Akuma Rider! Osomatsu x Shy! reader🍋 Lemon

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For BadEnglishGirl7
Shy is used loosely in this story😅

"Goodbye. I'll see you tomorrow sir." I say before leaving work to go home. As I was walking I got this feeling like something was going to happen. I shrug it off and continue walking. As I pass by an alleyway someone grabs my wrist and pulls my back into the alley. I was about to scream before a hand covers my mouth. "Don't scream." I hum and glance up to see a familiar face.

"Osomatsu?" I ask muffled and he smirks "Hello y/n." He says and removes his hand "why can't you just call me when you want to talk?" I ask and he shrugs "because it's fun to see your startled reaction." He says and I roll my eyes with a smile. "You realized if I actually screamed you'd be in trouble." I say softly as I turn around and he nods before kissing me.

I squeak softly and wrap my arms around his neck. I shyly deepen the kiss and he hums before moving to push me up against the alley wall. I pull away and moan softly as he kisses my neck. "How about we go to your place?" I ask softly and he nods before pulling away. I watch in awe as he summons his motorcycle. He got on and I get on behind him. He revs the engine before driving out of the alley towards his place.

I wrap my arms around his waist and shyly lay my hand on his crotch where he was starting to get hard. He grips the handlebars with a soft growl as I slowly stroke him through his pants. I giggle softly and lick his ear. "Oh~ you're gonna get it~" he says breathlessly and I hum as I twirl the chain hanging from his choker. I lean in and lick just above the choker making him hum.

When we got to his place he picks me up, hands resting on my ass, and walks into the house. When we got to his room he threw me on the bed and hovers over me. I saw the hunger flash in his eyes before his eyes turn red. I look at his "demonic" appearance with a smile. I reach my hand up to run a finger up the side of his horn. He shudders slightly and I smile before wrapping my arms around his neck.

He kisses me deeply and I moan softly. My lips felt like they were on fire as he licks my bottom lip but it was weirdly pleasant. I felt his hands slip under my shirt and I blush softly as his hands slide up to my bra. I shyly push him back so I can pull my shirt and bra off. He hums and pulls his jacket off before snapping his choker off. He kisses me deeply and lays me back on the bed.

I wrap my arms around his neck and trail my hands through his hair to his horns. I run my finger up and down his horns and he hums as he bit my lip. I shyly open my mouth and his tongue immediately claims it's territory. I began stroking his horns while he grinds up against me. The grinding only added to his arousal as he groans softly before pushing my hips closer.

I could feel the hardness in his pants and I blush but smile with excitement, albeit a little shy as well. I felt myself becoming wet as he dry humps me and I heard Osomatsu sniff before pulling away. I blush and shyly cover my face. I forget how keen his sense of smell is. He continues sniffing his way down my body till he reached my clothed pussy. He inhales deeply and moans softly. He pulls my pants off and saw my wet underwear. I blush harder and he pulls my hands away. He smiles and I saw his eyes flash red before shoving his face between my thighs.

I moan softly and tremble as he starts licking my pussy through my underwear. Then he groans and rips my underwear off pushing his tongue into my tight pussy. I whine out as his tongue pumps in and out of me. I bite my lip and lightly grip his horns before pushing his head down. He moans when I did this and grabbed my hips, pushing his tongue deeper.

"Ah!~ Osomatsu!~ I think I'm gonna cum!" I moan and he nods gripping my hips, pushing me closer to his face. "Go on. Cum for me~" it may have been muffled but I heard it. I grip onto his horns tightly as I came with a whimper. As a result Osomatsu moans and I saw him buck his hips. He pulls away with a smirk and sat up to wipe his mouth before kissing me softly. I shyly kiss him before pulling away and push lightly on his chest.

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