Writer's Block 🍋(Todoko x Writer! reader) Lemon

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For Mimiwolf_xiao

I let a groan as I sat at my computer with word document open. I was a pretty popular writer and I was currently trying to come up with some ideas for my new book. As I let out a sigh the door of the apartment and I turn my head to see my roommate and best friend. "Oh hey Todoko." I say and she hums "Hey! Guess what?" She says with a smile before walking up to me.

"What?" I ask and turn around in my chair "I was invited to a party today." She says and I hum "that sound be fun." I say and she nods "and you're coming with me." She adds and I stare at her "Huh?" She smiles and nods "..I'm not going." I say and she whines "please, it'll be fun. Plus you need a break." She says and I hum before glancing at my computer.

"You haven't even written anything yet." I sigh and she turns me around "Y/n. You have writer's block. You need a break to clear your head." She says and I hum "Okay. Fine." I say and she smiles before pulling me up. "Great! Let's get changed!" She exclaims before pulling me to my bedroom. I gave a sigh but smile at my friend's behavior.

She had me change into a slim red dress that stopped just above my ankles. She changed into a simple strapless pink dress that stopped at her knees with a white shawl. I was surprised when I saw her with her hair down. Anytime she had her hair down I would always find myself staring at her. I mean she had such beautiful long hair and the fact she was a brunette made it better. I absolutely loved brunettes.

When we got to the party it was nice and the people were friendly but I felt out of place. I found the host and asked if there was somewhere I could go to clear my head. She nods and leads me to the guest room. I smile and gave her a thank you. I sat down on the bed with a sigh. "Why did I come here? I don't know anyone here." I say before humming "oh right because I didn't want to upset Todoko." I say with a soft smile.

Todoko is one of my best friends and we have been friends since we were young. When I jokingly asked if she wanted to get an apartment together I was actually overjoyed when she said yes. I loved Todoko so much and I have had a few close calls. One being before we left for the party today. She was having trouble with the zipper of her dress so I helped her.

As I zipped her up my eyes went to her bare shoulders. I remember blushing and almost kissed her shoulder. Luckily I snapped out of it and quickly zipped her up.

So not only did I have writer's block but my mind was clouded with thoughts of Todoko. That was one reason I couldn't focus lately. She was just so cute. I put my head in my hands with a sigh and hear the door open. I look up and blush when I saw Todoko. "Hey you okay y/n?" She asks as she closes the door and I shook my head "not really." I say and she hums before sitting down by me.

"What's wrong?" She asks and I sigh "I can't think straight. So I came here to clear my head." I say and she hums "What are you thinking about?" She asks and I hum "Nothing really." I say and she hums "You sure~" I turn my head and saw she had a smirk on her face. "Y-Yes." I say and she giggles before scooting closer. "You're blushing. It's cute~" She coos before leaning in. I lean back slightly back she quickly leans in to kiss me.

My eyes widen before closing with a hum. I wrap my arms around her neck and she held my waist as she deepens the kiss. She smiles and moves back to the middle of the bed before moving to be on top. She pulls away "T-Todoko" I say softly with a blush "I know you have a crush on me y/n. Though I'm starting to think it's more than a crush now." She says and I blush harder when she leans in to kiss my neck.

"You love me don't you?" She asks and I smile softly as I run my hands thorough her hair. "I do..I love you." I say softly and she hums while kissing my neck. I hum and giggle softly as she lowers my dress strap to kiss my shoulder. I move my hands to pull off her shawl and move to kiss her neck. She moans softly as I lick her exposed shoulder. I toss the shawl to the floor and she sat us up with a smile.

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