An Aggressive Omega 🍋(Omega! Highschool! Jyushimatsu x Alpha! reader) Lemon

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For Angeldiary16

I was walking around enjoying the weekend. Don't get me wrong I liked school as it gave me the chance to see my boyfriend, Jyushimatsu, but weekends were the best. I loved the weekend because I got to relax. The fact that summer break was just around the corner also made me enjoy the weekend even more. I let out a sigh as I walk into a store and walk over to the fridges. I pick out two strawberry ramunes.

I walk out off the store as I pop my drink open. I take a sip as I continue my walk but stop abruptly when I pass by an alley. A sweet scent fills my nose and I shook it off. "No I can't let scents affect me. I have a boyfriend and-" "get off of me!" My head turns to the alley when I heard my boyfriend's voice. I hum and walk into the alley.

My eyes widen when I saw Jyushimatsu punch a man before quickly getting pinned to the wall. I shook my head as the scent was stronger and it was then I realized. The scent was coming from Jyushimatsu. He was an omega and the guy pinning him is an alpha. I snap out of it when I hear a whimper from Jyushimatsu before he growls out "Fuck off."

"Hey!" I shout getting the alpha's attention and I growl before slamming the ramune bottle against the wall. breaking it into a makeshift weapon. I walk over with a scowl "you let my boyfriend go. Now." I growl and he hums "Boyfriend? Really?" He asks and I nod "yes. My boyfriend." I say and he looks me up and down. "Hmm you're an alpha as well. Correct?" He asks and I nod

"Then you have to agree that this scent is very captivating." He says and looks at Jyushimatsu with a predatory look in his eyes. I growl and slash his arm with the broken bottle. He lets go of Jyushimatsu with a wince and point the bottle at his face. "Even if that is true. That is no excuse for you to force yourself onto an omega in heat. Especially if they try so hard to push you away." I say lowly and he huffs.

"Fine. I'll go. He's too aggressive for an omega anyway." He says before storming off and I turn to Jyushimatsu. He was sitting against the wall hugging his legs to his chest. I crouch down and drop the broken bottle before lifting his face. He looks at me with a heated look and I hum in concern. I reach into my bag and give him the other ramune.

"Here. Drink this and let's get you home." I say and he nods before grabbing the bottle. I help stand him up and help him walk out of the alley. I glance at Jyushimatsu every now and then as he silently drinks the ramune. When we got to his house I help him in and we went to the living room. I sat him down and sit in front of him. I decided to finally break the silence.

"Why didn't you tell me you are an omega?"

He places the now empty bottle down and sighs "because omegas are seen as weak." He says and I hum "Omegas are seen as inferior compared to alphas or betas...I decided not to say anything when I found out because what happened to Todomatsu." He says and I hum "What happened?" I ask and he sighs

"When he first went into heat Ichimatsu and I had to save him from an alpha who was trying to...I don't want to even think about that anymore...well he tried to justify himself by saying things like "if he didn't want it he shouldn't have left the house during his heat" and how "omegas are only good for reproduction." Ichimatsu and I agreed to keep quiet about how we are omegas."

I stare in shock before crawling over to hug him making him tense at first before he hugs me back. "I'm so sorry that you were told that because it is not true..not anymore at least..nowadays everyone are equals when it comes to our second gender." I pull back and cautious kiss his forehead "you are anything but weak. Just because you are an omega doesn't mean you aren't important." I say and he smiles softly.

He blushes heavily and glances away "um...maybe you shouldn't be so close..I am in heat so.." he trails off and I hum as I feel his erection press against my clothed pussy. I look at him before I make a suggestion. "You know if an alpha marks their omega, the omega doesn't go through heat as much." He turns to me with a hum and I blush "really?" He asks and I nod " if I mark you your heats won't be as bad and other alphas will know to leave you alone."

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