Party Fun 🍋(Ichiko x Female! reader) Lemon

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For Mimiwolf_xiao

I was at a party that was taking place at my friend's, Ichiko, place. It was her birthday and our friend group wanted to throw a party for her. She didn't really seem to be enjoying it though. I was leaning against the wall with a drink in hand when Osoko walks over to me. She had a bowl of paper strips in it. "Hey y/n we are playing a game of 7 minutes in heaven. Want to play?" She asks and I shrug

"Sure, why not." I say and she smiles "Okay. Well pick out a paper but don't look at the name." I nod and dug my hand around before grabbing a random one. I hand it to her and she smiles "Well this will definitely be interesting. Here follow me." She says and leads me to Ichiko's room. "Sit down. I'll go get them." She says before leaving and I hum before sitting on the bed.

After a minute passes the door opens and Ichiko walks in. "Oh hey birthday girl~" I coo with a smile and she gave a sigh of relief before closing the door behind her. "Thank goodness it's you. I would have died if it was someone else..especially if it was a guy." She says with a shudder and I smile before reaching my hands out. "Come here Ichiko~" I coo and she walks over to hug me.

I hug her back and pull her into my lap. I hear a knock and Osoko says "Your 7 minutes starts now" She says and we smile "Okay!" I say as Ichiko lays her forehead on mine. "We are in my room~ you want to do it?~" she asks with a purr and I held her face "Oh yes~" I purr and pull her down into a kiss. She hums and wraps her arms around my neck.

I move my hands to her hips and reach around to squeeze her ass. She squeaks softly before leaning me back into her bed. She pulls away and stares down at me "What? I like the feel." I say and she chuckles before removing her accessories, earrings and stuff, and places them away. She leans down to kiss me softly and I wrap my arms around her neck. I thread my hand through her long black hair and deepen the kiss.

I sat us up and remove my blouse before working to pull her dress off. After tossing both clothing I move to kiss her neck as I undo her bra while she does the same for me. "Oh by the way. Who all knows about our relationship?" I ask and she hums in thought and from me cupping her breasts "um..Jyushiko, Todoko, and Choroko." She says and I nod "I guess that's no surprise. Though I think Osoko knows."

Ichiko smiles and bites her lip "Well if she doesn't, She'll know about it tonight." She says and I look up at her with a smile. "I love you so much Ichiko." I say lovingly and she smiles "I love you too y/n." She says and I move to take one of her breasts into my mouth. I massage the other as I suck and lick her nipple swapping after about a minute. She moans softly and pushes her hips down on mine. I pull away and took both breasts in my hands, squeezing them gently. I scoot back a bit before laying her back.

I tenderly kiss down her body and lightly lick her abdomen. She let out an airy sigh and a soft moan. I lower my head to gnaw at her thighs making her hum softly. I smile and kiss from her thighs to her clothed pussy. I push her legs further apart before licking her clothed slit. I heard her sigh and hum as I lick her through her underwear. I move up to lick and suck on her clit.

She pushes her hips down onto my face so I push my tongue against her now wet pussy. I heard her panting softly before she threaded her fingers through my hair. I hum and she moans softly before I gently pull her closer. "Y-Y/n~ P-Please~" I smile and pull off her underwear, tossing them to the floor. I push her folds apart and lick from her opening up to her clit.

She whines and pushes on my head. I laugh softly and move to push my tongue into her pussy. She moans as I pump my tongue in and out of her slick pussy. I reach my hand up and rub her clit with my thumb. She bucks her hips with a moan "y/n f-faster!~" I comply and swirl my tongue faster as well as push it deeper. Her moaning became frantic as she grips my hair.

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