I will never leave you (Highschool! Choromatsu x reader) Angst

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For Icry_stars

I was walking home with my boyfriend and his brothers. We were talking and Ichimatsu was making me laugh like usual until Osomatsu asks "So you want to come over again or can we come to your place this time?" He asks and I giggle before shoving him "you say that like I haven't let you come over before." I say and he hums "Well you have only let us over like three times in the time we've known you." He adds and I hum.

"Well that may be true but I would rather just hang out at your place since my place is an apartment." I say and he hums "not to mention it's not even that big of an apartment." I add and hug Choromatsu's arm "To our place then?" Choromatsu asks and I nod before kissing his cheek. "Just let me text my brother." I say and they nod. I sent him a quick text and he says it's okay.

So we continue walking to go to their house. After getting homework out of the way we mostly just chill in the living room. "So y/n are your parents still on that trip?" Karamatsu asks and I hum before putting on a smile. "Yep! Not that I mind. b/n is a great big brother. He is so nice and caring." I say with a soft smile and Jyushimatsu chuckles "at least you guys get along better than us." He says and I giggle "well we have our arguments but we never stay mad at each other." I say and look down with a fond smile.

"He understands me and knows how to make me smile. He knows the best way to make me feel better when I'm at my worse." I pause and lay my head on Choromatsu's shoulder "and he is very supportive of my relationship with Choromatsu. I love my brother so much and he loves me just as much." I say and the brothers all smile at me. "How old was he again?" Todomatsu asks and I laugh softly.

"Well he is 5 years older than me so he's 23." I say and they hum "How so he's an adult?" Osomatsu asks and I hum "Yeah, why?" I ask and he chuckles "nothing. It's just cool that he can make his own decisions. All on his own." He says and I giggle "Well so can we. He just has a little more independence." I say with a smile before humming as a got a text. I pull out my phone to see it was from my brother.

>You still with the brothers?

I smile at my brother checking up on me and text him back. "I'm going to text with my brother for a bit. Don't mind me." I say and Choromatsu smiles before patting my head. They talk amongst themselves while I text my brother.

>Yes. Why do you need me home?

>No. Stay there a little longer and I can pick you up.

>You okay b/n?

>yes just stay with the brothers and don't come home. I'll pick you up today.

>Why do you need me to stay home?

I was a little concerned when he left me on read and that typing bubble popped up before disappearing. Then after 4 minutes he texts me back but not with an answer to my question.

>I love you y/n❤️

I hum in confusion but text him back quickly with

>I love you too b/n❤️

Again he left me on read but didn't respond this time. Now usually I would leave the conversation alone once we exchanged "I love you" but I got a bad feeling. "Um guys. I think I want to go home now." I say and they hum "Why?" They ask and I hum "Well my brother said for me to stay but I have a bad feeling." I say and they hum before Choromatsu calls out

"Hey mom. We're going to walk y/n home now." He says and their mom peeks in "Oh okay. Just be back by dinner okay?" She says and Choromatsu nods before we all stood up. We head out of the house and walk to the apartment complex. I walk in with the brothers and take the elevator to the second floor. I felt my stomach hurt with a bad feeling the closer I got to my apartment.

When I got there I froze and stare at the door. "What's wrong?" Choromatsu asks and I stare at the door that was ajar. "The door. My brother never leaves it open, not even a crack. Even if we are in the apartment." I say and back up "I don't trust it." I say and glance at Jyushimatsu. He nods and gently pushes the door open "it's okay. we are right behind you." He says before the door opens all the way.

My eyes widen and my mouth went agape when I saw that our apartment had been trashed. I step in with the brothers who were just as surprised. "Woah...maybe this is why?" Osomatsu says and I look at him with a hum "he probably came home. Saw that you guys had been robbed and wanted to clean up and deal with it. He probably didn't want you getting upset or scared." I shook my head and look around.

"No no we have both dealt with something worse than this..I'm going to check our room." I say and they nod before they look around at the damage. I walk up to our bedroom door and saw the door was ajar. Before I could even open it two guys I recognized as b/n's friends walk out. They look at me and went wide eyed. "Oh fuck. I forgot about his little sister." One mutters before the both run away but I yell for the brothers to stop them.

Thank goodness Jyushimatsu and Ichimatsu heard because they both stopped the guys. Once they were stopped I walk back to the bedroom and nudge the door all the way open and let out a loud shrill scream. I hear footsteps rush over and I stare in shock.

In the room was b/n.

He was on the floor bleeding out.

I was screaming and crying as Choromatsu and Karamatsu made their way over. I hear gasps from them before Choromatsu pulls me close and covers my eyes. "Don't look. It'll make it worse." Choromatsu says softly while backing away and I let out uneven breaths and gasps before falling onto my hands and knees before throwing up.

I was panting heavily and gagging as I was close to hyperventilating. Choromatsu rubs my back and whispers soothing words before turning to Karamatsu. "Call the police. Now." He says and I saw Karamatsu run off. Choromatsu pulls me close and I hug him tightly as I cry my heart out.

The police got here very quickly and it was then that we found out what happened. The guys who were b/n's friends apparently had a bit of a drug problem and tried to get money from my brother. They got into a fight in the living room which explains the reason the room was trashed. My brother locked himself in our bedroom where he started to text me until the picked the lock and he sent his last text before they killed him.

Yeah they killed him.

One of the had a pocket knife and used it to stab my brother 5 times, 3 in the gut and 2 in the chest, they had pierced his heart.

Now I was sitting outside the apartment complex waiting for the police to finish their job. Karamatsu also called his parents so they would be here soon as well. Choromatsu pats my back as tears left my eyes. "...that's it I have lost everything." I mutter and Choromatsu hums "What do you mean?" He asks and I sigh sadly "I lost my brother...Now I have no one left to watch over me." I say and he hums "what about your parents? I mean once they come back-" "they aren't going to come back."

"What?" He asks and I saw his brothers look over. I sigh and turn to them "They aren't coming back because they are dead too." I say and their eyes widen. "They were leaving for a trip like 2 years ago. It was more of a business trip so I stayed with my brother...but the plane they took..had a malfunction with the engine...the plane crashed and no one survived." I say and they look at him shocked.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Choromatsu asks holding my face and tears leave my eyes with a whimper. "I..I don't like talking about it...even to people I can trust..I never want to remember what happened so I don't talk about it." I say and start crying again "and now b/n is gone. Now I don't have anyone." I say with a whimper and I hum as Choromatsu lays his forehead on mine.

"Y/n. Look at me. Look me in the eyes." He says softly and I sniff softly before looking him in the eyes. "You still have us and we aren't going anywhere. I know things are very bad right now but you have us." He says softly and I sniff before smiling softly. "That's true." I say before hugging Choromatsu and he hugs me back.

"Thank you...I love you Choromatsu." I say softly as I bury my face into his shoulder while he rubs my back. "I love you too. Just remember that we are here for you" He says before whispering

"most importantly, I'm here for you and I will never leave you alone."

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