Omega! Delinquent! Todomatsu x Alpha! Male! reader 🍋 Lemon

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I was walking around the city when I saw Todomatsu. I immediately felt angry because earlier in school he was being snarky and trying to start a fight. He kept saying that I wouldn't fight him because we were on school grounds. Now that we weren't I storm over to him. "Oi Todomatsu!" I yell and he turns to me before turning around and walking off. I follow him and he glances back before full on running away.

I growl and chase after him even as he swiftly turns down an alley. That was a bad move for him as the alley was a dead end. I storm up to him and he turns around with a nervous look. "You think you are so clever. Picking a fight with me and then saying how I can't fight on school grounds. Well guess what." I say and push him up against the wall. "We aren't in school now." I say and see him squirm against my hold.

"What? Oh now you're scared of me?" I say and lean close "You were so confident before what changed?" I ask lowly and I was surprised when he whimpers "l-look y/n I'm sorry..I w-won't do it a-again but please...I need to get something." I stare at him and take in his appearance. It was only then I noticed how bad he was shaking on top of sweating a lot. Then I also noticed a new scent in the alley. A sweet one. "...what did you need to get?" I ask as I let him go.

He looks away nervously and covers his mouth. "...I needed to get more suppressants..I ran out this morning." He says with a faint blush and I step back covering my mouth and my nose. "Wait..don't tell me you're an omega." I say and he nods "...okay I'll help you..but we need to be quick." I say and he looks up before backing away. "Oh no no not like that. I meant I'll go with you and protect you." I say and he hums "'re an alpha right?" He asks and I nod "that's why we have to hurry...before your scent starts to affect me."

He nods and we go to the store with me protecting him to the best of my ability. When we got the suppressants I walk him home and we made small talk. "Soo are any of your brothers omegas?" I ask and he nods "only Ichimatsu-niisan." He says and I hum "really? I'm guessing that Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu are betas." I say and he nods "yeah they are." He says and I hum before hearing Todomatsu chuckle "Ichimatsu sometimes says that even if he's an omega he doubts any alpha would even want him because of how he looks."

"Heh. I'm sure he'll find someone. He doesn't even look that bad." I say with a smile and I saw Todomatsu blush lightly before looking away. "Yeah." He says and we approach his house where he was brought in by Jyushimatsu and Choromatsu while Osomatsu and Karamatsu glare me down. "What?" I ask and they huff "nothing." They say but Karamatsu adds on "you better not have done anything to him." Before slamming the door in my face. "I guess they were just worried I took advantage or something." I say and shrug before walking off.

It's been a while since I helped Todomatsu and he actually talks to me regularly. I would even consider him a good friend of mine. Well today was I day where I stayed behind after school to clean the classroom. Though I was surprised, along with a lot of the class, that Todomatsu offered to help me. So we were both cleaning the desks before we move to sweeping the floor.

As I was cleaning my desk a familiar scent fills the air. I look at Todomatsu who had his back to me as he cleans the desks. I noticed that he seemed to be working at a slower pace though. I got up and stare at him "Todomatsu." I say and he hums. I frown as I heard the tremble in his tone. "Are you in heat again?" I ask and he nods slowly. I walk over with a stern look setting in on my face. "You took your suppressants right?" I ask and he shook his head.

My eyes widen and I turn him around to see how much his heat was currently affecting him. "Why wouldn't you?! Are you crazy?!" I shout before covering my mouth and nose. "Where are they? If we're quick I can-" "no." I look at him to see him blushing heavily. "I don't w-want to take them." He says and I shake my head "What? Why? If we don't get your heat controlled. I will lose my self control." I say as I look away from the vulnerable state he's in.

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