit down?" Todoko asks as she brushes her hair out. I smile shyly and nod before walking over. I sat down between Ichiko and Karako.

In the long run I shouldn't have watch the horror flick. I thought I could handle it but it was actually really scary. I ended up clinging onto Ichiko and burying my face into her shoulder. When night rolled around I got into my sleeping bag. The sleeping bags were set up in a circle and I was between Choroko and Todoko. We all chatted for a bit before we went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up with a yawn and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I open the door and froze when I hear the shower running. I open my eyes and widen. I didn't have curtains for my shower only a glass door. So I could see the figure of Karako as she showers. I squeak softly and blush which gains her attention. She turns her head and opens the door a bit.

"Hey y/n, I hope you don't mind me using your shower." She says and I was silent "No I d-don't mind. I w-was j-just gonna t-take a shower but I'll just-" "you want to join me then?" She asks and I blush hard "eh?" She laughs softly "if you were going to take one any way." She says and I blush "hey we are both girls so no biggie. It's up to you though." She says and closing the door.

I hum and sigh before closing the door. She did have a point. We were both girls...but we were dating too. I shrug off my shyness and strip down before hopping in behind her. She hums and turns her head. "Here." She says before moving me under the shower head. "Let me wash you up." She says and I hum "oh o-okay." I say and she hums before reaching out grab some shampoo.

I stood there a blushing mess as she washes my hair. When that was done she starts to wash my back. When she rinses the soap off I squeak softly as she kisses my shoulder up to the nape of my neck. "You are so cute when you're shy~" she coos and I blush before squeaking as her hands roam up my body to cup my breasts. "Such a beautiful girl~" she turns to me and kisses me softly.

"I love you y/n." She says before hugging me from behind. My face turns red and I felt like my eyes were spinning around in my head. "I l-l-love you t-too..c-can we um g-get o-out now?" I ask stuttering like crazy and she hums "hmm yeah, as much as I love this. We should get out." She says with a smile and I smile softly before we both got out.

When we got dressed and head out of the bathroom I saw the others had waken up. Choroko looks over at us with a smirk "What were you doing?" She asks and I blush "We were taking a shower." Karako says and I blush harder "By her blush I think something else happened..but she is really shy soo" Osoko says before trailing off and I blush lightly.

I'm glad she didn't press the issue or I would have died from being flustered.

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