Clothing Swap (Karamatsu x Tomboy! reader)

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For LunaSnow118

I was at my boyfriend's place looking through his clothes. What? He had good taste in clothes. Mostly I was looking because I wanted to try on something of his. He was currently in the living room wearing something of mine. Which was a simple (favorite videogame) t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. It looked nice on him to be honest. He looked relaxed as well.

Anyway at the moment I had on his blue jeans and was deciding if I should wear his black tank top or his white shirt. I shrug and walk downstairs to ask his opinion. Though when I got to the living room I saw his brothers looking at him confused. Probably because the chance in his fashion. Then they saw me. I gave them a wave and turn to Karamatsu "Hey Kara. Black or White?" I ask and he hums.

"Ohh hmm...I think black would look good on you dear." He says and I gave him a look before sliding the tank top on. I toss the white shirt at his face and laugh "What have I said about using words like dear?" I say with a smile and he chuckles "oh but I can't help it. Your reactions are just too cute~" He coos and I walk over to smack his head before kissing him.

"Um Karamatsu..What?" Osomatsu says looking confused and he smiles "Sorry this is y/n. She is my girlfriend." He says and Jyushimatsu tilts his head "She's pretty!" He says and I smile "Thank you, not many guys think I look "pretty" when I dress like this" I say gesturing to the clothes I was wearing and the ones on Karamatsu. "Oh you guys swap clothes?" Todomatsu asks and I nod.

"He finds my clothes comfy and I just like his style. Plus the fact that I'm a tomboy. I don't mind swapping clothes with my boyfriend." I say with a smile and they hum. "That is interesting." Choromatsu says and I nod "yeah and because I don't wear tight clothing he can wear them no problem." I say and they nod "Well that's pretty cool I guess." Osomatsu says and I smile

"It is cool because it can come in handy." I say and Ichimatsu hums "Handy? How?" He asks and I smile "I have my reasons~" I say with a small purr and Karamatsu blushes. "Anyways it's a lot of fun too." I say and Karamatsu nods "I actually agree with that." He says and I smile before hugging him. "I'm just glad that you're okay with it." I say and he kisses my forehead. "Of course I am."

Real talk though, how lucky am I that Karamatsu not only is okay with clothing swaps but actually enjoys doing it.

Answer: Very Lucky.

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