She is Loved (Highschool! Matsu Bros x Little Sister! reader)

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For misstrishx
The brothers are septuplets in this and reader is the youngest.

We used to be so close. We cared about each other and loved one another no matter what. We are septuplets and so we looked out for each other.

So why is that when we reached high school we changed and started avoiding each other.

Niisans...why aren't you talking to me.

Do you not love me anymore?

I sat up from my dream with a gasp and held my chest. I sigh and hug myself as I glance around. My brothers really had changed. They don't talk to me anymore because they are busy. We don't hang out anymore because of the same reason. I felt so lonely. Were we drifting apart. I couldn't let that happen.

We are septuplets and we need to look out for one another.

The next morning was the same. Complete silence as everyone ate breakfast before we had to go our separate ways to school. When we finished I try to follow Osomatsu to talk but he tells me to leave him alone and walk with someone else. I try the same thing with the others and was met with the same response.

This lead to me walking alone. All alone. I grip my bag as tears leave my eyes. My hand moving to hold my wrist. I wasn't loved. They didn't care. Was it because I was the youngest? Was it because I was a girl? Was it both? I wince as I grip my wrist to hard. I pull my sleeve up a bit and sigh in relief. "Thank god I didn't open the cuts." I say to myself before walking into school.

I couldn't focus in class. Not that in mattered we were close to graduation anyway. Maybe I should study abroad and get away from my brothers if they don't care. So when the teacher asked about it I raise my hand. Filling out the form was easy. I chose to go to South Korea. Not too far from Japan but far enough. When lunch started I went up to the roof top to clear my head.

I laugh softly when I thought of the times I went up there and thought of just jumping. You know to just end it all but I always stop because I thought of my family. When I open the door and my eyes widen when I saw my brothers fighting. I drop my lunch and cover my mouth in shock. My feet move on their own before I run over to stop them.

"Hey! Please stop it!" I shout tearfully and try to pull one of them back. I pull Osomatsu back by his arm and clutch onto his arm. Begging him to stop. He shocked me by roughly pushing me off. I stagger back into the railing. Which should've stopped me but I fell back over it with a shrill scream.

Everything seemed to move slowly.

My teary eyes widening as I fell back.

My brothers turning with shocked expressions.

Them running and shouting as they try to catch me.

Shockingly Karamatsu caught my wrist but it was a weak grip. He grunts and tries to pull me up but neither of us could get a good hold to pull up. The others try to help Karamatsu but they couldn't do much. I could feel my hand slipping through both of his. I stare up at him with teary eyes and he looks me in the eyes. That's when I noticed a problem.

If I let go I would fall.

But if I didn't both Karamatsu and I would fall to our deaths.

In my mind I made my decision and smile. I look up at them and smile as tears leave my eyes. "I love you guys...I'm sorry." I say and they look at me confused before I pull my hand from Karamatsu's grasp. He watches in shock as I fell but I just smile before closing my eyes as I fell and slam into the pavement below.

-3rd person-

The brothers stare in shock before Choromatsu and Todomatsu run to tell a teacher even if people were already starting to surround what remains of y/n. Their little sister. Students were screaming and crying, teachers were in a panic and trying to usher students away.

Karamatsu felt sick to his stomach and threw up onto the rooftop. Ichimatsu just stood frozen before helping Karamatsu as he cries. Jyushimatsu froze before turning to Osomatsu in anger. Jyushimatsu storms over and punches Osomatsu before gripping the front of his uniform, shaking him. "What were you thinking?! You just pushed y/n off the roof!!"

"I..I didn't mean to..I just" Jyushimatsu yells cutting a teary eyed Osomatsu off "She was trying to stop you! She was trying to stop our fight that you started!! And now she's dead because you acted before thinking!!" Jyushimatsu let Osomatsu go and pants heavily from the anger

"Y/n is dead because of you!!"

Ichimatsu stood up after hearing that and tries to calm Jyushimatsu before Osomatsu runs off in tears. He knew he was at fault but he didn't mean it. Karamatsu stood up with downcast eyes. "This is what she meant." He says and the two remaining brothers look at him. "She was afraid that we were growing to distant...that we didn't care about each other anymore...she was right."

Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu look at each other before dropping their heads. All three brothers hurry downstairs to meet the others as y/n was put into an ambulance. Of course the doctors confirmed that she was dead but said it probably for the better because if she had survived she would've been miserable the rest of her life.

Though the doctors had asked the family if this was a suicide attempt. The family was confused and said no. Apparently they thought it was because of the deep cuts and scars on her arms and wrists. That shocked everyone in the Matsuno family.

They didn't know.

After her funeral and burial the brothers stay behind in the rain as they mourn the loss of their precious sister. They loved her so much but never bothered to say it. Oh how they wish they had. They wish they could have her back so they could shower her all the love and care she so desperately needed.

A loud wail came from Osomatsu as he fell to his knees. Of all the brothers he felt the worst. He was the eldest he should've known something was wrong and never should've pushed her away. "I'm so sorry! T-This is all my fault!" He wails and his brothers move to comfort him. Then Osomatsu jumps as a hand lays on his head. It was a familiar touch.

He stood up and turns around to see y/n but she was different. She had this bright, heavenly glow around her. Her dress was a white version of she had been buried in. Lastly she had these beautiful wings folded up behind her. She tears up and smiles "I'm sorry that I had to leave you guys like that." She says and her brothers stare at her.

"But it feels nice to hear guys truly did care about actually loved me..I'm sorry that you guys had to lose me." She says as she began to cry as she wipes her eyes the brothers all move to hug her.

Each of them saying how much the love her and how much they cared before saying goodbye. The last one to saw goodbye was Osomatsu. He wasn't moving so y/n walks up to him and hugs him.

"I forgive you Osomatsu-niisan. I love you so much and I hope you know that even in death I will be watching over you. All of you."

That broke Osomatsu as he wails loudly and clutches onto his little sister. He kept crying out apologies as he hugs her and she just hugs him back until "I..I love you too...I'm sorry I didn't say it enough...I'm going to miss you...goodbye y/n." He says softly and y/n smiles tearfully. That's all she needed to hear before she pulls away.

"I love you too. All of you. Thank you."

With that she faded away with a thankful smile on her face. Though once she completely faded away a voice fills the air a single sentence.

"We will see each other again."

The brothers never truly got over her death but they kept living for her. Even though Osomatsu struggled for a few months with help he continued living for his little sister.

Every day despite her being gone each brother payed respect to her memorial they built for her. The payed their respects by saying the simplest thing. Every day the would tell her they loved her.

She is loved and she will continue to be loved even in death.

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