The Bite (Karamatsu x reader)

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I was at the Matsuno house hanging out when Karamatsu suddenly rushes into the house clutching his arm. He rushes past us towards the bathroom where he slams the door. I follow him with concern as he had a face of panic. I knock on the door and he shyly opens the door. "What happened? You okay?" I ask and he hums "I could be better. A dog bit me." He says and my mouth drops "oh dear, let me help." I say and he nods before letting me in.

I stare in shock at the bite mark. It was a deep bite and it was bleeding a lot. I rush to grab some bandages and wash his arm off. "Did you see what type of dog it was?" I ask and he winces as I wrap the bandage. "I don't know it looked like one of those huskies. But I swear it looked like a wolf." He says and I giggle "well it can't be a wolf. Wolves aren't common in Japan or not in the city at least." I say and he smiles before nodding.

After bandaging the wound we went to the living room where we just had the normal chatter and did the usually stuff we did while hanging out. Until I had to head home before leaving I told Karamatsu to keep an eye on that bite in case it got infected. He gave a simple thumbs up and I head home.

The next day when I came to visit I was a little early. I open the door and stare in shock. The living room was completely wrecked. The table was flipped, the door had a hole in it, the floorboards were torn up, need I go on. I let out a shocked scream which woke up the everyone in the household. Everyone came running and upon seeing the mess yell in shock.

Matsuyo and Matzuo immediately call the police while the brothers go into a slight panic. "What the hell happened?" Osomatsu yells as we look around the room. "Did someone break in?" Todomatsu asks and I hum "not likely. Look at the floor." I say and everyone does so. "Those are claw marks. An animal was in here." I say before a shriek came from the kitchen.

"Mommy!" Karamatsu shouts before rushing to the kitchen and we follow him. We made it to the kitchen we saw a bigger mess. "Oh my god!" We yell in shock and Matsuyo stares in shock. All the cabinets and the fridge was opened. The kitchen was trashed. The kitchen was raided and all meat products were gone. What was shocking was that some bones and remains of the meats were just thrown around.

"Okay..we are definitely dealing with an animal.." I say and feel someone clutch onto my arm. I turn to see Todomatsu clutching onto me in fear. "W-What a-animal can open doors?" He says as he trembles and he had a good point. I don't know many animals that can open doors that also happen to eat meat. "Hmm..I don't know." I glance at all the brothers to see them all looking pretty scared. Even Ichimatsu looked scared.

"Okay I'm not sure what's going on about until we figure it out I can have you guys stay with me." I say and they look at Matsuyo who nods "Your father and I can stay here. If the animal comes back we'll deal with it." She says and I nod before turning to the boys "Well I guess you'll be staying with me for a bit." I say and they smile.

When the police arrived we explained what happened and they nod before saying that a house across the street complained about the same thing. That made me really worried. What kind of animal was this? Well the police said that they alerted animal control and they would keep an eye out for anything unnatural.

I was now at my house leading the brothers to their rooms, yes I had 6 extra rooms. They seemed happy to have their own rooms and seemed very thankful. As night rolls around I was checking on each of the brothers when I got to Karamatsu's room I saw him sitting on the bed. I walk over to see him looking at his bandages. "You okay sweetheart?" I ask and he smiles "of course I am alright. The bandage are just a little irritating."

I smile and giggle before leaning in to kiss his cheek. "Well don't worry. I'll look at it in the morning and we can see if it's healed." I say and he nods. I smile and kiss him softly before pulling back with a hum. "You okay?" He asks and I nod "Yeah. Not to be rude honey buut your breath kinda smells." I say softly and he blushes before cover his mouth. "Sorry." I just kiss his cheek and smile "it's okay. Night Karamatsu." I say before heading to my room.

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