Mischievous Devil 🍋(Devil! Osomatsu x reader) Lemon

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For FWPlacencia

I was working my shift at a local bookstore. I enjoy working here because I love to read and I love helping people find the perfect book for them. It was a simple reason to love this job. I will admit though some days it would get boring because it wasn't busy that wouldn't stop me from being happy as I would just read or something to occupy myself.

"Enjoy your new book and have a good day!" I say as I wave bye to a customer. I gave a sigh and glance around before tensing up. "Huh? You okay y/n?" Amy, my supervisor, asks and I hum "Oh yeah I'm fine." I say with a smile and she hums before going back to checking books. I turn my head back to where I was looking. I'm not fine. I'm not fine. Why is Osomatsu here? Sure no one besides me can see him right now but why is he here?! I told him to stay home!

I watch him as he hovers around the store and see him smirk at me when he caught me staring. I look away and pull out a book since I wasn't busy. As I was reading I didn't notice Osomatsu fly over to me and I didn't notice that he was standing behind me. I did glance to the side to see his hand resting on the counter, drumming his fingers against it. I glance behind me to see him with a devious smirk.

"Hello y/n." He says with a smile and I bite my lip before turning back. I couldn't answer him as I knew no one else could see him. I didn't want to seem crazy when talking to him. I hear him hum before chuckling. It was then that I noticed his other hand wasn't on the counter but rather on my waist. What is he doi- my thoughts were cut off with a squeak. "You alright y/n?" Amy asks and I nod "I um..just got to a good part in my book sorry." I say with a faint blush and she laughs softly "Oh it's okay." She says and I smile softly but felt myself sweat nervously.

Osomatsu has moved his hand to my ass and had squeezed it which made me squeak. I blush and move forward a bit but it didn't help. I was trapped between the counter and a mischievous devil. He hums and lays his head on my shoulder. "You can't escape my love y/n~" he purrs before kissing my neck while fondling my ass. I blush and bite my lip to prevent the sighs and soft moans.

Until he moves his other hand up to squeeze my right breast. I let out a soft gasp and drop my book as I cover my mouth. Amy turns to me with a look of worry. "Y/n, are you sure you're alright?" She asks and I gulp "I-I'm fine." I say with a shakily smile as Osomatsu licks my neck and grinds up against me. "But you're turning a bit red in the face and you seem out of breath." She says and I hum "Really. I'm ok-AY!~" I blush hard and lean over into the counter.

Osomatsu had moved his hand into my pants and underwear and was currently rubbing my, at this point, wet pussy. Amy moves to me and lifts my head. "Oh dear, you are heating up. You must be sick." She says and I try to argue but end up whining as he pushes two fingers into me. "Okay that's it. I'm sending you home. Go clock out and I don't want to see you back until you are better."

I could Osomatsu's smirk as he finally stops and I stood up. Knowing that I couldn't argue with Amy as she is my boss I clock out and head home with Osomatsu following me. He was hovering beside me with a smirk while I had a slight frown. He pokes my cheek "Oh come on~ Don't be mad~" He coos and I sigh as I open my front door. "You are ridiculous." I say and close the door once he enters.

We walk to my room and he chimes in with "I mean judging by how wet you were you seemed to enjoy it." I froze beside my bed and he walks up behind me. "Something wrong y/n?" He asks and I whip around with a blush before pushing him down into the bed. "I never said I didn't like it~" I coo and lean down "You just chose the wrong place to mess with me~" he smirks and chuckles "I'll keep that in mind then~"

I held his face and kiss him deeply. He purrs and held the back of my head, threading his fingers in my hair, as he pushes his tongue against mine. I moan into his mouth and reach my hand down to lay on his hard dick. I pull away with a blush "I could feel this push up against me before." I say before moving to settle between his legs. I rub his dick through his pants and he sat up with a groan.

"Hehe you're so hard~" I purr before unbuckling his belt and pulling his pants off. I smile and bite my lip when I saw his erection strain against his underwear. I lower my head to lick his dick through the underwear and he moans softly. I smile and lightly suck on the shaft not yet taking his underwear off. He moans as I continue to tease his dick through his underwear.

When I felt like I teased him enough I pull his underwear off and he gave a smile of relief. I smile back before taking him into my mouth. He hums and lays a hand on my head. I hum and slowly bob my head with my tongue swirling the shaft. "Y-Y/n~ oh~ Fu-Ah~" he moans and I pull off with a smile and pull off "Feel good?~" I ask teasingly and he blushes but moans as I stroke his throbbing dick.

"Oh~ it feels so good~" he moans and I grin before his dick back into my mouth. I bob my head slowly as I pump the base. I hear his breath hitch as I bob my head flicking my tongue against his tip. "Oh~ t-that f-feels good~ Ah~" He moans as he grips my hair. I push my head further down and Osomatsu moans. I hum as an idea comes to mind causing him to gasp from the vibration.

I pull off and pull off my shirt and bra. He hums and I push my breasts together with a smirk. He glances from my breasts to his dick before he grins and nods. I smile and move down, placing his dick between my breasts and push them together. He bites his lip with a moan as I slid my breasts up and down. He moans and leans back on his hands. "Oh~ keep doing that~" he moans out as he bucks his hips. I smirk before leaning in to lick and suck the tip.

I look up to see his eyes were lidded and rolled back. I smile when I saw hearts in his eyes. "F-Fuck~ I'm a-about t-to cum~" He moans and I pull my breasts away to push my head down to the hilt. He moans and grips my hair as he thrusts into my mouth. I felt his dick twitch and hear him groan as he slams my head down to the hilt. "Fuck~ I'm cumming~ Ha!~" I whine as his cum spilled into my mouth and down my throat. I pull away and gulp it down as my thighs push together.

I hum and push my bottoms off while he removes his top so both of us were completely bare. I smile and lean down to kiss him deeply. He moans as I grind against him before pulling away. I smile and lift my hips to line my pussy up with his dick. I lay my hands on his chest and lower myself onto him. He moans softly when I push myself down to the hilt. I moan softly and start to bounce on him. He moans and held my hips as he slowly thrusts up into me.

"Oh Osomatsu~ Ah~ you feel so good~" I moan and he smiles before thrusting faster. I moan and lay my hands beside his head. I roll my hips and bounce faster while he moans and grips my hips. "Oh!~ Osomatsu!~ Harder~" I moan before he sat up and pins me down. I moan out as he starts pounding me. I moan and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Ohh yes!~ Osomatsu!~" I moan out and he kisses me deeply. I moan into his mouth and felt him lift my hips. I pull away with a moan as he hits my g-spot. "Oh!~ There!~" I moan out and scratch his shoulders as he continues to hit my g-spot. "Oh~ That's it~ Who do you belong to?~" he purrs and I moan "Osomatsu!~" I moan out and he smirks "you're mine~" he purrs as he bit my neck "Oh yes!~ I'm yours!~ I'm all yours!~" I moan out and he sits up.

He lifts my hips and pounds me roughly. I moan out and bite my lip with a smile. "Oh yes! Ha!~ Osomatsu!~" I moan out as I lock my legs around his waist. I smile as his tongue lolls out. "Oh~ I'm gonna cum~" he moans and I hum "Go ahead~ Release all of your cum inside me~" I purr and moan as he thrusts faster and deeper into me. I moan and grip the bed as I was about to cum as well.

Then he moves to grip my waist as he pushed in to the hilt with a loud moan. "Oh y/n!~ I'm cumming!~" he moans before he came inside me and I bite my lip with a whine as my back arches. I moan and shake slightly as I came. Both of us were panting heavily as he pulls out and collapses on top of me.

He holds me close and moves us under the covers. I hum and wrap my arms around him. "I love you Osomatsu." I say softly and he kisses my forehead. "I love you too y/n." He says and snuggle up to his chest. "Do you think we could go another round?" He asks while rubbing my thigh with his tail and I look up at him. I smile and hug him "Just let me sleep first and then we can go again." I say and he nods before hugging me.

Osomatsu may be a mischievous devil but I love him so much.

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