The Dangers of Jealousy (Karamatsu x reader) Angst

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For CryptOfDrawings

The reader is Totoko's younger twin(fraternal) sister. Totoko is insane in this.

Warning this oneshot will have darker material than I usually do for oneshots and I mean it.

Totoko and y/n were returning from school with smiles on their faces. Their parents greet the twins and ask for their report cards. Y/n happily and eagerly produces the card from her bag. She hands it to her mom while Totoko hesitantly gave hers to her dad. The dad hums "Well it could be better dear." He says while the mom beams "oh honey look at y/n's grades." She says and the dad looks before smiling.

Both parents pet the girl's head while she smiles "good job sweetie. All A's again." The mom says and the dad smiles proudly "we are so proud of you y/n." While the three of them were smiling and such Totoko glares with her arms crossed.

Totoko hates that y/n was the favorite child. A golden girl.

She was always the favorite and always will be.

-y/n's POV-

I humming out a tune as I walk home. On my way there I ran into Karamatsu. "Hi Karamatsu." I greet with a blush and he smiles "hello y/n. You look beautiful today." He says and I scoff "oh please, these are my work clothes." I say and he chuckles "Well the outfit looks good." He says and I smile "Yeah, I love working at the café. We get to dress up every now and then."

We ended walking together as we talk. When I got home I hum "well I'll see you later Karamatsu." I say and he nods "see you later." He says and I hug him before going inside. I sigh fondly before heading to my room. I loved that man so much. I just wish I could ask him out already. As I walk to my room I bump into my big sister Totoko. "Hi Totoko." I say with a smile and she hums.

"Oh hey." She says with a smile "How's the idol thing going?" I ask and she glances away "it''s a work in progress." She says and I smile before giving a thumbs up. "Well I'm rooting for you." I say before heading to my room.

-Totoko's POV-

"Tch. I hate her. She acts like she's sooo special." I say as I pace my room "She thinks she is so much better than me." I say before humming "I need to take her down but how? How should I-" I trial when I came up with a plan. I smirk and giggle "Ohh that'll definitely destroy her...but how should I do it?" I ask myself and smirk

"I'll hit her at her weak points and break her."

-Y/n's POV-
(A week later)

I was laying on my bed crying as my parents try to calm me. "Honey it's okay." Mom says as she rubs my back "your mother's right. It's just a job dear." Dad says and I sniff "b-but I loved that job..and they didn't even tell me why I was's so unfair. I did nothing wrong." I say before wailing and slamming my face into my pillow.

"Oh dear. Look how about you work in the fish shop. We will pay you." Mom says and I look up at her. I sniff and sit up "y-you'd do that for me?" I ask and they nod "of course, anything to help our little girl." Dad says and I smile "Dad, I'm not little anymore and I'm not that younger than Totoko." I say and they smile.

"Feel any better?" Mom asks and I nod "hey I know. How about you go out with Karamatsu today?" My dad asks and I blush "He does always seems to make you happy." My mom says and I nod "yeah, you're right." I say and stand up to hug them. "Thanks. I know just what to do too." I say and they smile before I rush off to see him.

When I got there Karamatsu answers the door and I smile "Hi Karamatsu, would you like to go see a movie?" I ask and he hums "right now?" He asks and I nod "Sure. I'd love too." He says with a smile and I smile before we head off. I let him chose and of course he chose the romcom. Not that I was complaining.

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