Love or Possession part 2: A Special Kind of Fun🍋 Lemon

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For Cookiemoonlight

I don't know how long I was asleep but I open my eyes when I felt a hand holding my face. I was still half asleep when I heard "She's so cute when she sleeps." from Osomatsu and "mmhm look at how peaceful she looks." From Karamatsu. I stir and whine softly after yawning. "Oh she's waking up now." Ichimatsu says and I open my eyes with a hum when I saw all of them had waken up.

"Um h-hi." I say softly and they smile. I glance at the window "it's still dark out. Why are you all up?" I ask and they look at each before smirking "We just wanted to have some fun but we had to wait for you to wake up." Osomatsu says and I sat up with a stretch "Fun? What kind of fun?" I ask before squeaking softly as I was pulled back onto Choromatsu's lap. I blush when Osomatsu lifts my head to look into my eyes.

"A special kind of fun~" He coos and kisses me softly. I hum and shyly kiss back before gasping when Choromatsu slips his hand under my skirt. "W-Wait why are you-" Osomatsu cuts me off by kissing me and my eyes widen when he pushes his tongue into my mouth. I hum and slowly wrap my arms around his neck. I pull away with a gasp when Choromatsu rubs my clothed core.

"Heh it's wet down there" I blush when he says that and moan as he rubs a sensitive spot. I buck my hips and shut my eyes "that f-feels w-weird~" I say before moaning softly "heh. I think she likes it~" Osomatsu coos and I blush harder as Choromatsu pulls my underwear off. "Then let's make her feel even better~" Choromatsu purrs before holding my legs apart. I blush and cover myself but Osomatsu pulls my hands away. "Don't be shy~" He coos and kisses me deeply. I moan into his mouth as he pushes a finger inside me.

"Ha, oh wow, she's really tight~" Osomatsu purrs and I whine as he pushes his finger in and out. I could feel my legs shake and I moan softly. Then after a bit I feel pressure in my stomach and I got little scared. I whine softly and grip Osomatsu's shoulders. "Wait! S-Stop! S-Something's w-wrong~ I f-feel like nah~" I moan and whine as the pressure builds up. Choromatsu held my hand and lightly kisses my neck.

"It's okay~ don't be scared~ you're just about to cum~" Karamatsu whispers before kissing my temple. I gave a loud whine and arch my back as the pressure released. I fell back against Choromatsu panting softly. Osomatsu smiles and kisses my cheek as he pulls fingers out before unbuttoning my shirt. I blush as he pulls my shirt off but I don't cover myself this time. I blush as they all stare at me with faint blush on their faces.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask and they smile "You're beautiful, that's why." Todomatsu says and the rest nod. "Can I have a turn Osomatsu-niisan!" Jyushimatsu asks and Osomatsu shrugs "I don't see a problem with that." He says before moving to the side and Jyushimatsu took his place in front of me. I look at him with a nervous smile and he smiles before cupping my breasts.

I blush and hum as he squeezes them "Ha! Her breasts are so big!" He says with a smile before pushing his face into my breasts and nuzzles his face into them. I smile shyly and glance away then he pulls away to kiss me deeply. I moan softly and push my thighs together with a whine. He pulls away "What's wrong?" He asks and I blush "I..I feel strange...down there.." I say softly and he hums.

The brothers all look at Karamatsu who hums. "If we are going to do this, one of us needs to ease her into it." Osomatsu says and Choromatsu adds "and you are good at calming her." I glance at Karamatsu and he hums before nodding "Okay." He says before Choromatsu moves to lay me down while Karamatsu sat down at my feet. His brothers sat down to the right of me. I hum in slight confusion as Karamatsu pushes my legs apart and settles between them.

"Uh Mr. Kara-" "no need to use formalities. Just call me Karamatsu." He says softly and leans down to kiss my neck. I moan softly and blush "O-Okay...K-Karamatsu?" He hums and pulls away to face me "W-What are you going to d-do?" I ask and he smiles before unbuttoning his pajama shirt. "I'm going to make you feel amazing~" I blush as he slides his shirt off before pushing his bottoms down.

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